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I think this is one of my fave games ever and certianly my fave 360 game ever. The amount of stuff to do is frankly insane imo and its much more captivating to me than oblivion and I liked oblivion. Anyway has anyone been in some of the other vaults? Talk about fucked up!!

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I think this is one of my fave games ever and certianly my fave 360 game ever. The amount of stuff to do is frankly insane imo and its much more captivating to me than oblivion and I liked oblivion. Anyway has anyone been in some of the other vaults? Talk about fucked up!!


yep, love how creepy some of them are.

I think this is one of my fave games ever and certianly my fave 360 game ever. The amount of stuff to do is frankly insane imo and its much more captivating to me than oblivion and I liked oblivion. Anyway has anyone been in some of the other vaults? Talk about fucked up!!


This & Resi 4 (gamecube & Wii) are my most favourite, most played games ever. I'm hoping Resi 5 joins the list.


ahh found Fawkes yesterday.. he got stuck right away when we met up later... don't think I will have the patience to keep him around.. he probably fights like a girl anyway

ahh found Fawkes yesterday.. he got stuck right away when we met up later... don't think I will have the patience to keep him around.. he probably fights like a girl anyway


hes unbelivebly tough. nothing survives his wrath.


He only gets stuck on cliffy areas, and he's a bloody beat in combat, will pretty much take care of any deathclaw for you if you add a couple of shots.

He only gets stuck on cliffy areas, and he's a bloody beat in combat, will pretty much take care of any deathclaw for you if you add a couple of shots.


Pffft, deathclaw fails when the darts from my dart gun cripple it to comedic levels. After that, it's easy pickings taking care of it with my rock-it launcher, rifle gun, of if I am suicidal (about 4 swipes and im dead) my own deathclaw gauntlet. It's too fun being evil in the game, and it pays!


couldnt resist being evil in this game...the thought of blowing up megaton at the beginning after that sheriff was being a prick just had to be done.


LEVEL 19 and 3 quarters now had a good run on it today done 3 more of the quests :)


Found a new place on the map tucked away from a lot of things, it's near Hadrigde (or something) village and it's a big building with lots of ghouls in it. There were a few interesting things in it and with a lot of grenades. I managed to get in the room with this dead skeleton, got onto the computer and it had a file on it and it said about how he had been chased by the ghouls and asked for someone to come and save him.

Also found some holotapes.

EDIT: this is very interesting actually, turns out I meant:



Anyone else got the alien blaster? It's quality! Had a great VATS moment with a deathclaw and melted him



It was bleeding with atmosphere.


Speaking of atmosphere, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines does that pretty well too at times.


done the "oasis" quest yesterday very easy...strange people there would be a understatement


trying to do "blood ties" at the mo but cant find "the family"


also i got a quest to go back to vault 101 but i cant get in there what the hell?! (called return to homeland" or something like that


level 20 :)


Beer Monkey: the family is in a train station that leads up to an area with mines and rigged shotguns. The family is a freakish group that stay in one room. Evan gives you information on the 4 places to look.


How do you get that Oasis quest?

Beer Monkey: the family is in a train station that leads up to an area with mines and rigged shotguns. The family is a freakish group that stay in one room. Evan gives you information on the 4 places to look.


How do you get that Oasis quest?


oasis - top middle of the map quite hard to find id recommend looking at fallout wiki or waiting to get the explorer perk when level 20 to see the location.

Once you arrive you start the quest


done the blood ties quest now ta :smile: just killed them all until i found the kid....very good loot in there as well....AND a schmatic can be looted on the way as well as the weapon on the schematic itself.


I managed to pick this up yesterday as part of Gamestation's Deal of the Week , they only had the Collectors Edition left , but at £25 I couldn't resist.


Only just managed to escape Vault 101 , so only a lowly level 2 at the minute but early impressions are very favourable and I can now see what all the fuss is about. Really can't wait to find more time with this.


It's fine, like a shooter, not quite as refined as a true shooter. It works well though, since you can't always use Vats.


Try Vats though, you may find you like it.


Now played 23 hours and up to level 13, gotten back into it after a brief lull to play resistance single player. Rescued Fawkes last night and got the GECK, now in the erm... if you there you know where you end up, major twist didnt expect it...


Ugh! Heyulp! I 'accidentally' broke into the weapons trader place in Megaton (just started the game) and now the whole town is after me. Is there any way I can, like, get them to chill the fuck out?

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