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meeting people from the interwebs

perfectly safe, or risky and reckless?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. perfectly safe, or risky and reckless?

    • yeah it's safe ~ no problem!!
    • NOOO dont do it bluey! we love you too much!!

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  RoadKill said:
LAN Parties are nerdy as fuck but also awesome as fuck, drinking booze, playing LAN games, talking about nerdy shit = winrar


I would agree, I've been to the i-series LANs twice and it was the nerdiest drunkest place I've visited.


Only people I've met from the net (rhyming ftw) are people I know from Counter-Strike.

  RoadKill said:
LAN Parties are nerdy as fuck but also awesome as fuck, drinking booze, playing LAN games, talking about nerdy shit = winrar

Not the ones I went to, of about 30 people, 3 may have been slightly nerdy in the sense of knowing lots of computer shit. The rest were 30 something blokes who we all just basically got pissed, played poker and shared random shit over the network. It's my main source of porn.

Not the ones I went to, of about 30 people, 3 may have been slightly nerdy in the sense of knowing lots of computer shit. The rest were 30 something blokes who we all just basically got pissed, played poker and shared random shit over the network. It's my main source of porn.


I mostly do small LAN parties with friends now and then, also - nerdy I mean in the good sense, and yes, we play poker and share shit on the network too. I used to be legendary for bringing a massive collection of porn.. and well, everything


I once went to a LAN without my main file server (who's name is bob) and someone created a DC++ Hub with the title "WHERE IS YOUR BOB NOW?!?!", ahh, I'll get my coat

  Raining_again said:
Bluey that's a very kind thing for you to do! ^__^ I hope that if I go to a country i'm not used to, I find someone nice like you :heh: As long as you stay safe you'll be fine


I've met quite a few people online, N-E meet, the ballymena N-E folk, as well as soag!


I took a bit of a risk meeting soag - went up to Belfast by myself, but I was in public, and he was nothing less than a gentleman =)


Well thats a lie as I was going to stab you when you turned your back in burgerking but you give me those puppy dog eyes and I just couldnt do it lol.


The thing is with meeting with people of teh intardwebz is that, generally speaking, most people on the internet these days are just people. Everyone uses it so the vast majority are going to be perfectly nice people just like in real life.


Lets see if I can actually add something here. Okay. Ive met people from the internet......


....three times.


First time was...well it was a...chat room meet? Wow that makes me sound desperate. Anyway I was, (hahah) and I was like...15. Sue me. Anyway she was actually kinda stupid when I look back on it. I went back to her house. Anyway it was quite bizarre. Mild things occured, and then luckily we had momentarily stopped and her parents just walked in, completely fine with a stranger here. Anyway....we had talked on the....well..."talked" on the phone prior so I guess.


The second time was meeting the HCRealms people in America. Open place (a bar) and that was cool. Also met a minor celebrity *cracks knuckles* but yeah.


And then of course the NE meet, and we all think we know how that went down.


So basically.......everyone Ive met from the internet, they have actually been in more danger or should have been more scared/worried of me, than me of them. :) :)





I have had a few g/fs i've met online in the past. Totally safe and totally fine. It's a little weird for like 10 minutes when you meet but then you just laugh at it and forget you ever didn't know each other in person before.


Why not bring someone with you?


Can't do any harm to him to see 2 welcoming faces and might make you feel a little more comfortable with somebody else there (maybe a guy?).

  ReZourceman said:
Anyway she was actually kinda stupid when I look back on it. I went back to her house. Anyway it was quite bizarre. Mild things occured, and then luckily we had momentarily stopped and her parents just walked in, completely fine with a stranger here. Anyway....we had talked on the....well..."talked" on the phone prior so I guess.

Details. Now.

  Dan Dare said:
The thing is with meeting with people of teh intardwebz is that, generally speaking, most people on the internet these days are just people. Everyone uses it so the vast majority are going to be perfectly nice people just like in real life.


Speak for yourself >_>

  Dan Dare said:
perfectly nice people just like in real life.


Hahaha. And just like in real life, you got your murderers, rapists, child molesters, wankers, chav-wankers, ass-bangers, marmite lovers, and the weird little people that come out to play between 03.25am and 03.30am EVERYDAY.


You wouldn't speak to a total stranger at 1am at midnight, but you could so easily do that on the internet and then you would meet them??? :shakehead I mean for me, its no problem because I am protected by the gods (namely Egyptian gods) but I'm thinking of the weaker, prey-like members of society who might just get grabbed and dragged into a shadowy corner or worst, thrown into a vortex.

  killthenet said:
I never met anyone from the internets, but how about a mini N-Europe meet with all the Sheffield crew next weekend?

