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2008 was the year of rocky relationships, no?


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Not my place to be asking questions, and feel free to tell me to feck off, but did it go anywhere, did you get involved or not? If you did, what happened to her boyfriend? Or did you not know, or what? What a fuckup, glad to hear you're glad to be out of it :D.

I don't know how some people justify doing some things, honestly. I kind of second your later post too, nobody seems to have enough substance any more, I don't know if it's me that's changed, or people. Kinda worries me if it's me :wtf:


I don't really like talking about it, but I remember a looong time ago you mentioned watching Desmond's, so that's cool.


It did kinda go somewhere. I tried to break it off so many times, but because we lived together, I was boxed in. I lived with my ex for a while after we broke up, and this was probably more awkward. You can't move, avoid, or even breathe without the other person noticing you. So, I ended up spending so much time out of the house, just to stop being around her. Ended up making another close friend this way, and I'm loads better now she's gone.


I don't know what she was playing at, to be honest. She said she wanted to be with me at first, then changed her mind, and then went back home with her boyfriend when the year was over. Looking back on it, she clearly just wanted fun, saw I was there and used that. I used to think of her so much as a friend, and I can't believe I was stupid enough to get caught up in that situation.


Never again! Housemates are a no-go.

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Yup mine went south, but won't be long until someone else comes along, I think 2009 will be much kinder to me. But despite what happened I'm a better person today because of it, and in regards to my former lady: No worries here


omg sorry not much to say in this thread haven't been in a relationship this year but that video is hillarious!

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I don't really like talking about it, but I remember a looong time ago you mentioned watching Desmond's, so that's cool.


It did kinda go somewhere. I tried to break it off so many times, but because we lived together, I was boxed in. I lived with my ex for a while after we broke up, and this was probably more awkward. You can't move, avoid, or even breathe without the other person noticing you. So, I ended up spending so much time out of the house, just to stop being around her. Ended up making another close friend this way, and I'm loads better now she's gone.


I don't know what she was playing at, to be honest. She said she wanted to be with me at first, then changed her mind, and then went back home with her boyfriend when the year was over. Looking back on it, she clearly just wanted fun, saw I was there and used that. I used to think of her so much as a friend, and I can't believe I was stupid enough to get caught up in that situation.


Never again! Housemates are a no-go.


Aw shit, sorry man, didn't mean to go bringing it up. I get nosy sometimes thinking I can try and help people, dunno why I do it. Though I'm an ear if you ever want one. I can imagine the awkwardness, and I know people who've done the same, getting involved with people they live with(which is all good, until it goes wrong). I don't see why some girls can't just be straight up dammit! Which is what I was saying about them not deciding on their angle, men are so much more simple :heh:! Doesn't sound like she was good enough of a friend to have ever messed you about like it anyway, so it's been for the best, especially with getting a newer better friend out of it!


And for the record, I still love Desmonds! They've got loads of it on Virgin OD now, so I watch it from time to time, I even made myself two Desmond's ringtones instead of doing my disseration this year! :D:D

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Aw shit, sorry man, didn't mean to go bringing it up. I get nosy sometimes thinking I can try and help people, dunno why I do it. Though I'm an ear if you ever want one. I can imagine the awkwardness, and I know people who've done the same, getting involved with people they live with(which is all good, until it goes wrong). I don't see why some girls can't just be straight up dammit! Which is what I was saying about them not deciding on their angle, men are so much more simple :heh:! Doesn't sound like she was good enough of a friend to have ever messed you about like it anyway, so it's been for the best, especially with getting a newer better friend out of it!


And for the record, I still love Desmonds! They've got loads of it on Virgin OD now, so I watch it from time to time, I even made myself two Desmond's ringtones instead of doing my disseration this year! :D:D


Hahaha, Desmond's is the stuff dreams are made of. Cracking show. Also, you've got to watch Porkpie, the spin-off. He wins the lottery, hahaha.


But, she was a total bitch, to be honest. My ex turned into a complete ho-bag, but I've never seen one person change so much like my housemate did. She used to be so considerate, and then she just changed. Worse still, is that it rubs off on you, and you hate the person you are because of how they make you feel.


