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Jade Goody Dead


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I never really liked or disliked her tbh so I'm gonna remain as neutral as possible here and just say that she was human and what she had to go through was no doubt a painful ordeal for any human being to endure, regardless of their age; she chose to spend her last few remaining months on earth gaining financial support for her family, how she did it does not matter because I think that pretty much anyone in that situation would do the same thing.


Yes she may have made her fair share of 'mistakes' prior to before she was diagnosed, but then we all make mistakes, we are human and so was she, R.I.P Jade, no judgement from me.

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Six hundred thousand people die in the UK every year. Most of the time you just have to be lighthearted about it, calling people cunts becaue they're laughing at some woman who directly contributed nothing to our society. And seriously black humour has always been a big part of british humour, for people to get offended is just ridiculous. She lived by the media and died by the media, along the way acheiving nothing positive. Most of the time just being a wanker. A joke or sarcastic comment shouldn't hurt.


Yes she might have helped make the nation more aware of cervical cancer, but with was undoubtably an indirect effect from all the media coverage. All her stories made it sound like she was the only person ever to go through such an endeavour. And also yes she used the money to get her kids a saving fund, that was a good thing to do and might excuse the ridiculous media attention she got. Whether it will pan out as good for her kids is another matter.


But gotta say I am grateful there are no "Hey don't say that guys my [insert relative here] died of cancer!" like elsewhere, fucking irritates me. Everybody know someone who's died, of cancer of not of. Death does not mean people should be devoid of scrutiny, especially when it's not to their face and even moreso when they live their death like Jade. The reason it's in the paper is to do with the public and the shitty media though, which would rather spend more time telling us about petty bullshit that people are guaranteed to read (The maddie stayed in the first 6 pages of the papers constantly for what? 9 months?) educating us. The fact that the sun is the UkS best selling paper really should tell you something about what the average readers interests are.

Edited by yoyo
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I don't desire people to be really mournful about her death. I would just rather the people who felt the need to make stupid comments like the earth becoming more intelligent, or the world being better without her.


I know many people die everyday, its not about that its just that people shouldn't be so hurtful about a person who has died early on in their life!

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omg the trolling in this thread is unbareable...


seriously i'm going to try say this but i'm not the best at softening my point so here goes..


people die.. from cancer EVERYDAY! If you were worried about everyone who has cancer you'd be a very sad person indeed. It happens.. most of us know someone it may have happened to... Why should we care about her? Maybe if you were a fan of her but i think she blew that when she became a racist..


I don't desire people to be really mournful about her death. I would just rather the people who felt the need to make stupid comments like the earth becoming more intelligent, or the world being better without her.


I know many people die everyday, its not about that its just that people shouldn't be so hurtful about a person who has died early on in their life!

oh by the way i was right.. was about 2 pages..

what DO you want us to discuss... what a wonderful person she was? that's mourning...


truth is these threads are pointless in general. There is little people can talk about in death threads besides who the person is and what they have done......... so let's talk about that who is jade goody and what has she accomplished?

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Guest Captain Falcon

If the media circus (and let's be honest here, to describe it as anything less would be lying - regardless of who's fault it is) surrounding her death means that any prospective future Mrs Falcon doesn't go through such an ordeal, then it's all been worth it to me on a person level.


It's easy to be dismissive when you're not personally affected, but we all could be now. All those women who could have potentially died will go on to lead healthy lives and could even end with some of us forumites.


Just because you don't know you've been affected yet, it doesn't mean you won't be in years to come.

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I, like many other members and people i've spoken to didn't like all the media coverage that Jade was getting during her struggle for life. The way it was "bigger news" than say murders, robbery's etc.


But even someone like Jade didn't deserve to die at 27, but thats life and thats the b***h really not her.

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To MCJ Metroid and others;


Justifying your attitude by forcing us to question why we care about Jade over other people doesn't work, as I HIGHLY doubt ANYONE here "cares" about Jade's death. We didn't know her, and most of us I presume wouldn't have wanted to. Just like a lot of deaths reported, she's nothing to most people. That's fine. But we can't respect (that's all - no one's crying here) one persons death, and not anothers. That's hypocrisy.


No one cares about her here. I think we care more that because it's her, it's "ok" to shit on her grave. (according to you and some others)

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What makes me annoyed is that we actually had to have a topic on here.


Gods done his part, now Mods do yours and rid us of the topic.


I personally find this a lot more interesting than other RIP threads, as this one actually provides an interesting landscape of varying opinions.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I personally find this a lot more interesting than other RIP threads, as this one actually provides an interesting landscape of varying opinions.


