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Writing Dissertations


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OK it's that time of the year where we are working hard on our dissertation/thesis/essay and I for one am struggling emmensly.


I do graphic design and this is one of my weakest areas. I was stressing out so much that it got to the point where I was thinking of using one of those 'write it for you' sites (I know, it's low, but I'm not that bothered).


Does anyone know if there are genuine ones out there, I've looked at this one and it seems ok.



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I don't know if I ever approve of getting someone to write it for you/significantly help you write it! Though I guess it's your choice. What do you struggle with writing them anyway? How long does it have to be also? When is it due?

I'm quite terrible with writing essays, or so I thought, I tend to sit down to write and don't do anything for about 4 hours, but then as I get going I really get into the swing of things. A few people told me I have a good writing style, but I'm not sure if they mean it or know what they're talking about, as I was always crap in school at writing stuff. My biggest problem comes from the fact I always put them off til the last minute and pull allnighters though, I wouldn't recommend doing that cos I think whilst the pressure makes me work, the quality probably suffers because of it.

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1k words a week? That's a piece of piss, break it down even more than's 200 words a day, giving you a weekend to fap about a bit. And hell, around 1-2k isn't going to be your writings as they'll be some quoatage. The conclusion is merely rounding up shizzle you've gone on about before.

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yeah, like the playas bin sayin (thought some ebonics may help), break it into several sections. tackle it from one aspect at a time.


my dissertation was 8000 words, as well as a 1000 word proposal and a presentation. i was struggleing but i kept in touch with my personal tutor (every student is assigned on, rght?) just get all the information you need down, then expend it, structure it a bit more logicaly, read and re-read it, be prepaired to cut and add as needed. 6000 words isnt a lot at all, i managed that in a couple of weeks for my dissertation, though i did have to keep redoing a few section. you have a good time frame. dont use that essay writter, its not just low, its making you into a liar, you wont really be qualified to pass.


when i graduated, i was proud because i knew it was an achivment to call my own, id beat the odds (people with my condition have a 90% chance of ending up in jail) and stuck out, even when it got hard.

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Yeah if you put it that way it doesn't seem so bad. I think they are being bastards about the word limit, quotes don't count!

All of them?


Because for my dissertation massive quotes didn't count, and were indented. A few sentences were allowed in the word count. And if they all don't count for you, you can waste some text saying how it compares with what you're doing and if it dis/agrees with other quotes. A fine wall of bullshit. Watch Are You An Egghead? and Eggheads tonight, and you'll see what I mean about prize timewasting from the presenters.


My dissertation was 10,000. I should upload it to you lot someday, tis a prime Video Game dissertation.

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If you use one of those sites that write it for you, doesn't that sort of destroy the point of doing the course in the first place? You end up paying one lot of people to give you work, and another lot of people to do it for you, without any guarantee of quality - ultimately, you're just paying an awful lot for a qualification you don't deserve.


So yes, I suggest you actually do it, and try to do as well as you can. 6000 words in 6 weeks isn't really that bad to be honest - I have to write considerably more than 1000 words a week and manage to do so.

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1k words a week? That's a piece of piss, break it down even more than's 200 words a day, giving you a weekend to fap about a bit. And hell, around 1-2k isn't going to be your writings as they'll be some quoatage. The conclusion is merely rounding up shizzle you've gone on about before.


Quotes don't count toward the word count...


Anway. Need to start organising mine. Focusing it a bit more and deciding exactly what im doing. But I feel confident about it.

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OK it's that time of the year where we are working hard on our dissertation/thesis/essay and I for one am struggling emmensly.


I do graphic design and this is one of my weakest areas. I was stressing out so much that it got to the point where I was thinking of using one of those 'write it for you' sites (I know, it's low, but I'm not that bothered).


Does anyone know if there are genuine ones out there, I've looked at this one and it seems ok.




That is utterly fucking stupid - I hope your institution finds out and you are awarded zero.


Seriously, how can you even consider cheating? Not just cheating, but getting someone to do the whole thing for you. Not only would you not deserve any marks, but likely you'd be exposed due to shoddy writing skills that these borderline-legal sites employ. Then your entire course might well be canceled as plagiarism is a serious offence.

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That is utterly fucking stupid - I hope your institution finds out and you are awarded zero.


Seriously, how can you even consider cheating? Not just cheating, but getting someone to do the whole thing for you. Not only would you not deserve any marks, but likely you'd be exposed due to shoddy writing skills that these borderline-legal sites employ. Then your entire course might well be canceled as plagiarism is a serious offence.


Thank you for your input. Like I said, I was thinking of using it because I was at a low point. I didn't say that was my intention. And yes I know it's pathetic but other members here have at least been more helpful.

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Thank you for your input. Like I said, I was thinking of using it because I was at a low point. I didn't say that was my intention. And yes I know it's pathetic but other members here have at least been more helpful.


The only way they could have been more helpful is if they said the exact things I said but harsher.


Given you found two places doing it and were weighing up the prices it did seem like you were intending to do it.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Somethings crossed his mind and he's become, perhaps, a bit too curious about... big deal.


If he does do it and he gets a way with, he join a long line of other people who have done the same. Let's face it, he's doing graphic design. His ability to get a job should be based on the sample work he can provide, not the level of his qualification. It's just a shame that some employers care more about qualifications than real world skills.


If he get's a way with it, he'll either say enough's enough and do things the proper way every time then onwards, or he continues to take shortcuts that will lead to a much greater fall than simply being booted out of Uni.


I certainly don't condone the idea, but I'm wouldn't get all holy than thou on his backside.


All the previous posters have tried to steer him away from the idea by offering possible solutions to his problem. Sitting there condemning him isn't going to change his mind because you still aren't helping to solve the issue.


Don't tell him what not to do, tell him what he should be doing.


I was lucky, my biggest piece of work weighed in at a paltry 2000 words and I had 2 semesters to do that.

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All the previous posters have tried to steer him away from the idea by offering possible solutions to his problem. Sitting there condemning him isn't going to change his mind because you still aren't helping to solve the issue.


Actually, I told him what would very possibly happen to him if he did that, and fear of consequences is usually the best thing to deter people.


Solve the issue? Knuckling down to do the work (or seeking our help from his tutor) is solving the issue. Coming onto a forum saying that it's too hard and so you might use a website to buy an essay is just stupid. Don't stick up for stupidity. I am guessing even he realises that it was a stupid idea now.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Actually, I told him what would very possibly happen to him if he did that, and fear of consequences is usually the best thing to deter people.


Solve the issue? Knuckling down to do the work (or seeking our help from his tutor) is solving the issue. Coming onto a forum saying that it's too hard and so you might use a website to buy an essay is just stupid. Don't stick up for stupidity. I am guessing even he realises that it was a stupid idea now.


I don't know at what point I was considered to be sticking up for his "stupidity" since I stated that I don't agree with the idea.


And what you've just said about going to see his tutor for assistance is a good bit of advice which you could have said straight away. Yeah it seems obvious, but sometimes you just need someone to say it to you.

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