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Lost Series 5


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Right. So daniel failed to blow up the reactor with a nuke, and it turned out his mum and widmore wanted him to go to the island because they both (or at least his mother) knew she'd shoot him, and he wouldn't avert the plane crash.


Daniel was, what, autistic off the island? what was the test he did on himself? Why did he seem so confused all the time? Was he just stoned?


.. I liked the episode a lot. More please :)

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Daniel was, what, autistic off the island? what was the test he did on himself? Why did he seem so confused all the time? Was he just stoned?


.. I liked the episode a lot. More please :)


It wasn't autism - that doesn't make you lose your memory. I reckon it must have been an experiment he did or himself or he just went mad after what happened to that girl...


Or he said that he tried the same experiment on himself first and it worked fine, maybe it didn't actually go well but the effects took some time to happen?

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NOOOOOOOOO not Faraday :( :( :(


My head hurts a little after watching that ep >_< So his mum and whitmore want the indcident to happen and want the plane crash to happen but why? why?


No doubt to let the war thats gonna happen in 2008 happen.

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Good episode, although maybe not as many answers as I'd hoped to see for the 100th episode. Even though I love his character, I kind of hope Daniel is dead - there's been too many characters recently who we were led to believe had died, but hadn't (Young Ben, Jin..). Anyway, it creates much more of an impact for Ms Hawking's character if she knew she'd end up killing her son, rather than just wounding him.


The main thing that niggled me about this epidode was how Faraday had suddenly decided you can change the past. After everything that's been rammed down our thoats this season about how you can't, it'd be a bit of a let down if it turns out you can. Besides, if the incident is prevented in the season finale, and 815 ends up not crashing, what would there be left to happen in season 6? I'm fairly confident that Jughead isn't going to be detonated, and if it is, it still won't chage the course of events.


My main question from the episode is how did Ms Hawking end up knowing so much about the future? Could she have taken Daniel's notebook after she shot him and read all about the future from it? That'd certainly be very interesting if true, and could even explain her telling Desmond not to buy the engagement ring in her first appearance in season 3 (as she'd have known from the book that he ended up going to the island to push the button).

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NOOOOOOOOO not Faraday :( :( :(


My head hurts a little after watching that ep >_< So his mum and whitmore want the indcident to happen and want the plane crash to happen but why? why?


Maybe because it happened and changing it cause time to reset the problem?



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Right. So daniel failed to blow up the reactor with a nuke, and it turned out his mum and widmore wanted him to go to the island because they both (or at least his mother) knew she'd shoot him, and he wouldn't avert the plane crash.


Daniel was, what, autistic off the island? what was the test he did on himself? Why did he seem so confused all the time? Was he just stoned?


.. I liked the episode a lot. More please :)


He was time displaced. You remember when Desmond went nuts on the boat after the chopper went off course? t'was that.

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Another idea about the 'Hawkins takes Dan's notebook after shooting him' theory I mentioned earlier - this may explain the source of Widmore's wealth after leaving the island. He could have taken some ideas from the notebook and used them to invent something or get rich. Of course, he could have been secretly working away at his business during all of his off-island trips while still a member of the Hostiles.

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There was some great stuff in this episode, especially at the barracks with Hurley, Chang, Sawyer and Juliet. I really don't like the idea that they could change the past, though, after we've had 'whatever happened happened' shoved down our necks all season. Changing things by detonating the bomb would be too much of a paradox for the writers to get out of.

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Ok, so... Maybe Ben wanted Locke to die just so that when the island is 'fixed' in a temporal position again, Locke will go back to being dead, and maybe next season sees everyone trying to make sure the plane crash actually happens by making sure everything that happened happens again before the crash, by arranging that everyone gets on the Oceanic flight in teh first place - so clare's boyfriend leaving her is done by our losties, the numbers the crazy man repeats are given to him by our losties, and so on, and so on.


I'm so totally wrong, I'm sure -- but simply... I love this show :)

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Why say that? Sounds like a perfectly plausible, and in fact brilliant ending.


I KNOW. lol :P And then the plane STILL crashes, but just into the ocean, so the last scene is everyone looking at each other, unknowing that they sorta knew each other for like 5 years, then DROWNING.


Only a season building up to it would just be mega-annoying. I do wonder what the next 'thing' will be (considering s1 = island, s2 = hatch, s3 = others, s4 = flash-forwards/widmore crew, s5 = BACK IN TIEM), as surely they're running out of options...


I do think sawyer, kate and juliette leaving the island will be part of the next 'thing'. Surely they really are returning to 70's rest-of-the-world, and not 'flashing' back to 2005 or whatever, because that would kinda leave them floating around the bottom of the ocean amirite? So they'll be in some sort of past, doing some sort of, er, thing :P


Alpert/Ben/Locke is still fascinating. Locke insinuates that Ben faked Jacob, based upon his meeting with Jack's 'dad' I suppose.


I dunno. My head hurts thinking about it all.

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