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Weight Loss 2009


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Since the beginning of this year, Ive been doing aerobics, spinning and weights on a weekly basis.


Whilst I've not noticed any weightloss, I have notcied how SUPER FIT Ive become!! I can do a 30 minute run and not even be out of breath!

I did an hour of aerobics today and ran home after ^^


Are you sure you haven't just been drinking POWERTHIRST

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hmmm I really need to start getting into shape its not that im overweight but im starting to get a bit of a belly and I really want to be fit. I would start right this minute but im stuffed from pancakes. Im thinking about maybe starting to do a bit of running, its probably a good idea to get a decent pair of running trainers rather than use some old skate shoes right?

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Haven't been able to check on Wii Fit for a few days but I got onto some scales today after playing football to see what progress I was making..


Last week I think it was 11st 3lbs roughly.. but tonight I was showing up just short of 10st 13lbs (and I can't rememebr the last time I saw below 11 stone :heh:) ..nearing a loss of 2 stone for 2009 : peace:


..and 'buttons wants to add that she is now down to 9st 8lbs and is fitting into clothes that she couldn't before..


All aboard the Diet train.. choo choooooooooooooooooooo!

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Haven't been able to check on Wii Fit for a few days but I got onto some scales today after playing football to see what progress I was making..


Last week I think it was 11st 3lbs roughly.. but tonight I was showing up just short of 10st 13lbs (and I can't rememebr the last time I saw below 11 stone :heh:) ..nearing a loss of 2 stone for 2009 : peace:


..and 'buttons wants to add that she is now down to 9st 8lbs and is fitting into clothes that she couldn't before..


All aboard the Diet train.. choo choooooooooooooooooooo!


Its actually hard to believe that there was (woo!) 2 stone extra there for you to lose! Are you sure you aren't anorexic by now?? :heh:

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..well.. I did put on a brave wee bit towards the end of 2008.. and there's still more to go (I'm not sure how much more weight I'll have to lose.. the tummy needs to go down considerably yet for me to be happier :heh:)


I'm in a bit of a weird phase now though.. when I started losing a decent amount of weight I started to feel like I was becoming thin for a fat person.. but now I'm at the stage where I kinda feel chubby for an average person.


I'm surprised I've done as well as I have, to be honest.. just gotta keep going : peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump. Down to 10st 2lbs now. Loss of 23lbs in just around 2 months. My target is 9 Stone and I've given myself until June to do it. I have never felt this fit in my life. I can run, and climb hills without breaking a sweat now, it's great. I also can't believe how well I've stuck at it. Onward...

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Can't go to the gym for a while, did some damage to my knee which means i can't run atm (thanks to my sister who decided it was a good idea to kick me hard in that area).


Shall be visiting the docs on Monday for a check-up for blood-pressure to see if it has gone down and if i can do more intense exercise.

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It's annoying - having suffered from a nasty bout of flu not so long ago has caused me to lose a little bit of weight, mainly because I hardly ate anything during that time! I did some weights earlier but I gotta say I do feel a bit weaker than usual...hopefully the strength will eventually come back to me!

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I'm pretty much dead on 11 stone, which is ok I think. However, I'm exercising a fair bit just to try to turn some of "dissss moooosh into musccles!"


My stomach is looking pretty decent at the moment, which is something that has been getting on my nerves in the last year or so. I can't wait to start earning money again, so I can join a gym. Loved working out.

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Figured I'd wang my 2p in on this thread.


I got robbed of some money from my bank account around September time last year. The day after I felt pretty miserable and didn't eat anything all day. Not in a "oh woah is me, fetch my letter opener, for I shall surely top myself" way, just wasn't hungry. I think not eating for a whole day shrank my stomach so I wasn't as hungry for the few days after either. Being good at improvising, I decided it was the perfect time to lose some weight.


