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The Best Baguette in teh world would be...?


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You must film it, and post it on YouTube, then use the other bits to do "The Making of The Making of The Baguette"


I literally demand it.


haha :P Well I will see if I can rope in a few extra hands to help with that, and see what I can do.

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Man... this thread is making hungry and I ate an hour ago!!! Well like Coolness Bears , I'd like some ofJay7's baguette too!! But I'd like a vertical strip so I get everything too :D


The ultimate baguette is still something I haven't found for myself yet, but I have had some disturbing sandwiches and witnessed people eating some disturbing sandwiches. For example, I've seen someone eat a mayonnaise sandwich, containing nothing but mayonnaise.

That didn't go down well with me, and I weren't even the one eating it

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  • 6 months later...

You need a moist maker in there jay. Soak a slice of bread in gravy and stick it in the middle ;)


My favourite sandwich is one with lots of meat, cheese, lettuce, peppers, tomoatoes, red onions and lots of jalapenos. Top that off with chilli sauce and a little mayo.


I wonder if Tobasco would work in a sandwich.. hmm.

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I'm in the middle of making 2 baguettes. Heating up the meat balls in the oven, then added in the baguettes, then in 8 minutes i'll put the meat balls in the baguette once they're cooked along with some cheese. But it back in the oven for a few more minutes. Then eat and have a goregasm.

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Let's not even get in to subway territory here. We all know nothing beats a homemade baguette. Unless it's drunk food - yesss.


Shadow - epic. Sounds like a meal!


I'm bloody starving. I've got some turkey, chicken, salad, and cheese in the fridge. And some bread. Might make a toastie..

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You need a moist maker in there jay. Soak a slice of bread in gravy and stick it in the middle ;)


My favourite sandwich is one with lots of meat, cheese, lettuce, peppers, tomoatoes, red onions and lots of jalapenos. Top that off with chilli sauce and a little mayo.


I wonder if Tobasco would work in a sandwich.. hmm.


Could melt it into cheese, lea & Perrins styleé? I'm digging your sandwich choice there - like the italian BMT i have when I subway.

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Subways are good, but nothing without the toasting awesome.


I came over to manchester and you guys get like double cheese in subway... They don't do that over here. Amazing. =D but you dont have peppered cheese, thats just so wrong. (well not in one of the manchester branches)


Just cannot beat a proper crusty baguette though to be fair. I do love a nice tuna mayo one =D

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I had the sandwich of gods recently. I made it like, in one whole sandwich, but with two halfs. I also used one slice of white, and one slice of brown. (Its really nice bread from the bakery ^^)


One half had Cherry tomato chutney, ham and cheese, and


The other half had branston pickle (which I usually don't like, but it made it awesome) and gouda cheese!!

I stuck some mayo in there too.

Then I put it in the toasty machine. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Plus it was free, as it was my lunch break at work ^^


Edit - thats an awful big paragraph just about a sandwich ._.;

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I had the sandwich of gods recently. I made it like, in one whole sandwich, but with two halfs. I also used one slice of white, and one slice of brown. (Its really nice bread from the bakery ^^)


One half had Cherry tomato chutney, ham and cheese, and


The other half had branston pickle (which I usually don't like, but it made it awesome) and gouda cheese!!

I stuck some mayo in there too.

Then I put it in the toasty machine. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Plus it was free, as it was my lunch break at work ^^


Edit - thats an awful big paragraph just about a sandwich ._.;


The toasty machine still working after that? O_o


What did it taste like?


I bet it was awful.

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I bet it was awful.


I bet it was awful.


I bet it was awful.


I bet it was awful.


I bet it was awful.


I bet it was awful.





It was so amazing, and had such an impact on me, that I remember every ingredient, the exact placement of each on the bread, the amount of time in the machine, every mouthful....

Oh shit I think I might cry.





Ps. It wasn't awful

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It was so amazing, and had such an impact on me, that I remember every ingredient, the exact placement of each on the bread, the amount of time in the machine, every mouthful....

Oh shit I think I might cry.





Ps. It wasn't awful





I hope its not making you having other kinds of liquids.

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I say that paragraph isn't long enough Letty! and does a diservice to the godly sandwich!



It was so amazing, and had such an impact on me, that I remember every ingredient, the exact placement of each on the bread, the amount of time in the machine, every mouthful....

Oh shit I think I might cry.


That's more like it! :grin:


I remember my first bite into a godly sandwich.


The combination of all the different ingredients colliding together forming the most perfect experience. Every bite was the new greatest thing in my life. The way in which the flavours where tightly packed and then gently unraveled in my mouth.


It was also slightly painful to eat because as amazing as the taste was I knew it would end.


Oh god I don't think I've recovered....




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