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Have I got a story to tell YOU guys!




Basically me, my cousin and my dad went to Asda Minworth to buy the game. We got there at 11pm and the queue was already insane but we were inside the warmth so we were okay.

The game started selling at 1 past midnight and every 5-10 minutes, we'd move 5 steps forward.

It was 1am and the queue stopped for a while, it was ridiculous. I sent my cousin to the front to see what was going on and there were only 3 people serving, it was incredibly stupid.

It's half 1 now. My legs were aching, my eyes bloodshot like everyone elses. My dad got a copy from the bloke and the woman called me forward. I asked for a XBox 360 copy of the game and she said: "I need ID?"

I said "Huh?"

"I need ID to prove you can buy this game because you don't look like you're over 25."

Unfortunately for me, I forgot my ID and said "I'm 19 years old."

She said "But you don't look 25."

My Dad said "He's my son, he's 19. He has a beard!" and even the security guard gave us a look like 'I know, it's ridiculous'.

She said "If you can prove you're 18, you can buy the game but if you can't, you need to look over 25."

I said "Where on the box does it say '25'? Nowhere! Because it says '18'. I'm 19."

She says to me. "It's Asda policy."

I said "You mean to tell me I've been queuing for almost three and a half hours to get turned down."

She said "You're welcome to get your ID, come back and queue up again."

My Dad said "That's ridiculous, I'd like to speak to your manager."

Then a bloke behind the counter piped up and said "Sorry, the manager don't deal with the cashier problems." even though the manager blatantly stood there in front of us.

Me and my Dad just said it was seriously ridiculous and went. There was no need for it, she could have served us like the bloke was serving those 16 year olds I'm sure (and they DO look 16 btw).

We got another copy from Blockbusters with no problems whatsoever. They didn't ask for ID or nothing.


That was the first time ever that I've had that problem. How ridiculous is it that you have to look over 25 to buy an 18 rated game but if you prove you're 18 you can buy it? Stupid! Why can't I look 18 and buy the game like normal? I've gotten the Saw movies and things like that from there before with no problems at all. She could have just sold it to me without causing all of that. The manager didn't even look bothered at all. All of it was seriously stupid. No need for it whatsoever. I thought that rule applied to booze to which I'd say fair enough but to be waiting in a queue for over 3 hours and get turned down?!


...but anyway, went to Blockbusters, straight in and straight out with no hassle. Rushed home and BEST. GAME. EVER! Love it! The graphics look immensly real life and the gameplay is awesome.

Edited by Animal
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Sorry to hear you had a hard time with that DudeDaz, Least u got the game ey?


Trouble is that it is ASDA's policy now like how most places have 21 for alcahol. The trouble from the casiers point of view is if they don't follow what they are told they get fucked for it and as you said the security guard looked like he thought it was stupid and so do most of the staff! lol


I get asked more for ID now (i'm 21)for things than when i was 16 and got away with it!!! lol


By the sounds of it though they could of handled it alot better, like a staff member going through the que just letting ppl know they will probably need ID rather than you waiting all that time to get to the till!!

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It's 25 pretty much everywhere now, you're supposed to question it if they look under 25. (There tends to be posters by counters etc). I got ID'd too - I'm 22 although I do look younger. And since I'd posted off my Driver's License to get the address changed, lucky that I took my passport!


If their manager was right there, they probably didn't want to get in trouble. As lame and annoying as it is, to play devil's advocate a bit: if they had given you it and you weren't old enough and a family member or something had complained, they would've lost their job just like that.


Glad you got the game in the end though.

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Sorry to hear you had a hard time with that DudeDaz, Least u got the game ey?


Trouble is that it is ASDA's policy now like how most places have 21 for alcahol. The trouble from the casiers point of view is if they don't follow what they are told they get fucked for it and as you said the security guard looked like he thought it was stupid and so do most of the staff! lol


I get asked more for ID now (i'm 21)for things than when i was 16 and got away with it!!! lol


By the sounds of it though they could of handled it alot better, like a staff member going through the que just letting ppl know they will probably need ID rather than you waiting all that time to get to the till!!


Yeah, that's all I'm trying to think about but I think it's disgusting that no-one said to anyone that you need to look over 25 to buy the game and that you'd need ID. It's seriously fucked up how they made us wait in what's possibly the biggest and longest queue I've ever stood in to not get nothing at the end of it! Even the guys in the queue were like "That's disgusting, he's been waiting there for ages." and stuff like that. The manager didn't even looked bothered whatsoever, she could have easily sold it to me. Honestly, I'm not buying anything from Asda again, it was honestly the most ridiculous thing I've ever been through. Never queuing up for a game like that EVER AGAIN! I woke up this morning with cramp in my legs.


But the game was so frickin' awesome!

