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People Who Need To Be Punched In The Face


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Reason he needs punching is because he is allowing the thug known as Joey Barton back in the squad after what he has done, complete and total idiot for letting him play again.




For letting Joey Barton off easily, c'mon who else they going to let off.


And last but not least, the man himself




For any self respecting football fan would want to do the same as i, he deserves more than a punch mind.

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I knew someone would bring her up. I still don't get what the problem is with her. At least she spoke with enthusiasm.


Haha, her voice really did grate on me - I was literally about to suggest her too.


Other people who need a good smacking round the cannister are....


1) The idiot who invented tripping in Smash Bros

2) Mugabe

3) Solitanze (the guy who commented on absolutely every n-europe article quoting made up statistics and offering his "guarantees" - I'd like to guarantee a broken nose!)

4) The two little kids on the recent Somerfield's TV adverts - I'd smack 'em for six when they're as annoying as that.

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I would go for Fred phelps head of the westboro church, like what an asshole, they only people in the world that don't hate him and not want to punch him r his crazy daughter and family and some others who joined his church. The man hates gays, irish and so much more minorities. What an asshole like picketing funerals all the time.

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I would happily kill him and the other "leaders" within his little gang. Not the young ones, they can be saved. And that Lousi Theroux doc on them showed that even the teen daughter showed signs of vulnerability to being something resembling human.

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Apart from the fact that he's a piss poor actor, this image is just begging for a punch.


Although some of his film raise a giggle (Anchorman, 40 year old virgin) I would have to agree there.


Can't find a picture, but any of the presenters of T4 are crying out for a smack.


As is this guy...



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Although some of his film raise a giggle (Anchorman, 40 year old virgin) I would have to agree there.


Can't find a picture, but any of the presenters of T4 are crying out for a smack.


As is this guy...




Not another one of our Prides :'(


Why do you hate us so much? :'(

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