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What makes you different?


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You at SOAS?


Pretty much the same thing happened with me and Japanese. For some strange reason they put me in the accelerated set in the first year even though I'd only done it for a year. Changed course after my second year and now I'm in the first year doing Social Anthropology...which is kind of the other end of the spectrum.


I really envy you for studying Japanese, I studied it for a year at college and really enjoyed it. The teacher was great, the language was cute and the people studying it were all wacky and interesting.


I have been studying at SOAS on the weekends for 2 years part time. It's a 2 hour journey each way by train and I need to travel for 4 hours just for the 2 hour lesson!


SOAS is the best place there is to learn Chinese, although their service has been getting worse since I started studying there.


When I sat my HSK exam back in May, I tried contacting them numerous times asking about my results and they just ignored me and only replied to my email after George Zhang got involved. They didn't explain anything about the HSK exams or how to get the results and I had to wait 6 months to get my certificate through the post. They didn't even have my address, despite me being a student there and putting it on the application form for the exam.


They don't bother confirming to students whether classes are actually going ahead anymore... You pay £310 for 12 lessons and they can't even be bothered to pay for the postage.


Chinese in Steps 4 is unpublished and it hasn't even been proof read or finished and they still insisted on using it for the course.... The book is dreadful! It's like reading a dictionary!


The old course secretary was great but shes gone now. I could complain forever! I'm not the only student they've pissed off with their quality of service and they know it. I used to love SOAS, but they have just given me such a bad impression of Chinese people.

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Ooh, some more.


I have a weird sense of temperature resistance. On holidays in warm climates I can survive in jeans, t-shirt and a jacket. Though I'm more affected by cold. Yet recently in these delightful even colder climates I've found myself not wearing a coat/hoodie when riding to work. The wind is actually warm on my arms, yet my fingers go very cold. It's good to annoy people with my Freezing Touch.


I have a dodgy sense of hearing, in a crowded room as soon as my name's mentioned I pick it up instantly with whatever sentence it was used in.

...i'm really bendy.

This too, people are amazed by my ability to hold my hands together and spin them around my body without breaking the grip. And there have been the pictures posted of drinking with my arm over my shoulder.

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...i'm really bendy.


Is this a bad time to ask for pix?



People's interpretations of themselves are always interesting...I like to think "how do others see me". It's actually a great way of shaping who you want to be. Which is actually quite important if you want to be happy in life :) (Or if you want to be sad even!:( )

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noone can be myself like i can...










Lol, epic! XD


Yay! Escapism is win. PS congrats on the whole overcoming your problems thing, you are a lot stronger than I.


Hehe, escapism ftw! Ty again for that too. ^^ Though I think you're pretty strong yourself, going through all that, and loosing your shackles. Congrats to you too. :)




I got an offer from Oxford, been in loads of maths competitions, won gold in the maths challenge etc etc, but I just feel really stupid inside.


Seriously, that sounds like a great achivement! You don't sound stupid to me at all.

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My tongue-tie means I dislike many sorts of "wet food".


I hate sauces on things like chips, meat etc. No gravy, ketchup, anything.


Dislike soup and things like that too.

I like sauces, but only on certain foods. I don't like mixing my foods like you see on cookery shows and stuff, where they get a bit of everything on the fork in one go.

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This too, people are amazed by my ability to hold my hands together and spin them around my body without breaking the grip. And there have been the pictures posted of drinking with my arm over my shoulder.

i shan't detail my skillz ......:grin:


ooh! i can remember song lyrics super easily.

..to the extent that if jamba starts me off with the first song from the musical "annie" i can't help but get the whole freakin play stuck in my head until i've mentally played it through.


...god damn you jamba... (^__^)/

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i forgot, i too am a bendy individual, particularly my legs. i can get my foot on my face, and i can easily get into the lotus. i lift myself with my arms, im trying to be able to walk on my hands like that but physics have made it hard.



i also remeber stupidly pointless things about tv programs from years in my past.



i can contort my hand to make a brontosaurs. big crowd pleaser.


oh, and i have a couple of conditions that made education hard, bassicly had a 9/10 chance of ending up in jail. i didnt :D


and last for now, im the only person i know who prefers to put contact lenses in without a mirror.

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I really envy you for studying Japanese, I studied it for a year at college and really enjoyed it. The teacher was great, the language was cute and the people studying it were all wacky and interesting.


I have been studying at SOAS on the weekends for 2 years part time. It's a 2 hour journey each way by train and I need to travel for 4 hours just for the 2 hour lesson!


SOAS is the best place there is to learn Chinese, although their service has been getting worse since I started studying there.