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I have it on the 360! :grin:


Bit pissed because my internet connection is shite but at least I can play Campaign! :D


I realised after i posed that they u did say that in ur little story above! opps


Anyway feel free to add me then on 360 if u want. Get ur internet sorted coz u NEED to play this game online! (Ive not tried it yet but im assuming its awsome! :grin:

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Played some of the campaign and played some of the online.


After playing Killzone I have to say, the online looks butt ugly. Like really, balls. I love how it plays however. Love that little noise it makes when you get someone.


The campaign is okay.


I loved it. Mowed down everyone. I was really annoyed I couldn't run, I wanted to get the ones that were trying to get away.

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After sampling both campaign and online modes, I may go as far to suggest that this sequel knocks it's fore bare into a cocked hat - no scratch that, it's knocks it into a gigantic 30ft high stovepipe constructed entirely of twisted, writhing phalli, a pulsating, throbbing construct of skin stretched taut over pounding blood vessels that towers above you, shapely domes glinting in the orange sunrise.


I will now retire for lunch, and consider my opinion further.

Edited by gaggle64
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Have I got a story to tell YOU guys!




Basically me, my cousin and my dad went to Asda Minworth to buy the game. We got there at 11pm and the queue was already insane but we were inside the warmth so we were okay.

The game started selling at 1 past midnight and every 5-10 minutes, we'd move 5 steps forward.

It was 1am and the queue stopped for a while, it was ridiculous. I sent my cousin to the front to see what was going on and there were only 3 people serving, it was incredibly stupid.

It's half 1 now. My legs were aching, my eyes bloodshot like everyone elses. My dad got a copy from the bloke and the woman called me forward. I asked for a XBox 360 copy of the game and she said: "I need ID?"

I said "Huh?"

"I need ID to prove you can buy this game because you don't look like you're over 25."

Unfortunately for me, I forgot my ID and said "I'm 19 years old."

She said "But you don't look 25."

My Dad said "He's my son, he's 19. He has a beard!" and even the security guard gave us a look like 'I know, it's ridiculous'.

She said "If you can prove you're 18, you can buy the game but if you can't, you need to look over 25."

I said "Where on the box does it say '25'? Nowhere! Because it says '18'. I'm 19."

She says to me. "It's Asda policy."

I said "You mean to tell me I've been queuing for almost three and a half hours to get turned down."

She said "You're welcome to get your ID, come back and queue up again."

My Dad said "That's ridiculous, I'd like to speak to your manager."

Then a bloke behind the counter piped up and said "Sorry, the manager don't deal with the cashier problems." even though the manager blatantly stood there in front of us.

Me and my Dad just said it was seriously ridiculous and went. There was no need for it, she could have served us like the bloke was serving those 16 year olds I'm sure (and they DO look 16 btw).

We got another copy from Blockbusters with no problems whatsoever. They didn't ask for ID or nothing.


That was the first time ever that I've had that problem. How ridiculous is it that you have to look over 25 to buy an 18 rated game but if you prove you're 18 you can buy it? Stupid! Why can't I look 18 and buy the game like normal? I've gotten the Saw movies and things like that from there before with no problems at all. She could have just sold it to me without causing all of that. The manager didn't even look bothered at all. All of it was seriously stupid. No need for it whatsoever. I thought that rule applied to booze to which I'd say fair enough but to be waiting in a queue for over 3 hours and get turned down?!


...but anyway, went to Blockbusters, straight in and straight out with no hassle. Rushed home and BEST. GAME. EVER! Love it! The graphics look immensly real life and the gameplay is awesome.


That is the policy for a lot of age restricted products these days!

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Yep. If somebody sells you an age restricted product and there's even a chance you're under 18, they can loose their job, be fined, get a criminal record, loose their store's license to sell age restricted products and get butt raped by angry gargoyles. Truefact.

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Those with the PS3 version, the patch has fucked the Trophy system up. The Trophies won't unlock with the patch installed. So basically, if you want to unlock Trophies, you have to sign out of PSN and delete the patch.......fuckin retarded. I don't know if this is affecting everyone, but after googling it, there are a lot of complaints about it.

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Those with the PS3 version, the patch has fucked the Trophy system up. The Trophies won't unlock with the patch installed. So basically, if you want to unlock Trophies, you have to sign out of PSN and delete the patch.......fuckin retarded. I don't know if this is affecting everyone, but after googling it, there are a lot of complaints about it.


I didn't get the trophies for the first three missions but then I got one for getting one star on special ops and the Trophies work now. Had to redo the first three missions for them but didn't take long.

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Played a few levels, pretty disappointed so far. Graphics are not that good at all, I'm gonna keep playing. Hopefully I'll get into it more but as it stands it's defiantly not GOTY for me.


Although the "controversial" level was excellent.

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