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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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Fallout 3 - Progress Completed - Time played 39 hours - Level 18


Best game ive played this gen...and is now one of my fav games EVER.

loved every second would still be playing now if my bloody 360 didnt get Rrod.

Loved exploring....like your supposed to go to one place but as im walking there ill get detoured for a few hours going in factories etc.


truely fantasic game 10/10


my time was at 75 hours, though a few of thouse are down to leaving it in the pip boy for a few hours.


my level was 20 and it was totaly awsome.


major spoiler, only read if you finnished fallout 3

Did you give your life or let the woman? i went in myself, got a very good ending


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I didn't complete it but I think I played it enough (5 or so hours):


Far Cry 2


It's a dull driving game with some half-decent FPS sections in a place that looks gorgeous at the very start but then becomes quite dull, bland and samey. The way this game handles health is fantastic. It's a shame that that's the only thing it does well.


The opening "cutscene" gives a really good impression that it's a troubled nation. This seems to go all out the window as soon as you play the game (mainly the "nation" part).


Also, why is it called Far Cry 2?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Vampire the Masquerades: Bloodlines


The first 3rd party game to be released using the Source Engine. It was released the same day as Half-Life 2 incidentally.


It was developed by Troika Games, a studio made up of former employees of Black Isle Studios which happens to have made some of my favorite RPGs(Fallout being at the top. They also worked on Baldurs gate). They main problem of the game was the fact that there are so very many bugs, some just annoying other potentially game breaking. I had one where a door that should unlock didn't, luckily I was able to use noclip. This unfortunately is a common trait of their games. They games are great but essentially unfinished.


The graphics are no Half-Life 2, but they aren't horrible even today they just aren't good. The gameplay is 1st or 3rd person, all shooting is 1st, while melee combat is in 3rd. You can explore the world in either though. Everything is voice acted and you have a different answers you can select similar to Fallout 3 or Oblivion. In the end though, it is an RPG so you have skills for everything you do. Your accuracy (and I think damage) is tied to how many skills you have in firearms. You can take seduction and persuasion and intimidation, any of those can be used to get your own way with out going through extra steps. You cannot be an everyman though, you will specialize. There aren't enough skill points to go around. Which brings a final point, you don't level in the traditional sense. As you complete objectives you gain maybe a point or two, which you save for later(skills end up costing ALOT) or use right away in conjunction with any others you may already have. Killing enemies, unless a certain objective, will gain you nothing so a killing spree on the streets is out of the question, let alone the fact that you'll piss off other vampires as well.


The atmosphere is fantastic as well, and the story is a variable, there are different endings to be achieved, or the same ending but with different choices(like Tourette :p).


8/10 If the bugs were gone it'd be a 9 or 10.

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prince of persia


great return of the series. being unable to die didnt actualy feel strange, it worked better then expected, just like the rewind from sot. controles felt a bit off at first, mostly as the game and me dissagreed on the path to take, possibly due to outher gaming habits.

game was short, finished in under 12 hours, without any real rush.


story was good, to avoid spoiling it for those playing ill hide my opinion

well that was a strange end, the death of elika was predictable, but then releasing the dark god to get her back? kinda unexpected. liked the trophie "to be continued" hope to keep the serise going a bit longer!




8/10. fun and exciting, and easy to look cool playing, me likes!

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You've made a powerful enemy today stop sign!



That video is win, I salute you.: peace:


Can any race talk to the sign, or is it just those crazy Malkavians.


@leetpants Bloodlines bugs can be mostly fixed with patched and fan made patches I hear.

But still awesome game.


Have you played Arcanum? Same developer and all that

Best way to describe it is steampunk fallout.


I have the patchs and fanpatchs installed, there are still bugs :(


I really really really really want to play Arcanum, REALLY. But I can't really find it, I :( even tried to pirate it, but it wouldn't run, crashed after loading iirc. Perhaps when I get a credit card/other online form of payment I'll pick it up off of amazon.



Well, I now must rate EDF 2017(there is an every so slightly different PAL name that I can't remember atm).


By all accounts, this game should be horrible. Every thing about it is just bad and if any other game had similar design choices, it would be critically panned. EDF on the other hand all these bad choice mold together to make one of the funnest games I've ever played. Co-Op probably triples the fun.


9/10, it's so bad but the fun just outweighs everything else. Quick sidenote, it has less game bugs than VtMB.

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  • 3 months later...



GTA Chinatown Wars


One of the DS's finest games. One of GTA's finest entries. Itching to get the tank I've heard exists in the game. The progression of missions is great, and randomly finding a chainsaw was fun! I was like *mission sidetrack*


Some of the missions are brilliant. Like stealing the oil tanker! Weaving in and out of traffic on that thing trying to avoid the flaming car. Brilliant. Has had me cheering or gasping tonnes of times.






Whats this? Not...not two of the finest DS games of its life span released on the same day?!


Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure


I hadn't even heard of this game until a few weeks ago. So I finally played it last night. For anyone who is not familiar with it, it is a 2D platform game, mixed with a colour block puzzle game. Sounds simple enough....but...it does EVERYTHING right. it ticks every, bleeding box!




I can't believe that there was a point in my life when I wasn't going to get this game. It is brilliant. Its humouress, the characters are ridiculous, the balance between the two screens is perfect, and both elements are very fun. The enemies you defeat on the top screen get transported to the puzzle world, you can get power ups from the puzzle world, theres a few metres, if you fill one then you can transform into a giant robot. It goes "TEA TIME" and he gets all his mates out and has a sip of tea, before the robot flashes past the screen, the Union Jack flying in the background.


