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Red Dead Redemption

Guest Jordan

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Just found a few of the treasures. Piece of cake when I actually gave the maps a good look.


The one I'm on currently might be a bit more tricky. It's just a landmark with no clue as to where it's located. Looks pretty distinctive though so I'll keep an eye out.


Found one treasure completely by chance. I had looked at the map when I got it and was on my way to a mission. I went past this area and thought to myself "ooh a wall, the map has a wall on it!" and checked the map and I was at the right location. Ace.




Just got the bandanna as well. Now I can be all robber like and not lose any honour. Double Ace.

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This game's starting to piss me off now. I wouldn't mind if the game was totally shit, but it's the fact that the good bits are great and the shit bits are utter toss. Most of the random events are stupid. With the horse thief ones, they always come up to me when I'm on foot. By the time I've managed to get the retarded horse to come to me, got on it and made it face the right direction, the thief is gone. Absolutely no chance of catching him.


The quick travel is stupid. Why can't you just pick a point on the map and go there? Instead you have to go to the map, pick a point, close the map, find a decent place to camp, open your inventory, set up camp and then you get the option to travel there. It's needlessly complicated. I prefer to ride there, but sometimes it would be nice to get somewhere quickly and easily.


And to top things off I just lost the horse I had since the beginning (the gold coloured one you get from Bonnie, one of the fastest in the game). I was starting a mission and there were a few horses at the start point. I jumped on one since I couldn't be bothered to wait for mine to show up, plus it looked like a difficult mission so I didn't want to chance killing mine. At the end of the mission, the game decided to make that my horse, despite me not tying it up and claiming it. Great. So I go off and decide to look for a Hungarian Half Bred (on of the other 3 star horse). I eventually find one and tame it, only to come across an ambush. I see the blue dot and head towards it to see what the event is. About 6 guys shoot me dead before I even have chance to draw my gun. Another shit random encounter with no chance of winning. Plus I lose the 3 star horse I spent ages looking for.

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I have never missed a thief or kidnappning. Then again I'm usually on the horse anyway, but the times I'm not I have no problem getting my horse on time.


Why do you walk up to six guys with guns just like that? Find some cover or approach them in some way so they don't get you from the sides or behind you. I highly doubt you didn't see the guns. And if you don't think you can handle them, then don't approach them. Just always assume they will shoot back and pick battles by number of enemies.


I don't see how quick travelling in RDR is annoying. Most games have longer methods than that. Finding a cab in GTAIV can take hours.


Anyway, I'm still loving the game. Tried to get the 5000 bounty just now, but died at 2000.

Edited by Tales
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I'm currently working on the challenges, bit stuck on one of them. It's the one where i have to kill and skin 2 cougars using only the knife. The tricky bit is finding the damn things. Same goes for the rabbits, only got 1 more to find via the sharpshooter challenge. They are a good break from the main game i find.

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hy do you walk up to six guys with guns just like that? Find some cover or approach them in some way so they don't get you from the sides or behind you. I highly doubt you didn't see the guns. And if you don't think you can handle them, then don't approach them. Just always assume they will shoot back and pick battles by number of enemies.


I didn't walk up to them. I rode past them and was coming back to see what the blue dot/random event was. They all fired at about the same time, not giving me enough time to realise what the event was.


And I didn't even see the people, let alone the guns. All I heard was a woman calling for help and a blue dot on the map.

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Anyway, I'm still loving the game. Tried to get the 5000 bounty just now, but died at 2000.


Bolt action rifle is your friend, drops most in 1 hit in addition to changing targeting to casual mode, auto locks on to enemies in a general area.



Spoiler tagged just in case.


Got on quite a roll trophy wise, Done the High Roller one I struggled to do and the Buckin' awesome and Bearly legal trophies too. The game feels like it's coming to a close now, which I will be sad to see happen.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Bolt action rifle is your friend, drops most in 1 hit in addition to changing targeting to casual mode, auto locks on to enemies in a general area.



Spoiler tagged just in case.


Got on quite a roll trophy wise, Done the High Roller one I struggled to do and the Buckin' awesome and Bearly legal trophies too. The game feels like it's coming to a close now, which I will be sad to see happen.


