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Lost Series 5


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It certainly seemed like they were on auto-pilot this week. All of the 'big reveals' as it were have been long theorised and predicted by the Lost fanbase and it all seemed like old information to me, as if they've just trawled the Internet reading theories and decided just to go with something below par that the fans came up with.


If you put enough monkeys (which Lost theorisers certainly are) on typewriters they'll eventually get the answer.

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I thought it was a good one tonight. I've been waiting for them to make their way back to the Island and it was nice to see Jack back in the jungle... then running and diving down the waterfall to Hurley. I'm guessing the specifics of what happened will be explained later (but if they just leave us knowing that the plane got pulled in during one of the time shifts then I can deal with that. Actually, I was thinking it would be interesting if it was only the Losties who vanished off the plane and onto the Island when the sky lit up...).


I wonder how the rest of them ended up being convinced to get on the plane. ::shrug: Widmore...?

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Lt. Daniels from The Wire! Nooo he dieeed! Ahem. Yeahp, another good episode. The widmore/linus situation has grown a bit - widmore was on the island for three decades?! Just how old is the man. Why did Ben stop locke from 'suiciding' then kill him anyway? Why was hearing hawking's name so surprising for him?


Seeing Walt again was ace. His warning that people will want to kill locke; will that be ceasar or ben leading the mob? Their plane seems to have landed on the 'second island', too. Cool to know that wossisname (the pilot) is on his way back to the island to help/be awesome. I wonder who the girl that went with him is!


And so on! Great show.


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Really enjoyed episode 7 eventhough I already knew of a spoiler. Its just as well the spoiler was right at the beginning.


That Matthew Abbidon dies. Ben is turning into a right bastard. Didn't mind him before when he was just sinister and he has his speeches but now he 'killed' Locke and murdered Abbidon.


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Really enjoyed episode 7 eventhough I already knew of a spoiler. Its just as well the spoiler was right at the beginning.


The reason for that is because the beginning of this episode was going to be the series opener but replace with a new opener of Pierre Chang.

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I'm kinda just waiting for locke to be insignificent, it would be a wonderful breakdown of a person whose entire life has been leading up to this, if anything, he is creating his own significance, like telling richard to go visit him to prove who he was. I can kinda see it at times, and i think its such a good angle, when boone died and he lost it for a bit, to when jacob first appeared, you could see the worried look on his face that nothing might happen. I really want to see him become the most unimportant thing on the island just for his reaction.


Also, it seems ben flips out alittle each time he realises how important john is becoming, when he spoke to jacob ben shot him, when john said eloise hawking, ben strangled him, seemingly intent on stopping john becoming well...ben


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Lt. Daniels from The Wire! Nooo he dieeed! Ahem. Yeahp, another good episode. The widmore/linus situation has grown a bit - widmore was on the island for three decades?! Just how old is the man. Why did Ben stop locke from 'suiciding' then kill him anyway? Why was hearing hawking's name so surprising for him?


Seeing Walt again was ace. His warning that people will want to kill locke; will that be ceasar or ben leading the mob? Their plane seems to have landed on the 'second island', too. Cool to know that wossisname (the pilot) is on his way back to the island to help/be awesome. I wonder who the girl that went with him is!


And so on! Great show.


I guess maybe it was that all Ben needed from Locke was to find out who to go and see to get back to the island (Eloise) As opposed to him killing Locke because he knew about her or anything.


And seconded, death of Lt Daniels, as he will always be known, majorly sucked... could have been a really strong character.


Generally I can't say I was a huge fan of the episode. Don't really know where Lost is going now... if it's only heading toward a Ben Widmore war then, to be hnest, I don't really care..


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yeah, sorry about the bad episode naming.


I don't think it will remain a ben/widmore battle. The island was around before they ever came to any sort of 'power', and there are clearly greater forces at work that empower them that we know little about. I mean, jacob cannot simply just be jack's dad, can he? That whole ghostly element is bizarre.


