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Wii Sports Resort


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I wonder what else we can expect.
Airplane! Airplane! Airplane! :laughing:

Seriously Nintendo, please put that airplane game form E3'06 in this title. It's already got the same island and everything.


Despite the glitchyness of the press conference showing I think this looks pretty sweet, it's just a shame we won't see it until next year. Would've been a great game for Christmas.

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WaveRace 64 Team Working on Wii Sports Resort


When it was reveled that there would be a Jet Ski game within Wii Sports Resort, many were disappointed that WaveRace looked like never returning in its own right. But fans should keep an eye on it, as it has been revealed that the original team behind the N64 game (the version still deemed on the whole as the best in the series) has been working hard on the Jet Ski side of the new version of Wii Sports.


According to Yeguch-san of the team, speaking at the special Nintendo conference where Pikmin 3 was confirmed, the WaveRace 64 team will be making that section of Wii Sports Resort far better than the N64 game.


After several fans were disappointed in the GameCube version of WaveRace, this certainly comes as great news...

Sounds good!


I initially thought the Jetski section may just be racing round bouys etc... but chances are it's got a lot of depth to it, and probably multiple courses and weather etc...!!

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Wii Sports Resort was the best part of the Nintendo E3 conference to me.. and I'm actually looking forward to playing the Jet Ski game. I am a huge fan oF Wave Race: Blue Storm so was disappointed there was no sequel announced but this could provide plenty of fun too!


Over the last few months, Wii Sports had been starting to gather dust a little.. which is understandable considering I've had it since launch :heh: ..however, I have been playing it a lot in the last couple of days and it really is a fantastic game :smile: I hope I will be able to say the same about Wii Sports Resort in the future! I thought I had basically got everything out of Wii Sports but I'm having so much fun with it again :heh:

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You're right this was the ONLY really good piece of software shown.......and it's not even coming out this year!!


I hope each game on the pack is complete, it needs to be WAY more than Wii Sports was. I expect each of the games to be almost complete within themselves - so jet ski SHOULD have lots of courses yes, and weather, and time trials etc. Pretty much the same as Wave Race would have been anyway without the graphical wizz. I mean, a few can be really Wii Sports-esque simple - Disk Dog and Sword Fighting for example can be fine just being what they are. But there needs to be a handful that a more like complete games.

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By offering many more options which are "unlocked" ala Wii Fit, Resort can truly become the "bridge" title which will bring both casual and core gamers together. I feel Wii Sports was the casual gamers game with enough draw (through new controls) to bring core gamers into it's world of fun. But short lived gameplay does no-one favours.


Resort will be the combination of both old and new Nintendo in full effect. They've always made games for 9-95yr olds...Yet I have no doubt that Resort will nail that premise.


Here's hoping.

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Anyone find the single player difficulty in Wii Sports Golf ramps up considerably?


My record is 7 under par, which I achieved in a single player game. Since then all I've played is multiplayer [where it would seem what I'm about to explain doesn't apply, to keep it more accesbile I assume].


Having gone back to the single player I've found that nearly every single hole, every time I play [with the exception of the occasional hole], will have a wind speed usually always exceeding 7/8mph and more often than not the holes have had between 10-15mph wind speeds!


This is making it extremely diffucult for me to try and better my record!!!

But keeps it interesting none-the-less!

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  • 8 months later...

Looks like July it is.


Nintendo have today announced a release timeframe for Wii Sports Resort, the sequel to their insanely-popular Wii pack-in title, Wii Sports.


The game - along with the Wii MotionPlus peripheral technology it's there to support - will be out in Japan in June. Those outside of Japan will have to wait an extra month, with the game due "overseas" in July.

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Hmm, something for the Summer then. Not the biggest time of the year for big releases, so this should be a nice surprise.


I hope that the inclusion of that Jet Ski game does not totally rule out the possibility of a Wave Race on the Wii. Blue Storm was an incredible game, so I would love to play more of that on another Nintendo Console.

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Yeah it's a great game!


But it's not really looking good for the likes of Wave Race, 1080, F-Zero, Star Fox, even Mario Golf and Tennis, atm.


Why isn't an F zero seeming likely? Has there been something recent about this?


The Jet Ski game is apparently done by the team that did the Wave Race games, so I doubt it.


What do you mean? Does this mean that you doubt that WiiSports Resort will have an effect on a potential Wave Race game, or that you doubt there will be another installment of Wave Race?

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Yeah it's a great game!


But it's not really looking good for the likes of Wave Race, 1080, F-Zero, Star Fox, even Mario Golf and Tennis, atm.


I have a strange suspicion that all we'll get are Wave Race: Blue Storm, 1080 Avalanche and Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour. I can't see them re-releasing F-Zero GX (I doubt that a port would work well with motion controls) so hopefully we'll get a new one at some stage.

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Resort dated for Europe; Released over a month after MP


Nintendo of Europe has officially announced a firm release date for MotionPlus. The device will release as a stand-alone peripheral on June 12th. Sega's compatible Virtua Tennis 2009 will be available by this point, and the date is also the same time EA's Grand Slam Tennis ships in Europe.


Intruigingly, Nintendo has opted to release it over a month before thier own showcase title for the device. While it was expected MotionPlus would be bundled with Wii Sports Resort at first, the company confirmed that Resort would be hitting European shores on July 24th. With Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2009 releasing in July, there will be three major third party titles that will use MotionPlus before Nintendo gets their own game out the door.


There have been no price details announced for the accessory, nor is it known whether Nintendo still plans to release it as a bundle with Wii Sports Resort as well on July 24th.


AAAAAAND let it also be known the yanks get it on June 8th. On its own for $20, or later as a bundle with Resort for $50.

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