I found it easiest to get the 5,000 trophy in Chuparosa. On the top floor of the El Accalde de Chuparosa building it's really easy to take cover and pick everyone off. Then I simply went to save in town and slept a few times, then repeated until there was a fresh supply of lawmen (although there's loads to begin with).


By the way if you get caught (killed by lawmen), just quit the game and reload and you'll be back where you were with your bounty and money intact, providing you save frequently between shootouts.

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I got over $4900 this evening on my bounty and then died. Was so annoyed!


Completed the story now. The ending... bah! Glad it's done, was really beginning to drag and it definitely sets itself up nicely for a sequel.

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I had one of my best gaming moments ever due to this game. There was a stranger mission on the cliff towards Armadillo. I was riding at full speed when I saw it pop up on the map, I darted towards the bloke and forgot to slow down in time and knocked the bloke over. I stopped my horse whilst the bloke picks himself up, dusts himself down, then proceeds to pull me off my horse and throw me down the cliff to my death. I laughed so much it was worth messing up what I was doing.

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Interestingly, money you give to people in stranger quests is remembered by the game.


There was a mission where I had to deliver a package, I got $1000 and had to take it back. As the mission is required for a scrap of clothing I gave the money to the guy. I then put on my bandanna and shot him (as he's a drug dealer). I looted his body and to my surprise I got just over $1000.


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Anyone fancy playing online (PS3) later? I'll be on around half 5 ish.


Maybe. If I'm online and in the mood, I'll scream.

Oh, and I want to apologize that I've gone offline so quickly last time. Something quite urgent came up and I had to go. Please don't beat me up.

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Just got to Mexico. The assault mission was alright but I must say I'm not enjoying this as much as I thought I would be. It's GTA IV all over again, where it was alright in the beginning after getting used to it but it just never enthralled me and stagnated as the game went on. I'll persevere to the end and hope for something to make me enjoy it more but missions are quickly feeling a bit samey, as are the side missions.

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Im not even sure if ive finished the main story cause i havent seen the credits roll. Im a little mixed about this new development.


On the one hand, I love how this game paints the government in such a shitty yet accurate light. On the other hand, i hate that i now have to play as the Old West equivalent of Hope from FFXIII


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Im not even sure if ive finished the main story cause i havent seen the credits roll. Im a little mixed about this new development.


On the one hand, I love how this game paints the government in such a shitty yet accurate light. On the other hand, i hate that i now have to play as the Old West equivalent of Hope from FFXIII


Sounds like you've finished the game to me.


The Mr Marsdon you're playing as now has a tash and goatee, yes? That's the end of the story, just free roam stuff left to do now.


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The achievement "Hit the Trail". Easy as anything, you can do it on a flippin Donkey.


Worked on that just now and got it on my first attempt. It really is easy.


"Most Wanted" on the other hand can be a tough one, but only if other people are in your Free Roam session and are out to kill you.


Need - I think - three online trophies. The one where you have to get a Posse with the highest number of members. This is a pain...

Reaching the highest rank. Gonna be a grind fest.

And 10 assists in a single Hideout. Which more of a pain.

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Worked on that just now and got it on my first attempt. It really is easy.


"Most Wanted" on the other hand can be a tough one, but only if other people are in your Free Roam session and are out to kill you.


Need - I think - three online trophies. The one where you have to get a Posse with the highest number of members. This is a pain...

Reaching the highest rank. Gonna be a grind fest.

And 10 assists in a single Hideout. Which more of a pain.


It gives you 12 game hours to do it in, i managed it in 2 1/4 game hours using a horse (not the fastest one btw).


I managed to get to $3,000 bounty, had 2 others helping me (shooting other posse's) whilst i shot the townfolk. Failed when all the posse's came to town and mine decided to "quit".


Got 3 or 4 in Pike's Basin (assists), not too worried about "Highest" rank though.

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Got 3 or 4 in Pike's Basin (assists),


Sheikah and me tried to get the trophy. He got up to 7 assists but other players ruined it by killing us or the enemies in the hideout.


After putting some time into several online trophies just now, I've decided to work on the single player again. Got the trophy for keeping one horse over the course of 20 missions. Now I'm going to do a horsebreaking job for the first time.

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