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Do you plan on buying The Conduit???


Do you plan on buying The Conduit?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you plan on buying The Conduit?

    • Release day purchase for me.
    • Yes, within first 2 weeks of release
    • Yeah, when the price has dropped.
    • Maybe, lets see what the reviews are like
    • No

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Guest Captain Falcon

Right now, I'm not particularly hyped for the game, though to be fair, I've not exactly been following it that closely.


But I think there is a good chance I'll end up getting it if the reviews are good enough. I don't play many FPS at all and the last one I sunk any real time into didn't feel that rewarding - it was Half-Life 2 and it's expansions in the The Orange Box. Everyone was telling me it's great, and whilst Episode 2 was great in parts, I failed to see what made it so special overall.


It maybe down to the artistic freedom afforded by the licence, but no FPS has really got me sucked in like the Jedi Knight games for single player experience - these games had some unbelievable levels.


In terms of multiplayer, Rare's N64 efforts and FRD's Timesplitters 2 were all great thanks to a good pace that let if flow but never felt over hectic.


I look at the videos for this, and it reminds me of a lot of PC shooters. It looks to be lacking some personality - it all seems a bit sterile.


I really hope I'm proved wrong though.

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I don't know what to pick! Out of the slew of "hardcore" games that have been released on the Wii, this is the one I'm most likely to get... I just haven't decided when. While I really enjoy/ed Red Steel, I've not been into FPS games since the N64.


Indecisive at this point!

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Not gonna pre-order, usually don't actially, unless it's a nice CE (I did with Bioshock and Fallout 3), but I'll do my usual thing of going the day before the official releasedate, asking if they happen to have them already (and up for sale). Big games like this one usually come in early.

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Don't you occasionally support the devs?


Yeah, it's a strange idea renting, I've only been doing it for about 5 months. The reason I do it is that I just don't have that much money at the moment with university fees, living and SquEx not having anything for me at the moment.


The last game I bought was KillZone 2. That was because the multiplayer would keep me coming back. Before that was Fallout 3, which I still haven't got round to finishing and Fable II which I thought was absolute rubbish.


Actually, just remembered, I bought Saints Row II which was amazing.


I do buy games now and then still. I tend to buy games I really want to get involved in. The only definite game I am getting 100% this year is Heavy Rain.


I also buy a lot of games off the Playstation Store. £5 every other week here and there is pretty decent.


It comes down to money in the end. Games are too expensive.


The Conduit just looks like the usual alien shooter affair, though. It's got nothing to offer me in terms of online and the single player probably wont take that long to complete.

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I've always maintained a positive attitude and position in relation to this title so I'll be getting it on release day because as I see it, it's probably THE biggest Wii title this year, as far as we know. The only problem I see with its release is that it will come out in the Summer when I will not be playing a single thing and possibly moving. But I'll still buy it even if it just sits on the shelf because I know I will play it and play it to death.

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