She was so indecisive, and I was being strung along for a lot of the time. It has pretty much knocked my perception of women now, really. It does make you extremely cautious. Women do like to play games, and a lot will just pick you up or drop you like a yo-yo. Sometimes they don't know they do it, and other times they're fully aware.

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Haha, my dear boy, you speaking directly out of my mind! Everything, like actually everything in your post, rang true to me and my situations of past, especially this one of the summer. She STILL insists she wasn't playing anything, too, but I find it hard to believe she can be so naive to her own self. If it's truly the case, I'd fear the day she realises what power she actually holds. Of all people too, I thought myself above and beyond it! Far too sensible to be suckered! I put up a good fight though, and definitely limited the damage, at the end of the day this little dent is slowly springing itself out.

Even the Porkpie bit too, brilliant stuff! We have them on tape somewhere(along with shitloads of Desmonds) but I don't know where, I don't know why it got cancelled so soon either, I thought it was rather good! In fact, I think I might look to make myself a new ringtone....;)

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theres enough of us. yet it turns out that what ever women tell you, they dont actualy want the romantic guy, not in my experience any way :p.


I dunno how I missed your post, but you're right.


I'd even go as far to suggest that women just want the macho-guy, or somebody to treat them like arseholes. Seems to work. The problem is, or what I've found anyway, is that most girls will automatically assume you'll never want anything more than friendship if you don't make it obvious from the start. So, if you try to get to know them first, it goes against you, and you just end up being stuck as the friend, whilst somebody else swoops in.


Haha, my dear boy, you speaking directly out of my mind! Everything, like actually everything in your post, rang true to me and my situations of past, especially this one of the summer. She STILL insists she wasn't playing anything, too, but I find it hard to believe she can be so naive to her own self. If it's truly the case, I'd fear the day she realises what power she actually holds. Of all people too, I thought myself above and beyond it! Far too sensible to be suckered! I put up a good fight though, and definitely limited the damage, at the end of the day this little dent is slowly springing itself out.

Even the Porkpie bit too, brilliant stuff! We have them on tape somewhere(along with shitloads of Desmonds) but I don't know where, I don't know why it got cancelled so soon either, I thought it was rather good! In fact, I think I might look to make myself a new ringtone....;)


Women do hold all the keys, though. They'll argue to the death that they don't, but they do. And, worse of all, the ones that do know this, are the really awful ones who do turn you inside out.


It's the same with guys. Some girls really fall for guys, and then they do the same thing, they abuse that power. I guess that's what it is - a power game.


I had a lot of the episodes on tape, too. I'll try and fish eet out when I get to go home.


Major off topic. I think porkpie opened like a jerk chicken shop after winning the lottery, but I think the reason it stopped was because everyone felt it wasn't the same without Norman Beaton


Yeah, it really wasn't the same without him. :(

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My gf broke up with me this year too, she was my first gf, and it was a serious relationship (2 years.)


Basicaly, she moved away to uni in Aberystwyth and life started to get difficult for her, as she's never had to cope on her own before. Plus uni work was plentyful. One day, she called me and said that she couldn't cope with the relationship any more because it wasn't helping. So we ended it but stayed as friends. That is... until a week later when I saw her for the weeked and we got back together. However, she called me again a week later to break up with me for the same previous reasons. This was just over a month ago now.


From what I've heard, some of her friends went down (who really don't like me), and convinced her to end it with me. Of course, she'd had this whole splitting up thing in mind anyway. However, we are still friends, and she is sort of with someone else now, but she's really messed up after splitting up with me. I'm getting over it... slowly.

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I dunno how I missed your post, but you're right.


I'd even go as far to suggest that women just want the macho-guy, or somebody to treat them like arseholes. Seems to work. The problem is, or what I've found anyway, is that most girls will automatically assume you'll never want anything more than friendship if you don't make it obvious from the start. So, if you try to get to know them first, it goes against you, and you just end up being stuck as the friend, whilst somebody else swoops in.


I agree with the macho thing. But I also have recently decided to do the following thing(s) having always been "the friend" or "the guy who will listen to all of my shit as I dump it on him for my own stupid mistakes". :p


I firmly believe that women purely want to know where they stand. They actually may not think this but I feel that they almost put men (subconsciously) in boxes of potential partners/friends/nobodies.