Sounds good to me. Shorty, nami, nightwolf, dan dare and maybe lazyboy. What's the occasion?

  Jav_NE said:
I have had a few g/fs i've met online in the past. Totally safe and totally fine. It's a little weird for like 10 minutes when you meet but then you just laugh at it and forget you ever didn't know each other in person before.


QFT! I met a few people online after have chatted to them for ages. They all rocked, especially soag, even after the admission of trying to stab me :D


It was weird for 5 minutes, then you start talking about stuff you talk about online, and it just like clicks, and its not really awkward anymore! Yey!


I found the KNEE meet a little awkward, but that was mainly because I was in a country I'm not really familiar with, and I was only just after a flight and a long train journey XD But it was all good after we all started chatting! :D


I had an interesting discussion about this in Psychology today. :)


The only person I've met online, offline briefly is Bluey at the Expo! Which was awesome. : peace:


One of the greatest people. ever. EVER! :D


Seriously extremely easy to talk to and really kind! I was so nervous to talk to her but she made me feel right at home! :grin:


And after that intial awkwardness it was good!


Now Bluey it looks like you are taking all the necessary "precautions" and it should be fine but meeting someone is public makes it open and easier to run away!!!! Just tell someone you are doing this just to have a back up.


But I reckon it will be good! He is probably thinking the same sort of thing and will be so relieved when it is you at the other end at hand with a Cup of Tea and a smile! :)

  Raining_again said:
QFT! I met a few people online after have chatted to them for ages. They all rocked, especially soag, even after the admission of trying to stab me :D


It was weird for 5 minutes, then you start talking about stuff you talk about online, and it just like clicks, and its not really awkward anymore! Yey!


I found the KNEE meet a little awkward, but that was mainly because I was in a country I'm not really familiar with, and I was only just after a flight and a long train journey XD But it was all good after we all started chatting! :D


What can I say I am the coolest person ever lol!!


I'd say it's kind of weird, I've only ever met one person off the internet(excepting N-E guys), which I was actually reluctant to do for all manner of reasons cos I just thought it generally kind of weird. She broke me though, and we met, and got a bit cosy, then she fucked me up royally. She did at no point murder me though, so I guess it was arguably 'safe'. Also, I was clearly the murderous guy and she the innocent girl, so maybe it isn't an issue. The N-E thing was kinda different though, cos there was all of us in a similar boat, lots of us too. For it to have been a murderfest, it'd have to have been a very long conspiracy! I think it's like, you're ok to do it once you're over 18 or so, maybe more closer to 21, just past that age where you could be a pedo/be pedo-ed on. Also though, I think it should be someone you've known a fair while at least, or had alot of interaction with(like talked to them alot and stuff, as we had as forumers).

Still, you're old enough now that I think you can meet strangers without fear, as long as you're sensible and stuff(maybe take a friend, or just meet in public, keep your wits about you etc) and it seems you are so I don't really see anything wrong with it!


  Molly said:
As people have said I think it's fairly safe if it's in a public area and you're comfortable with it.




This is completely different but quite funny. When I was about 14-15 I met up with a guy I'd be chatting to on MSN for a long time. He wasn't a total random, he knew a friend of mine, but I'd never met him. We went to the cinema and he did the classic 'Yawn... stretch...put arm around', I had to look away from grinning, it just felt completely wrong. He came out with some classic one liners that could have come from 'How NOT to charm a lady' such as... ''You've got cold hands, my exgirlfriend had cold hands and she was a bitch''. And then he kissed me by just sort of pushing his lips towards my general face area. God, looking back it's hilarious. A few days later he emailed me saying he wanted to 'pop my cherry'. It's weird, he wasn't like that before I met him. Anywho, I never spoke to him again. Haha, my excuse is that I was young and naive.


This is ALMOST ultimate, it just needs more popcorn trick.

On the note of weirdness, I only felt weird with the girl(who I'd only met like a month before I met you guys, and I kind of only did cos I thought 'fuck it, im meeting a ton of people in a few months, why not!). I remember meeting j7, I'm not sure if it was ever even weird beyond the whole 'omg you're like actually right here in front of me as a fleshy person omg wow'. He was tres cool. So was Twozzok. Man, I miss the meet-up :(


Everyone knows the safety precauctions these days anyway. See them on camera, talk to them on the phone, meet them with a friend in a public place etc. So i dont see why there's any worry as long as people arn't stupid.




...well i met the girl i'd been talking to recently for sushi today and we got on pretty well =D if anything, she was really happy to have someone to hang out with and potentially expand her network of friends by.


and i taught her how to order tuna sushi in japanese ^___^

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