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Toju; The Militant Black Guy - Funny or Not?

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Frankly however funny it can be on the shock scale. I dont blame people for being racist with people like Toju acting that way.




Question was if the JOKE was funny or not. Its all just a laugh.


And people with Toju's attitude is a direct result of racism. But argh! This is about the comedy.

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its funny, hes basicly a caricture of how people see black people in society.


as for not blaiming people for being racist with behaviour like that, that really makes me laugh. behaviour like that isnt exactly typical, and any that does exist is a result of racism.


basing a whole judgement of a people on one example may well have led me to belive all white people are ugly mouth breathing chavs based on an example of white folk i saw today.

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Wow, that sandwich shop he is working in (JK Palmers) where he complains about the white coffee is in St. Albans, I used to go there for lunch practically every day. I recognise the guy behind him. :heh:


I have to say I find this guy pretty funny, though I feel kind of sorry for most of the people he pranks.


As a random note, in Go, black goes first, but the only time I've ever played a black guy in a tournament, he took white. (and also won) Interpret that however you wish. :wink:

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Frankly however funny it can be on the shock scale. I dont blame people for being racist with people like Toju acting that way.


What about Little Britan, they pretty much do that but opposite, getting that woman to throw up wen they mention a foreign pakistani/black name.


Not blaming people for being racist means ur a knob!

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Balls of Steel is so badly made. The people doing it are stupid, the host is shit, half of the pranks aren't even remotely funny.


Yeh the host is a bit of a bell. I like most of the pranks they do though, its light entertainment lol.

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Toju is funny but the jokes worn off pretty quickly for me. He just does the same thing each week


As for the host, I quite like him. He does it in a fifties, old-school way with obvious set-ups and I can see why people don't like him. However if he came on and acted like Neg, for example, the whole show would just seem much more crass (sp?)

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Balls of steel fall within a bunch of new programming nowadays such as friday night project (though I do like the bands on their sometimes) which are just not all that funny.

Extremely LIGHT entertainment..


Thank god for peep show..

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Balls of steel fall within a bunch of new programming nowadays such as friday night project (though I do like the bands on their sometimes) which are just not all that funny.

Extremely LIGHT entertainment..


Thank god for peep show..


Bit of an oxymoron there.

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Bit of an oxymoron there.


Come on now don't name-call




I agree that Big Gay Following isn't very funny. The funniest thing about him is his entrance video thing. Other than that he just asks if people fancy a bum and they say no and walk off - the kind of thing that's only funny if your mate does it while you're drunk

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