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A Thorn By Any Other Name...


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Funnily enough I shall be changing my name during this summer when I get my arse into gear.


First name is Ashley which I have come to like. I prefer Ashley over Ash personally, but don't care when people call me Ash (as they often do). I dunno why I prefer Ashley, but I suppose the same reason I often address people by their full first name (Anthony, Kimberley etc). Although fun fact, my mom and nan (dad's mother) didn't speak for ages after I was born because my nan didn't like my name.


Middle name Daniel...its alright. Don't really use it often.


Surname is Boyd, will be Jones. I've gone by Jones since uni because no matter how far I travel (granted, only gone 17 miles) from home I always get "oh you're Boydy's brother." Its not just being completely voided of my own existance by that sentence it often is trailed with "he tried to hit on me" -_-.


Plus in a more superstiticious (sp?) manner; theres never been a female born into the Boyds for as long back as I know (ie over 100 years). I want a daughter :P


And Jones is my mom's was-maided-now-surname-again name.


Oh and I have numerous alias for fun. Often just changing the surname (Piznarski, Devlin, Thompson etc) and sometimes the first (Ryan, Harry). They come in useful at times.

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when i say my name some people think i've said "John" which pisses me off to no end.


This pisses me off as well.


"What's your name?"




Edited by MoogleViper
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My names together actually mean Saint Nicholas. Yup, I'm Santa.


I'm Santa!!! :o There can't be two of us!


Although recently when Applying to a university open day I put Nicoholas...


I quite like my name when I spell it correctly. :heh:


My other name "Charles" on the other hand sucks especially when it should really be Carlos. :grin:

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My first name is John, which I detest, but luckily I only have to use it on offical forms. Middle name's Rhys, and the surname is Roberts, and I've been known by my middle name since I can remember, and like it as I think the combonation has a nice ring to it.


I hate it when people pronounce my name Reese, instead of Rhys. Oh, and also when English people ask if they can call me John instead. No!

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Speaking of names...


I have 2 middle names, the latter being so out of place, it's my mum's maiden name...anyways, my friend was booking the flights for us to go on holiday, and it requires full names, so i gave it to her on the phone.


Dominic John Crean Griffiths


Day of the flight

"who's cream?"

"no no, crean!"

"it doesn't say that...says cream"

"i know that, but the rest matches to my name!"

"I'm gonna have to take you to the office to check"



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I like my name: Ahmed Bially. Everyone calls each other by their last names here anyway because there are millions of Ahmeds/Mohammeds/Alys/whatever, and nobody I know in Egypt so far has had my last name. It's pretty nice if people know how to pronounce it.


Everyone calls you Bially.... CLOSE ENOUGH!!!








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Daniel Blom Paulsen


I like it. I've really come to identify myself with it. My username is one of the few nicknames I've been called. The "the Dane" part I added because it matches (and 'cause I'm proud to be a Dane :)).


Also, my initials (DBP) are cool because they go well together. They're all vertical lines with half-circles to the right, and the pronunciations are quite close.


Some annoying things, though:

- People often joke with my middle name because "blomme" is "plum" in Danish.

- People can NEVER spell my last name correctly. They always spell it Poulsen, which is the most common spelling in Denmark. But I'm NOT a Poulsen, I'm a Paulsen. It's like it's not me when they spell it with an O.


Oh, and when checking in for our flight to London, I had somehow been booked under the name ... wait for it ... Irene. That's right, Irene. So that's sort of become my new nickname for the people we were travelling with.

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Aimless I don't know what you are worried about both sam and leigh are awesome names, though I do admit Leigh is always the better one.


I used to know somebody called Jamal actually, he buggered off to Canada a few years back.


As it is My name is Stephanie Louise Scanlon, the first two are pretty common and I prefer Steph when possible, Louise is too common round here for my liking.


My surname people get wrong alot, my dad goes to a bike club (basically they are observers for bike testing etc) and they call him scanners because it's easier to say, there is a scanlan tree too which makes things even worse.


I don't think I'd change my name because I'm not sure what I'd change it too!

