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I played the SNES version last night and thought it was alright, nothing special.


Punch punch punch, bob and weave, punch punch punch and fill up that super bar then unload with the A button! If you get knocked down once or twice in the process of winning thats ok. Its about how much you can get hit and keep moving forward. :grin:

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Punch punch punch, bob and weave, punch punch punch and fill up that super bar then unload with the A button! If you get knocked down once or twice in the process of winning thats ok. Its about how much you can get hit and keep moving forward. :grin:


Pretty much :) I got bored to be honest, never been a fan of boxing games except for Ready to Rumble on the Dreamcast.

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Punch punch punch, bob and weave, punch punch punch and fill up that super bar then unload with the A button! If you get knocked down once or twice in the process of winning thats ok. Its about how much you can get hit and keep moving forward. :grin:


Rocky Balboa ftw! Epic film!

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I'm loving the cell-shading in this. Great trailer, though it made the game seem easy by always punching the opponents stomach.


Excellent trailer, great graphics, lovely music..but i must admit it looks way too easy and slightly dare i say it samey....hopefully i'll be proved wrong! Still pretty certain i'm not going to purchase it, but i do have faith in Nintendo changing my mind. :)

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I'm still not really sure about this one. The graphics and other presentation aspects look great, but to be honest, gameplay-wise, I'm not seeing much more than a boss battle from Donkey Kong Jungle Beat fleshed out into a whole game.. (Apart from the fact that, obviously, Punch Out and Super Punch Out came first.)

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I give them 10/10 for presentation - the scenes with Little Mac training are amongst the best graphics I've ever seen. I'm deeply sceptical about the motion control though. Without MotionPlus, I just don't see how it can be any better than Wii Sports Boxing.


I know you can use classic control, but motion control is the whole reason people thought of Punch Out re-emerging for the Wii. Using classic control, it might as well have been released on GameCube! It's still good to have the option though - that's the way forward.

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That was a great trailer, and it really shows that this game has a heart. For some reason, I had Rocky quotes going through my head when I was watching it, it's got that feel to it...dunno why I thought that.


I definitely want to see or hear more about this. Let's just hope it plays as good as it looks, because it's got a beautiful style to it.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I was a bit skeptical before, and after having seen that trailer, I'm even more so than I was previously. It really makes this game look exceptionally shallow - it looks nice aesthetically, but the gameplay looked rather dull.

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That was a great trailer, and it really shows that this game has a heart. For some reason, I had Rocky quotes going through my head when I was watching it, it's got that feel to it...dunno why I thought that.


I definitely want to see or hear more about this. Let's just hope it plays as good as it looks, because it's got a beautiful style to it.


Lol, glad I wasn't the only person thinking that it looks like a game with some heart and soul poured into it. The trailer was like a Rocky montage, so good. :hehe:

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Sorry if this is already common knowledge (but I wasn't aware of it :heh:) ..Punch-Out!! will use the Balance Board :smile:


Punch Out Wii Supports Balance Board


…And we support Punch Out Wii. Man, there is quite a bit of media lately for this title and I am starting to salivate.


Players will be able to use the Wii Balance Board in conjunction with the Wii Remote and Nunchuck to throw punches and dodge and weave at the same time.




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