The trick is (imo) that you need to spell out that you find them attractive/interesting from as early as possible. If you make friends with them it's usually by purely listening/talking to them about relative info. But right at the beginning a bit of flirty play is always good -- but taking it one step further by, say, holding her wrist when asking for the time and saying sommat like "Wow, you have really nice/soft/pretty hands" or "your watch is totally fashion! Just like the rest of you!". (You can even use phones/iPods etc as a means of interaction now.)


These kinds of things I was always a bit "meh" with as I thought my niceness would shine through but giving off these signals of "intent" and being somewhat physical seems to work wonders. When you just talk it's friend territory. Making your nice gestures and 'physically' backing up these gestures (or reinforcing things via physical interaction) seems to push things towards relationship material.


Of course, everyone is different and the speed in which physical interaction can occur can come at many different points but I'd say, in general these things will stand anyone in good stead.


(Hope that helps someone!)


Oh..and The Desmonds was AWESOME. And I still love Porkpie!

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My gf broke up with me this year too, she was my first gf, and it was a serious relationship (2 years.)


Basicaly, she moved away to uni in Aberystwyth and life started to get difficult for her, as she's never had to cope on her own before. Plus uni work was plentyful. One day, she called me and said that she couldn't cope with the relationship any more because it wasn't helping. So we ended it but stayed as friends. That is... until a week later when I saw her for the weeked and we got back together. However, she called me again a week later to break up with me for the same previous reasons. This was just over a month ago now.


From what I've heard, some of her friends went down (who really don't like me), and convinced her to end it with me. Of course, she'd had this whole splitting up thing in mind anyway. However, we are still friends, and she is sort of with someone else now, but she's really messed up after splitting up with me. I'm getting over it... slowly.




Stupid, stupid bitch. (no offense). But that is totally inconsiderate, to end your first serious relationship after 2 years because of uni?!! Out-fucking-rageous. Don't people understand that hardships are something that can be faced TOGETHER!? Behaviour like this is incredibly annoying its incredibly unfair... I'm sad for you because I can kind of 'sense' other peoples emotions when I know their ordeal, and there wasn't a hint of hard feelings in your post and you didn't really state how you feel, so you obviously still care for her...:(

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Stupid, stupid bitch. (no offense). But that is totally inconsiderate, to end your first serious relationship after 2 years because of uni?!! Out-fucking-rageous. Don't people understand that hardships are something that can be faced TOGETHER!? Behaviour like this is incredibly annoying its incredibly unfair... I'm sad for you because I can kind of 'sense' other peoples emotions when I know their ordeal, and there wasn't a hint of hard feelings in your post and you didn't really state how you feel, so you obviously still care for her...:(


Not to rain on his parade(or is it reign for parades? Who knows!) but what if it's just an excuse, and more a kind of grass is greener on the other side thing. People grow tired of some things, and think there's better out there, I think it definitely happens alot in relationships generally due to the arguable weight of commitment, and I think it's why alot break up(and often, make up). I hate how it is like that sometimes, though.

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Stupid, stupid bitch. (no offense). But that is totally inconsiderate, to end your first serious relationship after 2 years because of uni?!! Out-fucking-rageous. Don't people understand that hardships are something that can be faced TOGETHER!? Behaviour like this is incredibly annoying its incredibly unfair... I'm sad for you because I can kind of 'sense' other peoples emotions when I know their ordeal, and there wasn't a hint of hard feelings in your post and you didn't really state how you feel, so you obviously still care for her...:(


No offense taken. And it does still hurt a bit, but I can see me and her becoming friends, and that's going ok so far. I admit, there were some tough times in the latter part of our relationship, it was starting to become a bit unstable tbh. But we always managed to work stuff out in the end, so this was kind of out-of-the-blue. I still have some feelings for her left, but I just can't see that working any more. It does upset me, and sometimes I get a bit angry. However, I don't know why... but I just can't bring myself to hate her.

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Not to rain on his parade(or is it reign for parades? Who knows!) but what if it's just an excuse, and more a kind of grass is greener on the other side thing. People grow tired of some things, and think there's better out there, I think it definitely happens alot in relationships generally due to the arguable weight of commitment, and I think it's why alot break up(and often, make up). I hate how it is like that sometimes, though.


