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North vs South


North or South?  

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  1. 1. North or South?

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Its not quite racism. Your tarring one type of people with the same brush.


The only reason why it's not racism is because people move around a lot now. I didn't like the look of this thread from the start and it's taken less time then I thought it would for someone to make a hugely prejudice comment that would spark an arguement.


*promptly leaves thred*

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I'm Welsh, and have been brought up in Wales. But, my (grand)Mother is from Manchester, and I actually sound more Northern than I do Welsh.


Due to my history working in telesales, I do speak to a lot of people from all sorts of different areas. Also, I go to University in Brighton, so I do spend a lot of time down South. I must say, spending to Liverpudlian blokes on the phone is never boring, as they're always full of life or just really friendly. Same with men from Manchester. On the flipside, women from the South are also pretty awesome, so...karma.


To be honest, I like pretty much anyone, haha. It takes a lot to make me hate or dislike somebody. A lot of the people I meet are generally ok. So, if they're Southerners, Northerners living in the South, Southerners living in Wales, Northerners living in Wales.


One thing though, living in Brighton is fucking expensive. Rent is expensive, going out is expensive, but I do like being there. People do sound very different to me down there though, and I tend to stick out like a sore thumb, especially when my housemates are from decent parts of London, or around there. I've got a totally different lifestyle there to the one I have in Wales.


So, I guess I like elements of both. I don't think one is superior than the other.

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thats hardly an insult


ok, so i was once pushed in front of by an asian man, there for all asians are rude.


by your logic there are some people who will view the white man as rapists and murders and nothing more.


still, its not racist, its just ignorant. hopfully you will meet some northners who change your opinion.

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ok, so i was once pushed in front of by an asian man, there for all asians are rude.


by your logic there are some people who will view the white man as rapists and murders and nothing more.


still, its not racist, its just ignorant. hopfully you will meet some northners who change your opinion.

Thats exactly what it is.

Define racism.

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Wheres the Midlands button too?


Not that I particularly like it here but you know, it does exist!

Shut up about the last bit dammit! :blank:


HOWEVER! Ashley speaks the truth. Fuck the North. Fuck the South. Midlands Massive all the way.

I'm Welsh, and have been brought up in Wales.















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no, see racism is the irrational disslike of a group based on a certain factor, unshifing despite obvious evidence they are in fact wrong.


ignorence is based on incomplete or incorrect information, though it is possible to change.

She said she doesnt like northeners for a reason which is untrue. How is it different?

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Fuck the north I say. Us in the south have things like civilisation, running water and TV. You're all just a bunch of barbarians. The capital is found and the Queen resides in the south for a reason.


On serious side, I obviously voted for south because I'm in the south but that's not to say that the north doesn't have it's perks. Places like York are lovely, people do tend to be friendlier - however, they also tend to be a lot rougher around the edges too so it's at both ends of the spectrum - in the south most people just stick to what they know and go about their business - a shame as there's a lack of community I find but there's usually less trouble I suppose (excluding the gangs of chavs).


Otherwise, you northerners can't talk for shit - that accent makes you all impossible to understand and to us it just sounds uneducated. I'm sorry but I'm only giving what is an uneducated, narrow-minded view of the south lol.


And whoever said "where's the London option" can get bent. London's awful - sure it's cool to visit but living there is dreadful = and horribly expensive too! Try something better like Paris.

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bassicly, its the same, though ignorence can change, i've got a text book upstairs with the exact phrases in, if i remeber i'll add it tmoorow. bassic point is that ignorence is born of lack of knowlage, racism is born of lack of a brain.


an example of ignorence: a freind of mine comes from a very small norfolk village, all white. a kid she baby sits anf her mother come up to see some of her work in a fashion show, the little girl sees a group of black people and asks her mother "what are those monkeys doing?" it wasnt born of racism but no prvious knowlage of black people. from her experience she may well have thought that black people were like monkeys. obviously it got ironed out and she now understands that its just variation.


racism would be my friends dad who will say "hes alright for a black" about footballers. i avoid him.


still, i realise that my comparison puts hiyaz on par with a 5 year old girl.

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I agree, where's the midlands option, Birmingham is a fantastic city and doesn't deserve to be divided by a north-south line. (Lets ignore Coventry though)


My first inclination would be to go for the south as I haven't had much experience with living up north, minus Scotland. However if I were to vote for the south it would have to not include London which I really dislike.


On the plus side for the north, I've been doing tele-marketing and from my experience people from the north are much friendlier. I was doing a survey based in the south-west and had some horrible responses including getting threatened with court action by an artist. I did get to speak to a druidic lorry driver who was trying to get his company to go back to horse and carts though. In comparison the current survey based in the north-east has had me talking to some lovely people. Also the north has better caves than the south.

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bassicly, its the same, though ignorence can change, i've got a text book upstairs with the exact phrases in, if i remeber i'll add it tmoorow. bassic point is that ignorence is born of lack of knowlage, racism is born of lack of a brain.


an example of ignorence: a freind of mine comes from a very small norfolk village, all white. a kid she baby sits anf her mother come up to see some of her work in a fashion show, the little girl sees a group of black people and asks her mother "what are those monkeys doing?" it wasnt born of racism but no prvious knowlage of black people. from her experience she may well have thought that black people were like monkeys. obviously it got ironed out and she now understands that its just variation.


racism would be my friends dad who will say "hes alright for a black" about footballers. i avoid him.


still, i realise that my comparison puts hiyaz on par with a 5 year old girl.


How about we stick to the topic at hand, rather than coming up with silly explanations for rather controversial topics?

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How about we stick to the topic at hand, rather than coming up with silly explanations for rather controversial topics?


i know, i know, its off topic, but i was just bassicly called a loud, drunk rude and annoying person based soly on my geographical location. would you just let that slide?


either way, there is no better from the north or south, the towns and citys are practicaly all the same, the people have a very slight cultural difference. even in the north or south itself theres a world of difference, compairing the northeast to yorkshire will get a similar number of differences to compairing the north/south but theres no one doing that.


the north south divide is bissicly an excuse to feel smug and superior over people.

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I voted north, because I've found that many southerners are arrogant and ignorant about northerners. Most of them aren't, but quite a lot are and especially the media.


"There's flood in sheffield, we'll give them a few minutes airtime on the news."


"Oh no the floods have hit closer to home, it's a major catastrophe, put it on all the news, what ever shall we do."

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Where's the 'Midland' option?!


I like a good medium, up too far north you can get some really bad scallies and just generally some nasty people, whereas down south you can get too many cold, unfriendly snobs. That's why the Midlands are the best, because they really do have a happy medium (well, where i grew up anyway - just outside of Birmingham).


So i'm not going to vote either option.

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