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My first name is Elliot. I hate it personally because barely anyone else is called it and I don't like the full name being said ever. I prefer Ell but the family still say Elliot which really gets on my nerves -_-


Also I have 2 middle names (one for a deceased relative) and everyone always looks at me as though its never happened before. Its only 2 middle names =/

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I'm Santa!!! :o There can't be two of us!

How else did you think all the kiddies got their presents? Especially considering I can see you being waylaid by all the milk, cookies and mince pies...


Aimless I don't know what you are worried about both sam and leigh are awesome names, though I do admit Leigh is always the better one.

I've just never felt comfortable as a Sam. You probably don't have anything against the name David, but I'm sure you wouldn't want people to call you that.


Also I have 2 middle names

Woah! That's way too out there for me, man. Stop blowing my mind with your crazy naming.


Does anyone have, or know someone with, a double-barrelled name? You know, like Sarah-Jane or... okay, that's the only example I can think of.

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Guest bluey
Bex, whats your dads first name?

hah ~ joke's on you, rez, it only annoys me when it's SAID. typing is ok.


his name is michael/mick although i usually refer to him as "fuckwit" :nono:

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Also I have 2 middle names (one for a deceased relative) and everyone always looks at me as though its never happened before. Its only 2 middle names =/


I have two middle names to: Nicoholas (>__< did it again) Carlos (ignores the fact it's Charles) and my other middlename is Escobar! o____0


How else did you think all the kiddies got their presents? Especially considering I can see you being waylaid by all the milk, cookies and mince pies...



Haha too true. :p I'd make a useless Santa.


Nathan Charles Albert Whincup. I ignore the middle two and only use them if completely necessary.


Same first middle name!


*high five*

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Aaron James Clegg. A surname is obviously something I'm completely indifferent about. About 50% of all male people I know share my middle name, so we have fun with that. I actually like Aaron though, (it's pronounced "Ar-ron", not "Air-ron", but I hardly have trouble with that anyway), as a name it's not the most common, without it being anything too strange. It's also impossible to shorten to a nick-name, although I do sometimes get my friends calling me "Az", which I don't really ask for, but don't mind either.


And gaggle, your initials rock hard, that's for sure.

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I know what you mean, would you prefer Lee or Leigh though?


Lee always becomes my name on games which only allow 3 spaces to enter a name. Thinking about it, why do games do that? surly 4 spaces would be better. (I don't really know what this has to do with the thread)


Forgot to mention earlier, i'm usually refered to by my surname, infact some people who've known me for years still don't know/forget my first name. I suppose Bailey is used as a first name from time to time anyway.

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I know what you mean, would you prefer Lee or Leigh though?

Leigh is my middle name, and spelt as such. I'm not trying to conjure up a new name for myself, just set mine in the order I think it should have been in the first place. I didn't get any say in the matter first time around, you see.


Whilst I do want to get my name legally changed I'm not going to make my family or people at my current job stop calling me Sam. Going forward, however, I'd rather be know by the name that I want as opposed to the one foisted upon me.

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My first name is Elliot. I hate it personally because barely anyone else is called it and I don't like the full name being said ever. I prefer Ell but the family still say Elliot which really gets on my nerves -_-


Also I have 2 middle names (one for a deceased relative) and everyone always looks at me as though its never happened before. Its only 2 middle names =/


I remember calling you elliot once


you got angry, i lauged. Anyways, i know about the 2 middle names, i share your pain! I always always get the "what? cream?" questions >.< fucks sake


@ bluey/becky/bex/etc i think rez was hoping for Dr strange...or was i? :P

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Leigh is my middle name, and spelt as such. I'm not trying to conjure up a new name for myself, just set mine in the order I think it should have been in the first place. I didn't get any say in the matter first time around, you see.


Whilst I do want to get my name legally changed I'm not going to make my family or people at my current job stop calling me Sam. Going forward, however, I'd rather be know by the name that I want as opposed to the one foisted upon me.


I know that, although now I feel like I've offended you, I know somebody who prefered leigh to lee and was only curious as to why ^_^.

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