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4Chan: Your opinion on it?

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I went into /gif/ once and found a thread of gifs of grown men cumming on half-naked anime figurines...i never went there again


danbooru can offer more like this! the tag you desire is semen_on_figure


... or not


Whether you like it or not, I guarantee a lot of things you like and find amusing have originated from /b/ ebaums


4chan - where everything on the internet goes to die.


That sums up my opinion.


Wrong, everything is BORN there and is then is flogged to death


I find a lot internet humor comes from SA and/or 4chan.


The difference is SA usually know whens something is over. 4chan just runs that shit into the ground.



Oh and hearing about 4chan irl is just annoying as fuck, don't do it.

i am the same nightwolf but i have seen images that came from 4chan and 2chan.

i remember the things that i have seen on Steak and Cheese website.

2ch is on a whole different level, can't be compared. Or are you talking about futaba? Which is also pretty different.


I don't go there. Awful place.

I can tell this is a lie because I've heard quite a few lies in my time.


4chan is basically a dehydrated internet. Anonymity makes people forget their individual social confines and thus encourages randomness, and from randomness comes many sparks of ingeniuity -- which is almost inevitable given a large enough amount of people. 4chan unites most corners of the internet, which I think is a good thing, but almost encourages people to think without a brain when it comes to question subterficial (lol made-up) reasoning.


But if anything it is a very curious experiment of human nature, and for that I am glad it is around.

2ch is on a whole different level, can't be compared. Or are you talking about futaba? Which is also pretty different.

He's got to be talking about futaba, images (excluding Shift-JIS art of course) don't tend to come from 2ch. Anyway, futaba isn't that different to 4chan really - it's in Japanese, all the memes are different, /b/ kind of exists a bit in all boards, and it's maybe slightly less irreverent, but is otherwise much the same. To be honest, I find it to be the better of the two.

I know, that's why i was asking Hellfire that, i wanted to see if he used "xD" there or something like that, he would be rippen apart everyday.


Aimless: Yeah, you shouldn't go there then, they are a bunch of faggots who will shout "Kill yourself" and a bunch of insanities at every corner.


But overall, i think i agree with everyone, as long as you don't take it seriously (which i don't, by the way), its fine.

But it really annoys me how far they go sometimes


Please, do not post meme's here, or this will soon start flooding with a lot of racist and homophobic meme's, better avoid them.


Edit: Also, what's Encyclopedia Dramatica about?


Way to show them damn homophobes on 4chan.


Personally I love 4chan and everything about it (except you know, the whole child porn thing).


Firstly, alot of internet jokes as Twozzok mentioned, are inevitably derived from something originally on 4chan, or SA, or various other chan sites(I know SA isn't a chan site, never really been on SA though).


I'm amazed how many people DON'T know about 4chan, I often tell my friends of things I've seen on the internet, I've seen the dank dark recesses of the place, it's 4chan. I never actually mention the site irl though, I just let it slide. Part of me is worried of what my friends might think of me, maybe!


I also agree with Jay, it's an incredibly interesting experiment and reflection of human nature. True human nature, unbound by social norms. I find it fascinating and intriguing, but also worry it's slowly destroying whatever soul I have left and totally desensitising me to alot of stuff and the world.


Agreed it's a vile place, and that racism and all sorts run rife, though I wonder how much is just the shock comedy value, as opposed to actual full blown racism(i myself dabble in rather alot of comedy racism with my friends). I imagine people get a liberation from it too. I think as long as you're a sensible person with a good head on you, going there shouldn't damage you too much, really. There's some people who probably shouldn't go there though, young and/or impressionable minds, really. For all it's bad though, it can be quite an amusing place(like the rules, image macros, lolcats, stupid stories, the general way people act etc).

Guest Stefkov

I like the place.

I'm a sick bastard is why.


Never looked at it, not interested. ED has made me laugh so much at cry at some articles they have, but otherwise it's ridiculous and I can barely scroll down the 'Offended' page..

Errr.... Rules 1 and 2?


You fag. Rules 1 and 2 don't even exist. In fact, the whole rule thing was just made up by anon. There's a vid on youtuibe somewhere of Moot at a conference clearly stating there are no such things as rules one and two.


And if they do, only applys to raids :p




Ps. I love the place. Especially /ck/.




My favourite rule is 34 xD, and yes, the rules were made up by Anon, moot didn't have anything to do with it



Edit: Also, for those not informed, rule 1 and 2 are from the so called "Rules of the Internet", those are the most important rules, and they prohibe anyone from talking about /b/ out of /b/.


We are rebbelious, though, so we FIGHT DA POWAH

seriously, if you didn't find that funny you must be dead inside. :blank:


I didn't find that funny, because it isn't funny. What the hell was funny about that? 4chan is just a site for the immature.


Seems like people here only know of /b/ on 4chan because there are a lot of channels (over 40 channels) and a lot of them have a lot less of that immaturity and icky gross stuff.

I stray away from /b/ as much as I can because it´s not as funny as it was before or I just started to find it unfunny

I love 4chan I´m addicted to it and I don´t think I´m sick because of it.


I prefer the term unmature, and I found it quite hilarious because it was such an immature macro, lighten up guys!

Also, rules 1 and 2 only apply to a certain somewhere, I didn't mention that place. *shifty eyes*

I hadn't addressed the fact it has a number of actually useful boards on it.


The boards i visit are in these order:


1 - /a/

2 - /v/

3 - /b/


I don't visit anything else


Edit: Echo, but if you want them to be born, you will need to be there.

2ch is on a whole different level, can't be compared. Or are you talking about futaba? Which is also pretty different.



I can tell this is a lie because I've heard quite a few lies in my time.


i was talking about game magazine scans and anime screencaps that other boards link to.


What is futaba?


What the hell are /a/, /v/ and /b/?


/b/ - the home of Anonymous, it is where people go to discuss random topics on 4chan.


/a/ - 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of Japanese anime and manga .


/ck/ is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and cooking recipes.


/v/ - 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of video games.


I think Maase is the perfect example of someone who shouldn't be on 4chan.


I visit mainly /v/ and /g/.


PS. I don't believe your parents or school knows what's a 4chan. Enjoy your orphanage.

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