Epic. So good. Theres stuff I havn't talked about....but I'll leave it a suprise for you. One of my fav DS games and I've only played it for about an hour. (Although it does mix my favourite genre, with one of my other favs)



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GTA Chinatown Wars (DS)


As ReZ said, it's one of the best DS games out there and one of the best GTA games too. It's so addictive and the visuals look incredible for a DS game.




Dead Rising: Chop til you drop (Wii)


A very good game. Love the whole 'Dawn of the Dead' outlook but the controls can be a little difficult sometimes but that's not a lot. Liked the game using the RE4 controls though.



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resident evil 5


it may be stupid plot wise, but its so much fun. playing with another person reallly makes things more intersting.






killzone 2.



it was hailed as a halo killer, though i dont see why. i really dont rate halo all that highly so it dosent appear to daunting a task for me.


the single player is very good, cinematic, exciting and beautiful to behold. only thing that would have been good is to make it co-op.


mulitplayer is the best ive played online. so much going on, changing objectives and a large number of players, really is somthing special.





little big plannet.


its almost a shame this is ps3 exclusive, the whole idea of sharing and comunoty would have been great if it could have crossed consoles. still, easily the freshest and most long lasting game in years. a joy to play.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Silent Hill 2

Finally went trough the last part of the game, mostly due to me being scared and wanting to finish the game.

But overall I´m gonna peg it up to a amazing game every horror fan should play.

I got the "In Water" ending, a really depressing ending what with the suicide and all but I found it very fitting when looked at everything that just happened



Also I read on how endings are decided in this game and it was not quite what I expected, quite clever really.

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F Zero X


After playing the original, I can see how this was such a huge leap. I wasn't quite prepared for 30 racers and it's blown me away on many occassions. I think the original still stands up on some levels because it's more about precision and skill, where X is more manic and arcadey. The challenge is spot on and the sense of speed trumps almost all its modern imitators.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Half-life 2 (360)


Never touched this when it first came out oh so many years ago, not a PC gamer. As my PC gamer friend always jizzed over it I thought I'd give it a whirl and bought The Orange Box when I first got a 360 (about xmas '07). Didn't get into it back then, but I started playing it again now and have just completed it. But enough about my life story, onto the actual game...


Initially I honestly found the game to be just like any other single player FPS, just with some neat platforming and puzzle elements. But over time the hidden subtleties unveiled themselves and I started enjoying it a lot more. The game is incredibly well paced, some really excellent set pieces kicked in at the right moments, particually near the end of the game where the battles got particually fierce. The music, when it was used, was excellent and always came in at the right moments. Despite not knowing much of the backstory, I really enjoyed the plot, a much better take on the usual humans vs aliens crap.


My main gripe is that the game had a lot of annoying niggles, not enough to ruin the experience but enough to annoy me in some particually difficult situations. Really hated the vehicle controls, and the squad of AI players were useless. I guess I should forgive, seeing as this game is like five years old now.


Overall, a lot of fun. I can see why this came was so acclaimed when it was released, and it still holds up well, even if it now lacks the oomph it once had.

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It's rad as shit. I think it might actually be the first game I've completed and immediately started a second playthrough. I rarely play a story driven game twice, but I'm pretty much in love with the game. The story isn't perfect (a bit over complicated IMO), but it's told so well. Plus Raiden is a certified badass.


I'm now tracking down copies of the other games to see what I've missed. MGS2 is on the way (PS2 and Xbox, I collect things properly!).



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I tried playing 2 and it made me want to trough stuff out the window.

Mostly because it was the first MGS I played and the controls felt so different, I spend about a minute getting to "Start new game" because X is the back button.


So I put on my shelve and I´m playing trough 3 right now.

Stuck on The End (boss fight) that guy is a bitch to win.

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Haven't played them yet, was thinking about starting them soon. Are they just more of the same or do they actual offer something new?


um..both? It's still Half Life 2, but at the same time you're looking at what, 2 years of new technology, new design and narrative expertise from arguably the best games studio in the world. Not to be sniffed at! Episode 2 in particular is absolutely amazing, though Episode 1 is no slouch either.

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Bionic Commando - 9/10

Love it. So much fun swinging about and so many different ways to kill people. Just wish some collectables wern't so damn impossible to find! I've missed two so far out of 150, but i swear they dont exist! I've looked everywhere :(


Terminator Salvation - 6/10

It's actually not bad. Well, i enjoyed it, despite being repetitious and short. Gets quite tricky later on which makes it a bit more enojyable, but for the most part i think this will get bad reviews, which is a bit of a shame as its not awful. Also a game for GamerScore and Trophy whores. Complete it on hard and you get 1000G/Platinum!

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I tried playing 2 and it made me want to trough stuff out the window.

Mostly because it was the first MGS I played and the controls felt so different, I spend about a minute getting to "Start new game" because X is the back button.


So I put on my shelve and I´m playing trough 3 right now.

Stuck on The End (boss fight) that guy is a bitch to win.


X was the back button in MGS1 too. You played MGS1? It's vital.


The End is easy. I just ran after him with, I want to say shotgun.


Or, you can set your internal clock a week ahead and he'll die of old age.

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