I didn't have any scales when I started so I have no idea of how much I weighed when I started. After a month or 2 I weighed myself and I was 14 stone. Last time I had weighed myself before that I was 13. I was a bit narked that I was actually a stone heavier than last time I had checked and I had been dieting quite heavily for a month or 2. Probably eating less than is healthy if I'm honest, starting a diet feeling miserable probably isn't the healthiest idea. All is good now though, I eat properly and junk although I'm starting to see how annorexic people start off.


A friend gave me some good advice when I told him I was on a diet. He told me that it's a good idea to do a little bit of excercise before going to bed. That way you burn off any extra energy to prevent it being stored as fat when you sleep. So I decided to start doing push ups and sit ups before bed. I'd like to point out that this is the ONLY excercise I do apart from the occasional run down to my garage to get my car(about 1-200 meters from my house).


Currently I weigh around 12 and a half stone. My dad thinks I weighed around 15 when I started but I'm not sure sure. I'm going to take 14 and a half as the starting point. So I've currently lost about 2 stone, but I've been hovering between 12 and a half and 12 and 3 quarters so I have started biking again. Partly to get myself down to the average weight for my height (11-12 stone) and partly just because I actually find it fun and relaxing in a bizzarre way.



I'm quite amazed how easy it is to lose weight if you just cut down on what you eat. I haven't really excercised and I'm happy with what I've lost. Plus it doesn't seem like I've really cut anything out (except chocolate, but that's more of a personal challenge).

Edited by Goafer
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In an attempt to bump this thread and perhaps boost the exercise morale on the forums, I thought I'd be the first to dare to post some pics of myself!


I've been doing a reasonable amount of weights lately. Unfortunately when I was ill, I managed to lose a fair amount of weight so I've been working my way back up so to speak! I'll never get a six pack I've decided but overall, I feel good for having worked hard. Hopefully some of you are proud of your own progress too!


Current weight: between 13 - 13 + 1/2 stone (around 80 to 85kg for you mainlanders).


No laughing at my pics please! And c'mon peeps, post your progress!





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I'm still hovering around 12 and 3/4. Taken up cycling again and I'm still surprised at how easy I'm finding it considering I haven't been biking for 2 years. It's like I never stopped. I should probably start doing weights too since my legs are getting a good workout and I don't want to end up with Chun Li thighs and a Dhalsim top half! I do press ups which seems to help my chest a bit though.


The only problem I can see regarding actual weight loss is that I might start gaining some muscles and therefore weight too. Only time will tell I guess.

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I loved cycling, I found it really good for clearing my head, probably helped me to keep my sanity. Shame I managed to break my bike in an impossible to break place. But that is the story of my life. You've broken this, and it's impossible to break. Think I'll be hitting the gym again next month. Do some spinning, pump some iron and all that jazz.

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Christ almighty, are you like 9 years old or something?


Nope I will be 25 in three weeks.


My weight has always have been going up and down between 7 to 9 stone.


The normal weight for me has been 8 stone 1 or 8 stone 4 with 31 waist.

Edited by Dante
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I have no willpower, so I doubt I've lost anything since I "decided" to. I'm starting to drink a lot more water, and hope to eventually replace all the diet coke (or most of it) with water.


Going no where on the food and the cutting back thereof front.

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Nope I will be 25 in three weeks.


My weight has always have been going up and down between 7 to 9 stone.


The normal weight for me has been 8 stone 1 or 8 stone 4 with 31 waist.


I'm officially jealous. *Runs off to be bulimic*

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Thought i would post in here coz i feel rather pleased with myself. I have been a rather large guy for a few years now but beginning of feb i decided it was time to change that.


Beginning of Feb i weighed 20.02 stone... (i'm 6 foot 1 in height) I weigh myself every Wednesday morning and i now weigh 18.02 stone! :grin:


All i have done so far is changed my eating, what i eat/when i eat/how much etc


I intend to carry on with what i'm doing and i will prob have to start some kind of exercise if i want to carry on losing.

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