Your right. And I'd be the first to agree that I've had such thoughts, and I'm sure my gal has too. I still kind of think it actually, like 'what if'. But those are just sparse thoughts, I'm sure this occurs with married couples as well. Anyone who would end a serious (and especially first) relationship on such thoughts (which, by nature are rose-tinted thoughts) usually remain indecisive and unsatisfied with what they got... This is when you play TLC's "Don't go chasing waterfalls".


No offense taken. And it does still hurt a bit, but I can see me and her becoming friends, and that's going ok so far. I admit, there were some tough times in the latter part of our relationship, it was starting to become a bit unstable tbh. But we always managed to work stuff out in the end, so this was kind of out-of-the-blue. I still have some feelings for her left, but I just can't see that working any more. It does upset me, and sometimes I get a bit angry. However, I don't know why... but I just can't bring myself to hate her.


:( ...


*no homo man-hug*

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But yeah relationships...


You've all gathered that stuff went bad with bluey recently but hey...



:yay: :yay: :yay: We got back togther so I'm not gonna let all:yay: :yay: :yay:

: peace: : peace: : peace: you lots' grumbling get me down!: peace: : peace: : peace:


WEEW!! *insert many many emotes!*


looking back on a whole year full of stuff always makes things look worse than they really were... i could say this was a pretty bad year for my sandwich-eating habit... but really i just switched sandwiches for rice-balls... i've eaten plenty of sandwices!!




what i think i'm trying to say is ~ tings 'aint as bad as all dat, fellas!

'ere's a little song i wrote~ don' worry..... beeee happy.... *whistle solo~*

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WEEW!! *insert many many emotes!*


looking back on a whole year full of stuff always makes things look worse than they really were... i could say this was a pretty bad year for my sandwich-eating habit... but really i just switched sandwiches for rice-balls... i've eaten plenty of sandwices!!




what i think i'm trying to say is ~ tings 'aint as bad as all dat, fellas!

'ere's a little song i wrote~ don' worry..... beeee happy.... *whistle solo~*


Congratulations. :yay:

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Nah, can't say it was, I met my better half this year, sparks happened etc. She moved in a month and an half ago, and life has been awesome ever since[/cheese]. Although if we're looking at relationships strictly outside "that" particular area of interest, the guy I considered my best mate for years hasn't talked to me since the summer...which is faintly depressing, but hey, shit happens.

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WEEW!! *insert many many emotes!*


looking back on a whole year full of stuff always makes things look worse than they really were... i could say this was a pretty bad year for my sandwich-eating habit... but really i just switched sandwiches for rice-balls... i've eaten plenty of sandwices!!




what i think i'm trying to say is ~ tings 'aint as bad as all dat, fellas!

'ere's a little song i wrote~ don' worry..... beeee happy.... *whistle solo~*


Um Yay.... but also..... FALCON PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm glad you guys got back together, it means I can buy stuff off you again. But this thread so far has been more like a depressed lonely hearts club.

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It's been a rocky year for my relationship thats for sure, but we survived. It's good in a way because its easy to get comfortable and take advantage of your partner when you've together for a while, so nearly breaking up a few times this year has been like, whoa, we really need and love each other, so why arn't we showing each other that?


So yeah, we need to work on that. I'm sure 2009 wont be a breeze, but you can only hope and work for the best.

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My gf broke up with me this year too, she was my first gf, and it was a serious relationship (2 years.)


Basicaly, she moved away to uni in Aberystwyth and life started to get difficult for her, as she's never had to cope on her own before. Plus uni work was plentyful. One day, she called me and said that she couldn't cope with the relationship any more because it wasn't helping. So we ended it but stayed as friends. That is... until a week later when I saw her for the weeked and we got back together. However, she called me again a week later to break up with me for the same previous reasons. This was just over a month ago now.


From what I've heard, some of her friends went down (who really don't like me), and convinced her to end it with me. Of course, she'd had this whole splitting up thing in mind anyway. However, we are still friends, and she is sort of with someone else now, but she's really messed up after splitting up with me. I'm getting over it... slowly.


Tbh "uni" is such a shallow excuse for not being able to continue a relationship. She probably has more spare time than ever before, even with revision. She actually probably just wanted to end it because she couldn't be arsed with the travelling involved.

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