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N-Europe Summer Meetup, innit - Hyde Park, Saturday 18th July. No penguins allowed.


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Specific Red Dwarf series and episode - Series 3, Episode 1 - Backwards. Which is available on the individual series disks playing Forwards (i.e. credits to title screen). In case anyone was interested.


You just want some ice cream as well, don't you? =P



Anyway, still can't check the prices for the Eurostar, but I think the cheapest I can get (if the prices for the first week of July is anything to go by) is €75. Which would translate to about £70... though if I put my country of residence as UK it's only £58 (though I really don't know if they'd let me order then).


So yeah, I hope I can start ordering my tickets soon. Just don't know yet where Flinky and I will be spending the night: hostel or hotel. But I'll try to let you all know in time. =)

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This is sounding epic and awesome all at the same time, epicawesome! Where abouts is the hostel you guys stay in btw Jay? I probs won't hostel in with you guys, but I may well hang round up central for a few nights if you guys are upto anything for the days either side?

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Can't we just take some tents and camp in Hyde Park?


Better still, Platty's a filthy Londoner, so why not just crash at his place?


Both ideas seem awesome, but i reckon the first won't be allowed. We can always give it a go he he.

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Pffft, the police will most likely be getting drunk with us, and we have Rummy to scare away the hobos. Potentially, Letty, too.


With my not long obtained Finglemitts, sparse working activity, and numerous occurences of drinking/being drunk in public, I potentially AM one of those hobos so I dunno how much scaring away I can do. Unless they get on my patch, fucking hobos trying to come muscle in on my alleyboxes! Grr! As for Platty and his place, he lives about as close to central as me, in fac the lives not too far away from me iirc, but round here's kinda the butthole of the saafeest, unfortunately :(

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I'm not "trampcore" for no reason. I'll come in my garb. That way if we feel threatened I just have to jump onto the nearest person and start dryhumping them while singing a song about eskimos, swirling my cheap cider high into the air in a fountainous, golden-shower sort of way.


Any passing hobos will see the trademark dance, and immediately assume I have rightfully claimed y'all as mine and mine alone.


Of course, I ain't no performing monkey. "Will protect group for cider."

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i am also a filthy londoner... so if anyone wants to crash at my place i have two sofas and some lumpy pillows just bring a sleeping bag! </selling it well!!>


((offer subject to me liking you :heh: ))


What part of londinium are you in, though?

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