When I sat my HSK exam back in May, I tried contacting them numerous times asking about my results and they just ignored me and only replied to my email after George Zhang got involved. They didn't explain anything about the HSK exams or how to get the results and I had to wait 6 months to get my certificate through the post. They didn't even have my address, despite me being a student there and putting it on the application form for the exam.


They don't bother confirming to students whether classes are actually going ahead anymore... You pay £310 for 12 lessons and they can't even be bothered to pay for the postage.


Chinese in Steps 4 is unpublished and it hasn't even been proof read or finished and they still insisted on using it for the course.... The book is dreadful! It's like reading a dictionary!


The old course secretary was great but shes gone now. I could complain forever! I'm not the only student they've pissed off with their quality of service and they know it. I used to love SOAS, but they have just given me such a bad impression of Chinese people.


Japanese was great but in the end I lost motivation and interest.


SOAS has no idea what admin is. I love it there but it really is a farce.


Good luck with Chinese!

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Can I add that I had a real gun pointed at me...

and this gun carrier demanded my credit card (and to strip!) after I refused to pay £500 for Champagne in a dodgy strip club run by Russians?


I guess that's different...Or stupid. (I lived to tell the tale obviously!)



Either way...I'm not a breast man anymore.

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Can I add that I had a real gun pointed at me...

and this gun carrier demanded my credit card (and to strip!) after I refused to pay £500 for Champagne in a dodgy strip club run by Russians?


I guess that's different...Or stupid. (I lived to tell the tale obviously!)



Either way...I'm not a breast man anymore.


So......did you strip?

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So......did you strip?


Hell yes. Some guy was rifling through my pants/socks and pockets etc (took 20 cash bastard). Saw my army pass (for the base) and told me and my mate (who they brought in to the back office too) to wait outside in the back and they would deal with us in a minute.


I stood outside, zipped up, and RAN LIKE NEVER BEFORE.


Slept on the beach that night too as I had no money to get home. lol.

What. A. Night.

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I have been well trained in being able to appear caring and kind. I can switch it on and charm when its necessary (like at work, when in need of favours and such). It results in a lot of people thinking of me as "lovely". But its a farce. I don't care for these people I'm kind toward (nor do I dislike them), I am simply meeting my own demands. But then maybe everyone is, but I've never heard anyone say they are so... ::shrug:


I have a criminal record. Nobody else has mentioned that yet. And while other people may have one, I don't think anyone will have for refunding a DVD. (bloody farce).


I throw in obscure pop culture references I know have no chance of people understanding (for example I recently said "it saddens me more people don't know about cougars" (cougars being the non-animal kind in this context)).


And I don't tie my shoelaces normally.


That's all I've got for now. But I believe tapedeck is winning, or at least has had a pretty awesome life.

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I have been well trained in being able to appear caring and kind. I can switch it on and charm when its necessary (like at work, when in need of favours and such). It results in a lot of people thinking of me as "lovely". But its a farce. I don't care for these people I'm kind toward (nor do I dislike them), I am simply meeting my own demands. But then maybe everyone is, but I've never heard anyone say they are so... ::shrug:

I feel that, the ability to switch off emotion is certainly a keeper... although it has had it's share of pain providings.

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I feel that, the ability to switch off emotion is certainly a keeper... although it has had it's share of pain providings.


I didn't say I can switch off emotions. I can switch on charm and just use it to get what I want. It comes with being brought up propa.


I will charm, I will slice

I will dazzle them with my wit

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actualy, when i think about it. i have endless sympathy, but no empathy. i dont feel bad when outher people are hurt/in a bad place. i realise its bad and act accordingly, but it dosent upset me.


in that reguard, im apparently unusal. i care because i choose to, not because im genetical programed to.


so yeah, if i wanted, i could be a totaly badass cold blooded killer, no remorse.

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I've been told i am a good speaker and can string arguements together well. I have a fairly logical mind, but can thinik outside the box. I love politics, so much so that i joined my council to talk about state of affairs, I'm studying it at uni and can see now other future for me other than the Prime minister =D

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Oh yeah, both me and Paj have a thing for quoting song lyrics randomly.


Like, I say "My Lady Story" and "You Have Been Loved" at the most random moments. "I'm so bored of cowards" is a favourite too.


That's true actually.


I can't deny it though; the best could still be the original; "How Come You're So Solid Gold?"

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I'm not different, I'm merely myself living out my own existence just like every other living being on this planet, how I choose to do that though in comparison to everyone else however is different, there may be many similarities in the way we all choose to live but ultimately no two existences are the same.


So while though the fundamental fact that we all have own lives that we are living makes us the same, it's the way in which we live them that creates perceived difference really.

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