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Cheap shit that betters the premium brands

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Explozade. That stuff is fantastic, 27p or something for a bottle and after drinking quite a lot of it I think it's just as good as Lucozade.


That's the one I think haha ^_^ it does have a different taste but its so nice for 27p! at first I didn't go near it because it was from aldi.


There's also this really nice chocolate with purple coloured wrapping and a cow on the front, from aldi. Its so niceeee but I can't think of what it's called.

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I work in ASDA...


Smart Price piss takers:


There is nothing worse than the people that buy their ENTIRE weeks shopping in smart price/reduced goods. They can have one trolley packed to spilling point and it can take a good 15mins to put through but it will only come to like £9. It's better when it's £89 as it feels like my work has been worth it! Snide, cheapo basards. GO TO ALDI!


Smart Price gets me into trouble:


We do Smart Price frozen chips for like 10p or sommat and I was bollocked last week for putting more than 3 through the till (there's a sign apparently limiting purchases)...some local indian guy was buying in bulk and paving his chippy with gold. This makes me sick. Snide. Snide. Bastards.


I guess it's all Gordon Browns fault though.


We also get the alcoholics in at 6am buying smart price booze. They can get 8litres of Vodka for £1.50 (near enough) so it's always homeless tramps getting their muddy ten pences out and buying it and taking 200 carrier bags. I feel for them but for £1.50 they could buy like 70 packets of noodles and when it rains...HEY PRESTO, YOU'RE FED!


Man I hate my part time job.

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slightly off subject, but i really don't see a big difference between overall supermarket prices- but i find Asda more expensive than Sainsbury's- i can quite easily do a weekly shop for 3 at Sainsbury's for around £30- and we cook everything from scratch. Now, if i go to Asda, that'll cost me well over £35.

You just need to shop intelligently.

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slightly off subject, but i really don't see a big difference between overall supermarket prices- but i find Asda more expensive than Sainsbury's- i can quite easily do a weekly shop for 3 at Sainsbury's for around £30- and we cook everything from scratch. Now, if i go to Asda, that'll cost me well over £35.

You just need to shop intelligently.


You do raise an interesting point. Im guessing this is due to ASDA's nature of selling cheaply already prepared food rather than raw ingredients which you need, which Sainsburies would do cheaper with more availibility due to its reputation as a food specialised super market.


Out of the three cheap ranges, I find Tesco Value products taste better than the others offered. But ofcourse, this has nothing to do with your post, felt I wanted to state it heh.

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I cannot tell the difference between own brand spirits and brand names, with the exception of JD. There's something about it.


I'd rather save a fiver and get a Tesco bottle of vodka than a bottle of Smirnoff.


Depends what you buy. For example, cheap gin tastes like dishwater. Bombay Sapphire tastes godly. Bombay every time.

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Take it home, put it in your fridge and next time you have a party mix it with Vodka. Thats how I got with my current girlfriend.


how long did you keep her in the fridge?


Oh and - Tesco Value Malt Loaf at an astounding 20p. Better value than the overly sweet Soreen malt loaf, and better for you.

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I can't think of any that have really wowed me and i dont ever choose them over the premium brands for certain things, such as beans, it has to be Heinz, and Coke, i can't stand the cheap cola rip-offs, but hey. There are some good bargains out there for other things i am less picky about :p

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And you get like 40 of them o_o


Sometimes 40 isn't enough :p


I've always preferred to buy them...They would be out of a job if everyone used their 'free' ones, so, no, I don't trust them. One pin prick = a lifetime of pain and them keeping their jobs hehe.

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Sometimes 40 isn't enough :p


I've always preferred to buy them...They would be out of a job if everyone used their 'free' ones, so, no, I don't trust them. One pin prick = a lifetime of pain and them keeping their jobs hehe.


Not enough people go to family planning anywhere. The NHS gives out the pill free to women so its only fair the men have the oppurtunity of gettin the condom.



The NHS pays for the condoms like, they dont steal em to give to people for free. I really doubt durex would lose out...


What sort of man uses 40 condoms in one night haha XD

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you can get durex for free at family planning PEOPLE!!!!!



And you get like 40 of them o_o

You only get the blue 'extra safe' ones from a family planning clinic (at least in my experience) and they're really not very good. I mean they do their job, but they're no fun.
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You only get the blue 'extra safe' ones from a family planning clinic (at least in my experience) and they're really not very good. I mean they do their job, but they're no fun.


I got flavoured and performa and ribbed and more from the C card place. Although no pleasure max. (not that I need it :red:)

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You only get the blue 'extra safe' ones from a family planning clinic (at least in my experience) and they're really not very good. I mean they do their job, but they're no fun.


I think your right, I only know because our office does the data input for family planning. ^___^

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