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Dark Void


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I saw the title of the game and just *sighed* but then I saw that video and it has piqued my interest somewhat, especially with the way the music will supposedly be implemented, there is potential here... I hope it's realised and doesn't go to waste.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking forward to this quite a lot. It's not very often that there are games around that are likely to have a different feel and I'd much rather be picking this up rather than another over rated FPS.


Who's expecting to fly around like a bugget for the first hour of the game?

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  • 3 months later...

Dark Void Delayed to 'Avoid Competition'

Jet pack-tastic action game Dark Void has been delayed into 2010 "to avoid competition with releases of major titles of other companies," publisher Capcom announced today.


The Airtight-developed PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game was previously expected to hit North American and Europe by the end of September 2009, going by Capcom's past financial documents, with the title now due between January 1 and March 31, 2010.


Capcom also noted expectations that the game will sell 2 million copies by April 2010.


Q1 2010 looks like this now:

Splinter Cell: Conviction, Bioshock 2,Bayonetta, Red Steel 2, Aliens vs. Predator, Alan Wake, Dante's Inferno, Singularity, Mafia II, Red Dead Redemption, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MAG, Darksiders, Mass Effect 2, Sin & Punishment 2, White Knight Chronicles, Split/Second, Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2.

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In effect, it's only really Call of Duty because while Halo and Left 4 Dead 2 are big titles, Halo is out in September and Left 4 Dead 2 will be crushed by Call of Duty given their close proximity. I think it's a given that CoD: MW2 will be xmas number one easily. But why developers think moving titles to the first couple of months of next year will help sales is beyond me because as Dante has shown, it's gonna be even more clustered there than on the xmas line up and surely something like this would do better being release prior to xmas instead of afterwards, where there are loads of big releases.

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  • 5 months later...

I struggled a little with the controls, hitting LB to look at the nearest enemy and then trying to steer towards them, and right clicking and then pushing both sticks was pretty sweet but it just confused me most of the time. Also the QTE for close fighting with those disk things confused me, all it said was "B >> hold" so naturally I held B... then got shot continuously and thrown off.


To be fair I didn't give it a lengthy chance but it didn't grab me very quickly. One thing I did like was the basic idea: the speedy flying - oh and the graphics when you looked into the sky, that was purdy.

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Played the demo. Died within 5 seconds of take off by eating mountain side. Second run through went better, but this is another one of those meh titles. Shoot some aliens, do some duck and cover. Fly around with a jetpack like an aeroplane. Kind of like Hawk has a love child with gears / Uncharted.

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but this is another one of those meh titles.


It's like Fracture, Geist and a load of other FPS games. They're a great concept, have good names around them but a lack of plot and some rather generic enemies seem to make it feel a bit dull in places.

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Was the main character meant to be a Nathan Fillon rip off? Personally, didn't think much of the demo myself. Grabbed onto a ship, it tells me to 'Hold B or X' I can't remember. I do that, the ship keeps shooting me. I die. Awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The demo really was shit. It's games like this, Mercenaries, The Saboteur and Red Faction that really annoy me this gen.

All boring, all the same.


This one has simple objective to objective gameplay, with repeated missions and shit things to do i.e. shoot a copy and pasted generator in 3 places and then take out a slighter bigger generator with a few more enemies thrown in for good measure. Stale gameplay that is clunkier and worse than what has already been around for a while, with a jet pack thing that whilst seems new isn't all the special or uniquely fun to use.


The gameplay doesn't get close to matching the same level of quality in the music, and it's a shame that the music was wasted on such an ass of a title because when you're playing something so dull you barely notice it. The cutscenes and story are laughable, the ending to that demo looked damned awful. It was a frickin' ps2 cutscene.


Don't buy it, or Army of Two, otherwise you're selling your credibility.

Edited by dwarf
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The demo really was shit. It's games like this, Mercenaries, The Saboteur and Red Faction that really annoy me this gen.

All boring, all the same.


Don't buy it, or Army of Two, otherwise you're selling your credibility.


i dissagree. sure, none of those games are great games, but they are all functional and recive mildly possitive reviews.


i view them like i view the generic movies that come out. sure, they arnt works of art, and you forget about them fairly quickly but they entertain you while they last.


i dont really expect every game i play to be a masterpeice, games like this, they function, they bassicly work and they offer throw away entertainment. sure, id buy them full price, but they seem worth a rent, like catching a movie of 5 one night.


i hardly feel my credibility is void for playing an average rated game. its like refusing to take any one seriosuly because they have watched films that arnt citizen kane or 2001.


its elitist and ignorant to say only your choice is correct.

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Maybe not Dark Void, but definitely Army of 2 has no appeal whatsoever. I don't understand how people could find it remotely enjoyable, I don't like spending money, and it would pain me to see £30 wasted on Army of 2.


Part of the reason I'm saying this is just try and make people think twice about paying the RRP for this sort of thing, I think bargain bin times only, but do what you want, it's not like I can stop you, or like it would matter to you if I said you have no credibility.

'Hat doesn't now that he tried to buy Up.

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I would put Army of Two and Kane's Lynch under that category. Oddly, they both got sequels.


Also, there will be a OST for this game, released at the beginning of February. Which is much more exciting than the game.

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