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My plan to play this has failed miserably. Face/Off is on telly, so I've been watching that with a bowl of Vienetta.


Sometimes, I wish real life could go split-screen, so that you could do many different things at once. I think women have this...


One other thing, in regards to unlocking bonus material, do you have to finish all three challenges for each character in that exhibition menu? I completed a few challenges for some of the characters, but I can't remember if I got stuff for doing each one. There's one where you have to beat Von Kaiser in under a minute which I've tried a lot but just can't seem to do...yet.


I need to get better at this.

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My plan to play this has failed miserably. Face/Off is on telly, so I've been watching that with a bowl of Vienetta.


Sometimes, I wish real life could go split-screen, so that you could do many different things at once. I think women have this...


One other thing, in regards to unlocking bonus material, do you have to finish all three challenges for each character in that exhibition menu? I completed a few challenges for some of the characters, but I can't remember if I got stuff for doing each one. There's one where you have to beat Von Kaiser in under a minute which I've tried a lot but just can't seem to do...yet.


I need to get better at this.


You got all the audio files for finishing the three challenges against Glass Joe remember? So I assume you have to finish all challenges to get all the extra stuff.

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Yep, thats right.. finish the three trials to unlock stuff.


I've actually just finished Von Kaiser's trials.. i was bewildered by them for quite some time. T'was actually easier to do than the way i thought (for ageees) it had to be done.

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Ahh, I remember now. Thank you, my dear/s.


So, I got myself a hot cuppa tea last night, and position myself infront of the telly, and played this until the early hours of the morning.


I can't tell you all how much I love this game. It's charm on a disc. My only worry is that it may be a bit short? I've done the minor and major circuits/the first two so far, so onto the third one. I've heard some stuff about the game, in particular:


the title defence mode, and that it gets really difficult around then. So, I'm hoping this doesn't end anytime soooon.


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Glass Jaw is hillarious.

Infact, I just love the animation in this game.

Houses some of the best graphics on the system too.


Flink: Remind me...what is Vienetta made of? Is it even ice-cream?!


I agree with all of what you said. :)


Vienetta IS ice cream. How could you even question it? You fiend.



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It must have some special fizzle in it as it just tastes like cold sweet mush. Enjoyable no doubt but I question it with every spoon. I too enjoy a good cup of tea. But I digress.


What's your gaming tipple is a whole other topic.


Punch Out!! is great but I have to admit to it defeating me. Pattern recognition aint been this brutal since...




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Wow, almost a year since the last post.


I recently started playing this game. It can be pretty hard, but this game is very rewarding. In fact, there's nothing quite like it. You first start a fight, and you get completely owned. But, the more you play, the better you get and the satisfaction that you feel when you knock an opponent down is...amazing.


The one thing that I would have liked in this game is the ability to play as the other characters in multiplayer. It can be very limited just as Little Mac.

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It's a brilliant game, 'LiNk :bouncy:


I did the first couple of circuits earlier in the year but only got around to clearing the World Circuit a month or two ago. After I did that, though, I've put it aside again for a while but I'll definitely be going back to it many times in the future, particularly considering that there is still plenty more to play through now that I'm the champion :heh:


As a big fan of the SNES game, thanks to the Virtual Console, I did find the structure a little strange at first as it doesn't work in quite the same way.. but it is no less excellent :grin:


Have you been playing it with the motion controls, like me :indeed:, or classic style..?

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If I'm honest, I personally thought this game was average at best. I wasn't a fan of the NES/SNES titles and this, while feeling like a nostalgic throwback, presented little more than that outside of the rematches and a poor multiplayer option which didn't really work given how Punch-Out is designed gameplay wise.


It just failed to excite me in any form. If I'd have bought it for full price I'd have been really, really annoyed. Thankfully I didn't but I still didn't enjoy it that much.

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If I'm honest, I personally thought this game was average at best. I wasn't a fan of the NES/SNES titles and this, while feeling like a nostalgic throwback, presented little more than that outside of the rematches and a poor multiplayer option which didn't really work given how Punch-Out is designed gameplay wise.


It just failed to excite me in any form. If I'd have bought it for full price I'd have been really, really annoyed. Thankfully I didn't but I still didn't enjoy it that much.


You justify your distaste for the game right there at the start of that post- knowing that the previous Punch-Out!! instalments weren't your cup of tea, you should have been able to guess that with a lick of 3D paint, the Wii version wouldn't be up your alley either. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?

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  • 9 months later...

I've been dipping into Punch-Out!! again in recent nights to continue with the defense of my title :awesome:


The Nintendo Channel suggests that I haven't spent particularly long with the game so far at roughly 5 hours. That figure does not reflect my opinion of the game, however, as I find it absolutely fantastic :yay:


I took care of Von Kaiser last night and Disco Kid tonight and was having a great time with my Wii Remote + Nunchuk combo :bouncy: For me, it is the perfect follow up to Super Punch-Out!! on the SNES :hehe:

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  • 1 year later...

So I bought this during Queen/King/Abdication Day, because there are markets everywhere and you can find games quite cheap.

Got it for 10 euros.


Seems like a bit of an easy/quick-to-finish kind o' game, but I might be fooled.


Wasn't this initially sold at about 30 euros?


The content seems pretty basic. They probably wanted to mimmick the pick-up-and-play kind of vibe of the originals.


Look at me working on my backlog :)

(I've also completely restarted Cave Story as my inital playthrough was set on hard-mode and I would die every 2 seconds sort of :laughing: Now it's on 'original' difficulty and I am looking to finish it this time.

Edited by Fused King
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So I bought this during Queen/King/Abducation Day, because there are markets everywhere and you can find games quite cheap as well.

Got it for 10 euros.


Seems like a bit of an easy/quick-to-finish kind o' game, but I might be fooled.


Wasn't this initially sold at about 30 euros?


The content seems pretty basic. They probably wanted to mimmick the pick-up-and-play kind of vibe of the originals.


Look at me working on my backlog :)

(I've also completely restarted Cave Story as my inital playthrough was set on hard-mode and I would die every 2 seconds sort of :laughing: Now it's on 'original' difficulty and I am looking to finish it this time.


It's a gem of a gaming that requires you to learn attack patterns and timings. It may seem easy at first but man does the difficulty ramp up towards the end.


Enjoy! :bowdown:

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Aww man, if only there had been a U on the end of this thread title! :p


I think I heard the GT Invisible Walls guys talking about this game, saying the mode that opens up after you beat the game is the true mode! It's hardcore... the fighters have learnt from you beating them last time or something, wearing defensive gear where their weaknesses had been or something, and it's pretty fantastic! :D

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Aww man, if only there had been a U on the end of this thread title! :p


I think I heard the GT Invisible Walls guys talking about this game, saying the mode that opens up after you beat the game is the true mode! It's hardcore... the fighters have learnt from you beating them last time or something, wearing defensive gear where their weaknesses had been or something, and it's pretty fantastic! :D


Yeah, I unlocked it but never did play through it. It took me all my strength and energy to get through the easy mode. :D

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Aww man, if only there had been a U on the end of this thread title! :p


I thought it was Punch Out U for a moment there, but then I saw the 300+ comments and thought...Someone clearing their backlog maybe?


It must be Fused...


Lo and behold:



Excellent game though.

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