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Would you rather be ugly or stupid?


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I found as I got older than I happened to be the ugly duckling effect, I think it's more growing into my looks rather than being ugly then being beautiful, because I truly don't think I am, but it seems to be the only way to describe it currently.


I would much rather be an ugly duckling than unintelligent, it's bad enough now, but at least I have common sense which is handy.


Although I suppose if I was ugly I could have surgery and if I was stupid I could learn.


There's a loophole in both if you are willing to push toward it.

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Generally stupid people are happier because they don't realise what's wrong.


Being intelligent only leads to problems, in general. One thing I find myself doing constantly and hating myself for it is overthinking something; on holiday it took me 5 minutes of standing at the side of the pool deciding whether I wanted to jump in or not, because it was quite cold. This is a problem that's been bugging me for awhile, so the next night I told myself I was going to just jump in immediately without thinking; it still took me about 30 seconds, but it was a huge improvement, and I was quite happy with that. Now, if only I could do that with everything in life.


"Sometimes I think that I think too much.


I think..."


Gone off on a bit of a tangent here but meh.


I think there is a happy middleground in this; smart to the point of being successful, but not to the point of alienating others/yourself, and good looking enough to be happy with yourself and a partner. Looks matter in relationships and anyone who disagrees is just kidding themselves


To actually get around to answering the topic title; I'd rather be ugly and smart, but only because that's the smart answer. If I was stupid, I'd probably rather be stupid and good looking no doubt. So there is no real answer to this one, I don't think.

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Generally stupid people are happier because they don't realise what's wrong.


Being intelligent only leads to problems, in general. One thing I find myself doing constantly and hating myself for it is overthinking something; on holiday it took me 5 minutes of standing at the side of the pool deciding whether I wanted to jump in or not, because it was quite cold. This is a problem that's been bugging me for awhile, so the next night I told myself I was going to just jump in immediately without thinking; it still took me about 30 seconds, but it was a huge improvement, and I was quite happy with that. Now, if only I could do that with everything in life.


"Sometimes I think that I think too much.


I think..."


Gone off on a bit of a tangent here but meh.


I think there is a happy middleground in this; smart to the point of being successful, but not to the point of alienating others/yourself, and good looking enough to be happy with yourself and a partner. Looks matter in relationships and anyone who disagrees is just kidding themselves


To actually get around to answering the topic title; I'd rather be ugly and smart, but only because that's the smart answer. If I was stupid, I'd probably rather be stupid and good looking no doubt. So there is no real answer to this one, I don't think.


I think too much and still manage to fuck up.


Blissful ignorance is the way people!: peace:

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Hmm, being handsome and stupid seems like a happier way of life. You're dense, so you wouldn't have much to worry about, and you get all the women. Win win.


On the other hand, I dont like daft people. Do I want to become what I hate? Nah. I think I'll just remain an average looking (hopefully somewhat) intelligent dude.

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Being ugly, or stupid, or ugly and stupid is not a good thing. Hell, what is ugly? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? And also, surely, there are different definitions of being stupid. There must be many people who you know are academically gifted, yet lack common sense, or the other way around; people who were not so great in school and exams, but had excellent life skills. I think everyone is good at something, so maybe there is no such thing as being stupid.


Also, being handsome/pretty and/or intelligent can also have bad effects. You might be pretty, so everybody just takes you at face value, and never gets to know the real you. I've known girls who have had guys swarm around them like flies on a *ahem*, and they've never been taken seriously for what goes on beneath those looks. With intelligence, it can also have downsides, with people always thinking of you as a smartypants, the clever one who never gets things wrong. We all get things wrong, we're human, whether we're ugly, beautiful, intelligent, or a bit loopy.


As for the question: Would I rather be ugly or dumb? I like thinking. I think I've got quite an active imagination, and I tend to think about a lot of things a lot more and more in depth than I probably should. I don't think this makes me necessarily intelligent, but I wouldn't say I was totally dumb. There are lots of ways for compensating the way you look, you can let your personality or your character shine. I take pride in being able to make people laugh, whether thats me being a fool, or timing, or just saying something out of the blue. Its one part of my character that I do like.


So, if I'm ugly...fuck it. If nobody ever looks at me beyond my looks, then they ain't worth knowing.

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Well, knowledge is power as they say, so I guess I'd say I'd rather be smart, (although looks are generally important in terms of other people) but I'm pretty sure any well-rounded person would just like to be adequate in both :D. If I actually had to choose and I picked knowledge, I'm pretty sure I'd be sad with my decision somewhere down the line, because I totally lacked the looks.

Knowledge != intelligence.


Additionally, would well-rounded people want to be adequate in both? Based on my experience, people almost always wish they were both more intelligent and more attractive.

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Being ugly, or stupid, or ugly and stupid is not a good thing. Hell, what is ugly? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? And also, surely, there are different definitions of being stupid. There must be many people who you know are academically gifted, yet lack common sense, or the other way around; people who were not so great in school and exams, but had excellent life skills. I think everyone is good at something, so maybe there is no such thing as being stupid.