It's the odd little bits of Lost that I really want answers to; the skeletal couple in the first season with the alchemist stones, the 'temple' in seasons... 3-5?... The 'madness' that drove Rousseau to kill everyone (was she just crazy or were the other people with her really trying to kill her?) and, of course, more dharma initiative stuff, which I think is obviously going to be a bit more of a focus with this season, if you consider the earlier shot of faraday at the start of the season.


I do really wonder if everything will be answered. It would make for a painstakingly abstract episode for a finale to wrap everything up, so I'm sure there will be elements left out of it. I doubt we'll ever find out who was on the island first, especially with the warping, nor why it never appears in the middle of a continent (it moves through time and space, remember), or why Ben had that 'list' of 'chosen' individuals that were required (or how his lieutenants knew how to compose such a list), or why the children are so important.


Of course, maybe everything will be answered. I'm not really fussed about getting any answers just yet, but I will be in the final season. I have no doubt that there are still plenty of new questions to be posed!

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That is a brilliant piece I failed to mention1! Four-toed part of a clearly-massive statue... But just how could they explain it? Surely such a feat must've been created by earlier island settlers -- much earlier than the Lost anthology (which brings to question - can they travel to any point in time? why are these seemingly random occurances always within a so-called 'modern' era? Why not spaz out to a prehistoric moment?), and, of course, why only four toes? Two excellent points that need addressing. Just imagine if they never address the foot. Could make the entire show's legitimacy obsolete. The four toes is far more inexplicable than anything else.


Good rememberance (is that even a word?) there, O_W. To be honest I've always been surprised how they don't seem to know the entire island yet. How big is it, and how long could it take to investigate it all? Not primary questions, just curious ones.

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An amazing episode this week.


We've been waiting to find out how Locke ended up in that coffin for a while, and I never would have guessed that Ben killed him. Even so, I still trust Ben more than Widmore.. He seems to be just as good at manipulating the viewers as the characters on the show.

;) The only criticism I have is how some of the loose ends were tied up, such as Abbadon's story and Locke's meetings with the O6 and Walt. Hurley's scene in particular ended very abruptly. Can't wait to see what happens next week, now that they're all back on the island.


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Yeah, the statue does look Anubis like from behind, then there's Paul's necklace


Someone on another forum suggested Sekhmet, rather than Anubis, with the following additional points:


Sekhmet became identified in some later cults as a daughter of the new sun god, Ra, when his cult merged with and supplanted the worship of Horus (RA? Richard Alpert? Horace? hmm...)


Sekhmet was believed to protect the pharaoh in battle, stalking the land, and destroying the pharaoh's enemies with arrows of fire (mysterious arrow attack?)


Sekhmet also was seen as a bringer of disease as well as the provider of cures to such ills. (Ben's issues, curing Rose's cancer, healing Locke?)



Not super clear but it's left foot looks to have four toes.


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Although the Greeks and Romans typically scorned Egypt's animal-headed gods as bizarre and primitive (they mockingly called Anubis the "Barker"), Anubis was sometimes associated with Sirius in the heavens, and Cerberus in Hades. In his dialogues (e.g. Republic 399e, 592a), Plato has Socrates utter, "by the dog" (kai me ton kuna), "by the dog of Egypt","by the dog, the god of the Egyptians" (Gorgias, 482b), for emphasis.


FARADAY: [Lucidly] Doesn't matter what we do. Whatever happened, happened.


SAWYER: [sternly] Yeah, thanks anyway, Plato. I'm going over there. [To Juliet] You still got my back?


Phil and Jerry are references to Phil Lesh and Jerry Garcia of The Grateful Dead. Rosie may be a reference to the reoccurring symbol of roses in Grateful Dead songs and art. In "Ramble On Rose", the protagonist's name is Rose.


The name Grateful Dead has also been attributed to this quote :

"We now return our souls to the creator,

as we stand on the edge of eternal darkness.

Let our chant fill the void

in order that others may know.

In the land of the night

the ship of the sun

is drawn by the grateful dead."


-- Egyptian Book of the Dead

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