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We're all going to die....


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Fucking GMTV. I wouldn't have known it was happening in an hour and 11 minutes if not for them.


I'm resisting having a panic attack.


I'll be asleep when It happens, but I want to choose an album to be playing in the background, so that I'll be in a dreamworld if it happens. Closest thing to heaven I'll get.


Maybe Boys For Pele by Tori Amos.

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Nothings going to happen... jesus christ..


Fuck you. I have no faith, and have an intense fear of the lack of comprehension I have of death and what happens after.


Jesus can get lost too. He didn't really get around to coming back a second time, did he? Prefer he did, so I could just get over it and believe that there was a heaven.



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Erm... you know they're only just switching it on today? They're not colliding particles until something like October 27th and even then, they won't be getting results until after another 12 months.


Fine don't.


Still. Doesn't make me any less worried. / Pointlessly nervous.

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They aren't doing any colliding until October. For now, they are just putting one beam round, so there isn't any danger. The black hole creation won't occur until they put two round together, which is scheduled for October 21st.


I was trying to scare him!

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I didn't realise we knew enough about Black holes to start creating them willy nilly. No scientist on Earth would convince me this is a good idea.


Quoted for truth.


I'd prefer to know nothing about the universe or whatever they're trying to find out, and just NOT risk being eaten.

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So it's not going to happen before 27th of oct? Hmm.. as long as it kills everybody I don't care.. would be unfair if someone was spared.. think i will start selling "proctection amulets" that will shield you from the black hole.. make a fortune.. like the whole y2k scare

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So it's not going to happen before 27th of oct? Hmm.. as long as it kills everybody I don't care.. would be unfair if someone was spared.. think i will start selling "proctection amulets" that will shield you from the black hole.. make a fortune.. like the whole y2k scare


fuck thats a good idea...

you know i heard if you wear a lilo and stitch deerstalker - that'll shield you from black holes just fine!!!



there's still time!! :heh:

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Fuck you. I have no faith, and have an intense fear of the lack of comprehension I have of death and what happens after.


I'd rather not die like most of this planet. But today is only the switch on, and you've been lead down the garden path by media trying to sell a story. If you're going to get worked up about the LHC then do it on October 21st like many people have stated.

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They are searching for a so called 'God Particle' which has been predicted to only be present shortly after the big bang. If they witness this then, that would it would confirm physicists theories, if not, then would suggest we need to complete re-think everything. But the experiment could also help to provide answers to help cure cancer / climate change and to dispose of nuclear waste. And it's not guaranteed to create any black holes.


I don't know why everyone is soo worked up about this, it seems its The Sun, GMTV etc. are all just scare mongers, and by doing so increase their viewing figures, don't buy into it.

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Well, let me just say that I am rather dissappointed. Was well looking forward to armageddon! Apparently the chances of the world ending were 10^-16? The chances of spontaneous combustion are 10^-10? So someone told me, but then we went onto supposing if it turned out to be a day where chance got thrown out of whack, and just a ton of unlikely things started happening!

Anyway, guess I'm just gonna Brawl the day away anyhow :D

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Congrats y'all we live, the particles made allll the way round the 27km tube 3 times in one hour! previous attempts by other machines took 12 to do one trip =] anyways they are thinking of running two particles are each other by the end of the day so yeh, have your last meals and such forth ;)

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...and you've been lead down the garden path by media trying to sell a story.




They aren't actualy creating black holes intentionaly. But because nobody really knows what will happen when they collide the Atoms?, Particles? whatever, there is like a really slim chance that one could be created as a by product of the collision.


Exactly... but 'really slim' doesnt give the absolute fucking next to no chance this has of happening justice. Didn't you people get enough of your paranoia fix with Y2K? Go back to ur shanties :)

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Congrats y'all we live, the particles made allll the way round the 27km tube 3 times in one hour!


That's rubbish, it's faster than that. According to Wikipedia: "It will take less than 90 microseconds for a proton to travel once around the main ring (a speed of about 11,000 revolutions per second)".


Nice to know that the media is still scaremongering as per usual, eh?

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