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Vitamins INCREASE the chance of getting a cold?

Guest Ray Falling

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Guest Ray Falling

What the crap? My dad just told me that scientist have claimed that vitamins INCREASE the chance of getting a cold 0_0. Whereas I been told all my life that taking vitamins increases your resistance and therefor the chance of getting a cold is greatly reduced.

Afterall, the sun's light contains many a vitamin and therefor people never really get a cold during summer, while most people get a cold during the winter when its COLD.


I don't know what to believe anymore...I shall look into this and maybe I can quote some fancy pants scientist. But I'm starting to lose faith in these people.

Mark my words though, in two weeks they will take it back.


I was also informed that milk is NOT good for yer bones. Another thing that I was told all my life... Appearantly these were all lies...


Canned foods (especially vegetables), where first said to be bad...and now suddenly they claim they're actually better than non-canned food???


Who are these people anyway? Bananas help fight cancer, but coffee increases the chance of cancer...ow no, 2 weeks later its the other way around 0_0.


Seriously, all this research seems such a waste of time and money... Plus its just very confusing...


What the hell? Next they're gonna tell me soda makes yer teeth nice and white...


I'm lost now...and I have a cold...



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What the hell? Next they're gonna tell me soda makes yer teeth nice and white...



well, maybe not white, but since coke dissolves teeth, I guess it could clean them (as long as the sugar is properly washed away).

however if you cleaned you teeth that way you'd probably have reason to be concerned for your digestive tract.


also, vitamins that are formed artificially are slightly different, the orientation is wrong.

its a bit like the difference between a 'd; and a 'b' and a 'p' same basic shape, but rotated in different ways.

if you remember (or have done) enzyme theory you'll probably be able to figure out how such a difference could affect what such vitamins do.


too much calcium makes bones brittle. obviously too little makes them soft. if you have too much calcium your body has to get rid of it, because it screws up ph and all sorts. so it deposits it in the bone.


its like drinking too much water can kill you, because

1)rinses out important salts

2)tissue absorbs liquid, brain bloats, brain haemorages.



basic wisdom, moderation is the key, and having a balanced diet. the more varied your diet the healthier you are generally. so its probably a good idea to try foods from different countries, be adventurous etc etc.

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i was getting a cold or as i like to call it man flu every few months, mainly the fault of the air con at work carrying the germs around and blowing it in my face...


anyway i started taking vitamin C supplement tablets, one a day and since then im hardly ever ill.


so for me they work. i drink a lot of juice to so that could have helped but the vit c tablet has definately helped me stop getting colds.... i think, unless the germs no longer use the air con to travel :P

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Most scientific studies base their conclusions on statistical methods. Medical trials for instance. Statisticians can manipulate stuff to say what they want.


Especially if these statisticians were employed by major drug companies. Getting people off vitamins gets people onto prescriptions.


Also, Raining, make sure you are drinking 99% pure Aloe. You will only need to drink 30ml twice a day (or even once) if its pure enough.

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I think the best thing to avoid a cold is to get used to the colder times early. Instead of heating up your rooms to 30° and running around in underwear, cooler rooms and more clothes might be a good option and if you go outside better dress so that you slightly feeze than sweat. That's my theory I'm trying out this year and so far I think it rather aimed me than maimed me.

But the wrong thing to do is, walk around with an open jacket in winter, trust me, I know it :D


And now to get on topic:

I wouldn't trust anything that scientist claim to be healthy. My dad tries out everything healthy he hears or sees anywhere and apart from diarrhea none of it really had any effect.

I just listen to what my body is saying he needs, one time that meant that every few days for about 3 weeks I was eating crisps, I didn't get fat or anything and after some time I was fed up and didn't want any anymore.

I think I was getting sick, because generally when I get a cold or something I want more salt.

Apart from listening to my body I try to have a well-balanced nutrition, with meat, vegetables, fruits and such - everything the body needs.


What I don't quite get is how you could take too much vitamins, most of them are excreted in under 24 hours.

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Guest Ray Falling
ray, does your dad tell you a lot of porkies?


I dont even know what that means... but he doesnt make this stuff up ya know...its in newspapers here too 0_0.


Again, I dont know what to believe anymore n_n

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I dont even know what that means... but he doesnt make this stuff up ya know...its in newspapers here too 0_0.


Again, I dont know what to believe anymore n_n


Porkie pies = lies. 0_0


And Dukka, i dont think that Ray's dad purposefully told him a lie. Some scientist manipulated a study to their advantage. n_n



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Guest Ray Falling

Ah okay thanks for explaining n_n. And yeah it happens alot...


Maybe they were afraid they'd be out of jobs with this "discovery"




Scientist #1: "Yes! After 50 years of pointless study we finally found a cure for cancer yay! Now we can safe so many people!


Scientist #2: "you fool! we'll be out of jobs now NOOOOOOOOOO.


Scientist #1: "Damn yer right...uhm...We did NOT find a cure for cancer..yup yup...mhm"


Ray: "What the crap? NOOOOOOO. Cant...trust...humans anymore...


McDonalds Employee #4: "Would you like fries with that?"

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