Also, being handsome/pretty and/or intelligent can also have bad effects. You might be pretty, so everybody just takes you at face value, and never gets to know the real you. I've known girls who have had guys swarm around them like flies on a *ahem*, and they've never been taken seriously for what goes on beneath those looks. With intelligence, it can also have downsides, with people always thinking of you as a smartypants, the clever one who never gets things wrong. We all get things wrong, we're human, whether we're ugly, beautiful, intelligent, or a bit loopy.


As for the question: Would I rather be ugly or dumb? I like thinking. I think I've got quite an active imagination, and I tend to think about a lot of things a lot more and more in depth than I probably should. I don't think this makes me necessarily intelligent, but I wouldn't say I was totally dumb. There are lots of ways for compensating the way you look, you can let your personality or your character shine. I take pride in being able to make people laugh, whether thats me being a fool, or timing, or just saying something out of the blue. Its one part of my character that I do like.


So, if I'm ugly...fuck it. If nobody ever looks at me beyond my looks, then they ain't worth knowing.

Thanks Flink, saved me a job with that one.

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A friend has this theory that beauty is inversely proportional to intelligence. Of course this didn't work in his favour as he was either saying were all either stupid or ugly.


I'd much rather not be stupid. I don't think I am, but then, I don't think I'm the best judge of either criteria, so fuck it, I don't care.

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Great post, Fierce_Link.


In response to those who say those who are dumber are often happier, I've always heard that the closer you are to mean intelligence (IQ ~85-115), the happier you usually are. Too much variance in either direction may alienate you from people, though it's by no means a rule.


As for me, I would choose intelligence over looks. I may only be saying this because I've never actually experienced the feeling of truly being ugly, but I have experienced intelligence (to whatever extent) and I know it's something I don't want to leave behind :)

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In response to everyone who was said "I'm ugly"... you're all FOOLS. Using the word seriously is a rarity, and you know it. Quit bitching. I don;t think I'm particularly HOT, but I wouldn't go as far to say I'm ugly. In fact, from all the pictures I've seen of people on this forum, there are only two of you lot that I would say are ugly. Just not to your face.


I think if I was ugly and smartsies, I'd be utterly, utterly depressed, so i'll go for the booty.

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In response to everyone who was said "I'm ugly"... you're all FOOLS. Using the word seriously is a rarity, and you know it. Quit bitching. I don;t think I'm particularly HOT, but I wouldn't go as far to say I'm ugly. In fact, from all the pictures I've seen of people on this forum, there are only two of you lot that I would say are ugly. Just not to your face.


I think if I was ugly and smartsies, I'd be utterly, utterly depressed, so i'll go for the booty.


Haha, even though the first part of your post applied to me aswell, this statement was very lol worthy. I think I'd be with you on that one.

Come with me chum! We'l catch up on Politics thanks to the nations newspaper, The Sun!

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Great post Flinky. :yay:


I would rather be ugly. I'm already nothing special or that intelligent but I do love thinking and getting lost in my thoughts, for that to be taken away from me would be more devasting to me than having a lot more looks as people have different ideas for what beauty is and it's not always just about looks. :)

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Guest bluey

i like being a nice mix of the two;

that way on the flipside i also get to be reasonably smart and pretty?


..is that how it works? :smile:

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Great post, Fierce_Link.


In response to those who say those who are dumber are often happier, I've always heard that the closer you are to mean intelligence (IQ ~85-115), the happier you usually are. Too much variance in either direction may alienate you from people, though it's by no means a rule.


As for me, I would choose intelligence over looks. I may only be saying this because I've never actually experienced the feeling of truly being ugly, but I have experienced intelligence (to whatever extent) and I know it's something I don't want to leave behind :)


According to some IQ-test I have an IQ of 130, does this mean I alienate myself from others?? No, it doesn't...


On-topic, I think I'd rather be intelligent or extremely talented for something... Intelligence/talent brings cash, it's that simple... When you're a famous person known for your intelligence/talent, people look beyond your uglyness (Einstein anyone?? or an even better example: Ronaldinho, he's ugly as hell, but still is extremely rich and has a beautiful wife => looks aren't everything, looks aren't even the E in everything, it helps if you have them, but aren't a necessity for no matters)


Oh if you wanna do the IQ-test I did, just go to http://www.iqtest.dk

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According to some IQ-test I have an IQ of 130, does this mean I alienate myself from others?? No, it doesn't...


On-topic, I think I'd rather be intelligent or extremely talented for something... Intelligence/talent brings cash, it's that simple... When you're a famous person known for your intelligence/talent, people look beyond your uglyness (Einstein anyone?? or an even better example: Ronaldinho, he's ugly as hell, but still is extremely rich and has a beautiful wife => looks aren't everything, looks aren't even the E in everything, it helps if you have them, but aren't a necessity for no matters)


Oh if you wanna do the IQ-test I did, just go to http://www.iqtest.dk


A Danish IQ test site?


I completely agree with the highlighted part. :)

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