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It's a shame that none of that stuff featured in URA Zelda etc will ever see the light of day, but wait... the only reason the expansion was not released was because the 64DD never caught on right? but on the Wii surely they could emulate the 64DD and release an update to OOT that would allow this new version to be played?


Yes it's unlikely that they could / would do it but it'd be nice no?

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It's a shame that none of that stuff featured in URA Zelda etc will ever see the light of day, but wait... the only reason the expansion was not released was because the 64DD never caught on right? but on the Wii surely they could emulate the 64DD and release an update to OOT that would allow this new version to be played?


Yes it's unlikely that they could / would do it but it'd be nice no?


Iwata: (laughs)


What I don't understand is how ambitious Miyamoto seemed to be with a Zelda game for a failed console add-on. Why can't we see the same level of ambition with Zelda Wii (which "won't change radically") or MotionPlus?

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An interesting article on the history of the N64 Zeldas.


Hmm at the doors of time part, the dropped seven days and Grandma’s Drink in MM.


Thanks for that, Dante.


I can't believe how much was cut/changed from OOT. I remember when the Seasons/Ages games got announced for the Gameboy Color, that was supposed to be a trilogy but then got cut back to just two games. Its a shame really as both of those Zelda games are awesome and having a third would have just sweetened the deal. :D


I agree with Nathan though, if the ideas that they wanted to do couldn't have been pulled off back in the N64 era surely they can be with this gens technology. Lets hope Zelda Wii will have a few of these missing features as it seems like they wanted to create a living breathing Hyrule unlike the one we got in Twilight Princess.

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I like how what they envisioned for Zelda 64 was basically what Peter Molineux wanted for the first Fable, only a few years early. Unfortunately non of those was possible, but I wish that Nintendo kept that view they had on video games.

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I think a lot of the stuff they pulled out of OoT was used in MM, just look at the way OoT had the Goron and Zora masks that didn't really do anything. Or the way TP Hyrule had areas that were only in OoT Hyrule, and some only in Termina. Obviously some weren't but obviously they would have used a lot of leftover ideas considering how quickly MM came out after OoT.

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Iwata: (laughs)


What I don't understand is how ambitious Miyamoto seemed to be with a Zelda game for a failed console add-on. Why can't we see the same level of ambition with Zelda Wii (which "won't change radically") or MotionPlus?


The reason OOT and even super mario 64 was so good was because miyamoto directed them.. he doesn't realy do that anymore.. just offers small pieces of advice.

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Extremely interesting article about Zelda. The original character model they had for Link is more faifthful to the NES games, but I think they were right to change it.


Nintendo just "had it" then. I hope they still do, but I'm not sure. Miyamoto said he was once obsessed/fascinated with 3D worlds, and I think that's why the N64 and GameCube games were so good.


Twilight Princess and (especially) Phantom Hourglass showed very little of the vision Nintendo once had, but they can be excused for various reasons. How they reinvent Zelda for the Wii will be the real test.


It's funny to think the Wii is the first time a Nintendo machine has had in-built memory since the 64DD. Is its flash memory as useful and versatile as the N64 add-on?


One thing's for sure, if they could ever offer the completed Ocarina of Time 64DD/Ura Zelda, it'd be a bigger system seller to many of us than anything I can think of, with the possible exception of a brand new Zelda!

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Seriously, I would love to see OOT somehow patched on the Wii to include all of those features that got taken out, it could be easily done now surely? I'd even pay up to 500 wii points for the additional patch if the content was enough to justify it.


Then again, Nintendo can't even emulate the N64 memory pak / rumble pak at present so it might be a case of they simply can't emulate the 64DD hardware, which is a shame if so but damn... if they could only find a way. :/

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Seriously, I would love to see OOT somehow patched on the Wii to include all of those features that got taken out, it could be easily done now surely? I'd even pay up to 500 wii points for the additional patch if the content was enough to justify it.


Then again, Nintendo can't even emulate the N64 memory pak / rumble pak at present so it might be a case of they simply can't emulate the 64DD hardware, which is a shame if so but damn... if they could only find a way. :/


which is balls because even the pc emulators can do memory pak and rumble..


they're not really trying.. who knows they might eventually remake oot with the features in.. which I hope they don't do..

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I thought people were saying MM was emulated fine on the Wii? I didn't bother with it myself though, so I don't really know.


As amazing as an Ocarina of Time remake would be, they would need to be very careful with it. Miyamoto himself, and the best designers coders artists, ect. at Nintendo would need to spend a good few years on it. TBH, its still very playable in its current form, I think we need to wait a few more generations before a remake would even be worthwhile.

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I thought people were saying MM was emulated fine on the Wii? I didn't bother with it myself though, so I don't really know.


It can do the RAM expansion, just not the Memory Pak (ie. the memory card) or the Rumble Pak.


As amazing as an Ocarina of Time remake would be, they would need to be very careful with it. Miyamoto himself, and the best designers coders artists, ect. at Nintendo would need to spend a good few years on it. TBH, its still very playable in its current form, I think we need to wait a few more generations before a remake would even be worthwhile.


I would like to see it when Nintendo have a system comparable to the Xbox 360 - 1080p, widescreen, smooth framerate and traditional controls.

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It can do the RAM expansion, just not the Memory Pak (ie. the memory card) or the Rumble Pak.



I see. I just confused the names. Never-mind.


I would like to see it when Nintendo have a system comparable to the Xbox 360 - 1080p, widescreen, smooth framerate and traditional controls.


Lol, are you trying to be funny? Its not like they don't have the Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro, but there's just no way they're going back to a traditional controller as their primary controller. Its just not going to happen.

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Lol, are you trying to be funny? Its not like they don't have the Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro, but there's just no way they're going back to a traditional controller as their primary controller. Its just not going to happen.


I think he meant he would like to see the OoT remake with traditional controls intact, not the whole of Nintendo's next system.

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