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We're all going to die....


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It's in the Daily Mail, last thing they predicted would happen didn't happen.


If this Collider thing is true, why make it on such a large scale that there is a risk of wiping us out completly. No-one would allow such a thing to be built. I'm off to build me a thermo-nuclear device capable of something massive that will inevitably turn the whole universe into stone.

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I'm one of those twats who got scared when that meteor passed by recently after a few sources started hinting it may hit us. Needless to say I'm also scared at what may happen over this.


You just have to keep plodding along though, no point getting worked up about something you can't guarantee will happen.

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If it's not floods it's bird flu. If it's not bird flu it's meteors. If it's not meteors it's nuclear war. If it's not nuclear war it's the millenium bug. If it's not the millenium bug it's little black holes.

Yep, according to the well known scientific research journal The Daily Mail
I lol'd.
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I admit, the Daily Mail is full of bullshit, but I heard about this weeks ago. I also heard the possibility of the end of the world because of it, so The Daily Mail aren't actually the first to report it.


I wasn't too bothered before, but It does scare me quite a lot now. Well, at least it'd be a cool way to go.... :/






This is the end of the woooooooooooooorrrrrrllllddddddd...


...works better? :heh:

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no. a tea spoon of black hole weighs more then the earth


a black hole being weightless isnt posible, as its made of matter, which has a weight.


any black hole that occurs would doom us all, but to be honest, if top scientists arnt worried, and the daily mail is, id freely put my blass in the hydrogen colider.


I was under the impression that a black hole was made from a collapsing star and the gravitational field turns in on itself and complaetely messes it up, so would that mean it weighed the same as the star and would the gravatational pull be stronger than what the star's was? I love this kind of stuff.


And a teaspoon sized black hole weighs a hell of a lot more than the Earth.


Is anyone else aware that in the centre of our galaxy is a huge ass black hole and that's why the galaxy 'spins' [/end geek rant]


I love newapapers. Their totally biased opinions and over exaggeration is the only source of enterainment I get during work.

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any black hole that occurs would doom us all, but to be honest, if top scientists arnt worried, and the daily mail is, id freely put my blass in the hydrogen colider.


Nope, any black hole that will be created is going to be soooo small, the chance of it even 'sucking in' one atom is something ridiculous like 1 in 1000000000.

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Also if Earth turned inside out by 2012 at least it'll provide a bigger spectacle than the the Beijing Olympics for London.


Perhaps we could take credibilty for it. Like, say, we intended it to happen so we could beat China.


But isn't this the same paper that scared everyone to death by using a videogame screen of a destroyed Washington to apparanntly 'show what terrorists would do if they gained possession of a nuclear bomb?'

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Is anyone else aware that in the centre of our solar system is a huge ass black hole and that's why the solar system 'spins' [/end geek rant]


i thought it was the center of the galexy, and it was called a super massive black hole




also, black holes are scary, but i have no fear of one destroying the world, a bit like godzilla. scary, but we neednt worry.

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Urgh, creepy.


But to be honest, it would be a deserved ending for us, we just like to fuck around with the world (and we would with the universe, fortunately, we still didn't have the ability to fuck that off yet), if that great god exists, he will very likely kill us, this would be the most ironic way for us to day, die at our own hand.


But anyway, we shall see at the time, let me add this to the list:


-Maya calendar ends in 2012

-Its predicted to get sparkling rays from Sun in 2010, which will take the electricity out of our planet.

-Jesus said once (Portuguese) "Aos 1000 chegarás, dos 2000 não passarás"

-The time machine will make a giant black hole in the earth.


Nostradamus didn't predict it tough, and we still have one war left that'l take 27 years (27, right?), so i guess its a lie, lol.

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well we might be "fucking around" with the world, but its better then living in a cave with no scientific advancement.


mans curiosity is what makes him man.


I agree. A life without knowledge would be the dullest life possible. A life not worth living, almost.

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What? On the contrary, mon ami.


Its much better to live in a cave, look what technology gave us, sure, it gave us the internet, but it also gave us the nuclear bomb, hydrogen bomb, nerve gases.


The man curiosity is what makes him a man, and also what will kill the man, if it isn't in 2000, don't worry, it will be some time, i can guarantee that.

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Whilst it's true we're all going to die, I'm afraid it will be time that kills most of us. Anticlimactic, I know.


If anyone wants a more informative source than The Daily Mail when it comes to the LHC, this thread is a good read. Of particular relevance to this topic is the following:

It was originally considered that the LHC may produce micro black holes. These would be black holes smaller than atoms. Of course, knowing that a black hole is not something you want to get too close to, this drew a lot of scaremongering. The truth is that black holes must be produced at a certain size before they are capable of growing on their own by attracting more matter. That size was estimated in a recent paper to be larger than the mass of our sun. Anything smaller and they just sit there evaporating until they are no more. The smaller the hole, the faster the evaporation. We expected anything the LHC could have produced to live for a few femtoseconds before disappearing. As it turns out, another recent paper provides convincing proof that black holes are not likely to be produced at the LHC at all....

For those wondering, a femtosecond is one quadrillionth — or a thousand trillionths — of a second.

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What? On the contrary, mon ami.


Its much better to live in a cave, look what technology gave us, sure, it gave us the internet, but it also gave us the nuclear bomb, hydrogen bomb, nerve gases.


The man curiosity is what makes him a man, and also what will kill the man, if it isn't in 2000, don't worry, it will be some time, i can guarantee that.


weapons are a sad part of human nature, but its hardly unique to man, cave men fought with sticks and stone, apes use rocks, hell most animals have some way to fight each outher. all thats happened is we know how to fight with better weapons.


and if it wasnt for this technology, wed have a life expectancy of 30, and be just as likly eaten by animals then eat them. given the choice between a stone age life and modern life, i feel modern life is way safer.


as for killing ourselve, id like to see any real proof of that. sure, its possible, but the nature of nuclear war means its very unlikly to happen, who the hells going to start a war that they wont survive.

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What? On the contrary, mon ami.


Its much better to live in a cave, look what technology gave us, sure, it gave us the internet, but it also gave us the nuclear bomb, hydrogen bomb, nerve gases.


The man curiosity is what makes him a man, and also what will kill the man, if it isn't in 2000, don't worry, it will be some time, i can guarantee that.


That's one of the great questions, isn't it? We could live in happy oblivion, but we'd have to think about how happy we'd be. Life would be tough. Instead of worrying about getting too fat, we'd have worry about even getting any fat on our bodies. But again, we'd never realise if we were happy or not, as we'd be too primitive to be able to ponder that kind of thing. And if you can't ponder about life, do you truly live? And this is where it gets interesting, for what is living (don't bother about the PS3 puns)?


I won't go into that mind boggler. I like to ponder things, but you gotta get back to real life once in a while and say: "This is how life is - right now, right here. No matter if there's a God or not, no matter if the Earth is destroyed by a colossal blak hole in 2012, I gotta live in the present. I gotta live now. Carpe diem.

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While I in no way agree with maase, we do have to ponder why we have never encountered evidence of other intelligent life forms in the universe, considering there are star billions of years older than our own, and there are more of them than sand on earth (or something like that), each with its respective planets, why isn't there proof of species like us?


Maybe, somehow, every single one of those civilizations eventually self destroyed, probably with something as improbable as creating a black hole on their own planet.

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