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That the priority order?

How much is your trip gonna set you back?


It wasn't intentionally put in order of priority but that is. :heh:


Not sure how much the trip is going to cost yet. Depends if I go by myself or not. I've been saving for a couple months now. I probably have enough money at the moment, I just don't have the time.

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Most of my money nowadays goes on rent, bills, and paying off more bills. I hardly spend any on myself nowadays.


Although, I have been saving up recently for a little break. :) I work or have been working for most of my spare time, and I've never really been anywhere with anyone who wasn't my family. So, fuck it, I deserve it. So, I'm doing it.

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Guest Stefkov

I used to spend money on anything I wanted. Now I'm working to save a load up which will eventually help me live when I'm at uni hopefully. Seems the loans aint even gonna help me feed myself.

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When possible, I save 30% of my salary, I'm trying to get enough together for a house deposit in 2010 when I can finally get my 10 year residence permit here.


30% goes on rent for the house, as 30% of my monthly is "Housing Allowance" and the remaining 40% is divided between bills, food and social money.

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Nice thread to remind me to log into my bank account and see my wage go in, huzzah


250-300 goes into my sydney account every month

rest goes on whatever the hell I want, 30 quid for phone bill, 8.99 for WoW account and then all whatever i need, I don't really spend much anyway so i've usually got about 200 left over next month

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rent. 53,000 yen/month

travel. 24,000 yen/month

food. 4,000 yen/month (1 bag of rice has lasted me 3 months...)

pocky. lots of yennies/month O_o


and i'm saving up generally for when i come back to the UK incase i wanna put myself through uni. also saving for christmas, and my flight home next april. @___@


i'm rubbish at budgeting and stuff ~ but i think i'm getting better!! my bank account over here is slowly increasing... this month was the last month i had to pay back my ECC loan so i'll be getting 30,000 yen more next month... but that's gunna go to my mum when she comes to visit in october 'cause i owe her about £200 >__<

i'd love to save up the £500 she gave to me for my ticket home during the summer... she said it was a gift, but i'd really love to be able to pay her back...


extra question!!

what do you do with your savings? do you keep it in your regular bank account? put it in a high interest thingy? keep it in a shoebox under the floorboards? what?

i have an ISA back in the UK, but i have no way of transferring my japanese wages to my UK account without it costing big monies.

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