Varying would be a bit of a stretch wouldn't it?

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I personally find this a lot more interesting than other RIP threads, as this one actually provides an interesting landscape of varying opinions.


Interesting in the sense most RIP topics are for well known people, mostly entertainment legends?

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I've not read this thread, and I've not made this thread either. I've been tempted to make a thread about Jade for weeks, serious weeks, yet I noticed the continous lack of it and decided it was intriguing to see how long it went on that nobody mentioned her! Intriguing, very intriguing. Anyway, it's another loss of life in a rather harsh kind of way and that is sad, but that's that and it happens all the time. This doesn't reflect any of my own views of her, I find her quite the phenomenon and that's why I wanted to make a more...serious discussion kind of thread, I guess it'd be overshadowed by her death now, though.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've not read this thread, and I've not made this thread either. I've been tempted to make a thread about Jade for weeks, serious weeks, yet I noticed the continous lack of it and decided it was intriguing to see how long it went on that nobody mentioned her! Intriguing, very intriguing. Anyway, it's another loss of life in a rather harsh kind of way and that is sad, but that's that and it happens all the time. This doesn't reflect any of my own views of her, I find her quite the phenomenon and that's why I wanted to make a more...serious discussion kind of thread, I guess it'd be overshadowed by her death now, though.


There was a topic, but it got lost in the change over to the new server.

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OK either have ridiculously good luck or they had inside knowledge to when she would die. But how could anybody know when Jade would die? My guess is and has always been its the biggest stunt of Jade's life...



But srsly OK is going to make a killing of this Tribute Issue, they are probably going to have to print even more off. MGS4 might of been a bit off the mark, the money to be made in the 21st century isn't in war, its in washed out stars selling their souls to the media.

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To say I'd lose sleep would be a lie. Cancer = bad, I know. But why I should give that extra bit of a toss to Goody is beyond me.


Awesome shuttlecock joke. Give it a year, people will be loving it.

Cancer smear tests have risen since jades cancer appeared on the national eye.

Sure, some of you might argue that he's doing a good thing by bringing attention to paralysis, but the underlying message being sent here is that nobody gives a shit about cripples until a celebrity becomes one.



Switch it to cancer and you've basically got the same thing.

I hope this doesn't go all princess of wales in the media...They kept going on and on about that for YEARS

OK will probably have dibs on funeral pics

Corrected for massive damage.

Hahaha! So just because she wasn't as talented no one should care she died at 27?



Her age is irrelevant.

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My guess is and has always been its the biggest stunt of Jade's life...


Not sure exactly what you're implying, but she's had a condition/the actual cancer for years, IIRC. Or something that could lead to the cancer she got. I think possibly even before she first went on Big Brother. So..she knew this sort of thing was coming, just not when.

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Not sure exactly what you're implying, but she's had a condition/the actual cancer for years, IIRC. Or something that could lead to the cancer she got. I think possibly even before she first went on Big Brother. So..she knew this sort of thing was coming, just not when.

Calza is saying she's going to "resurrect" in a few years. What you've just said brings an interesting theory into the history of this scheme.

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Okay, here's my two pence on the situation:


Yes, it is sad that a human has died, but Jade Goody's death really doesn't bother me tbh. Can you really blame me though? I mean, it's not like I knew her personally or anything, so I can't really say.


We all know the only reason that she got this coverage from the press was because of her fame from Big Brother, and that's not exactly doing much towards society really, is it? In that sense, I can see where everyone who is anoyed with this press coverage is coming from. I can't see that kind of celebrity status as "setting an example to us all".


I had a friend who was only 20 when she died of cancer recently and she was, and probably always will be, the most pure-hearted person I've ever known. Never had a bad thing to say about anyone, never moaned about anything and was a devout Christian till the very end. To me, that's setting an example. I just find it sad when the public are deluded by fame to get the message accross.


However, can we really blame Jade Goody for all this coverage? I mean, at the end of the day, it's the media we should blame. They were the ones that kept on covering the events leading towards her death, when they blatantly didn't need to. So it's kind of unfair to solely blame her for all this.

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In a good way, Jades media coverage has encouraged many more young ladies to go for checks which is good from many different views.


But to allow the media to exploit her "struggle" is a bit OTT. Like many people, just because they have cancer doesn't mean you have to milk it for money. I've known someone who had cancer and it isn't nice having to witness their struggle and deterioration as it engulfs the body.

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