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Are You A Dare Devil?


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Hm, nothing so exciting. I disappeared to America for 6 months during my gap year, travelling alone on a whim is exciting but a bit scary, the world is a big place, etc.


*imagines conzer will win this thread*

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Hm, nothing so exciting. I disappeared to America for 6 months during my gap year, travelling alone on a whim is exciting but a bit scary, the world is a big place, etc.


*imagines conzer will win this thread*

Sky Diving won't win me. I fight bears for fun :D

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Hm, nothing so exciting. I disappeared to America for 6 months during my gap year, travelling alone on a whim is exciting but a bit scary, the world is a big place, etc.


*imagines conzer will win this thread*


I want to do that one day.


I've done nothing daring.

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I suppose I am a bit of a thrill-seeker. I would love to go bungee-jumping and skydiving and stuff like that.


I'm also the sort of chap who will go on every ride at a theme park (Only stopped from going on them by height restrictions and long queue lines.). Not even it absolutely pissing it down and already being soaked to the bone stopped me from going on Stormforce 10 last time I was at Drayton Manor.

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Whats the most daring thing you've ever done?


You know, you ought to lead by example one of these days!


Daring for me... Erm, dropped off a wall that must've been about 15ft high? got the scar to prove it. Like Daniel says about talking to girls -- I've done that at least three times this year.

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I told a girl I liked her :o That was daring, and scary as hell. In fact thinking about it, I've told it to 3 girls! Crazy.


I also ski offpiste and have once skied off the edge of a cliffy like bit of a mountain and dropped around 15ft (maybe) into soft powder =] No scar for me though because I landed it :)

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I told a girl I liked her :o That was daring, and scary as hell. In fact thinking about it, I've told it to 3 girls! Crazy.


=O i too have done that 3 times...coincedence, i gave you a prep talk for the last one ^^ i remember those days :P

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I guess the most "daring" thing I did was travel all across the ocean on my own (three plane flights, even missing my last one cause of malfunctions) to meet someone I'd never seen before in real life. =P


Other than that, not much. I go on every (rollercoaster) ride in parks, because they're fun, though I don't get to do this often enough. Would love to go skydiving one day as well.

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=O i too have done that 3 times...coincedence, i gave you a prep talk for the last one ^^ i remember those days :P


Sssssh! Don't tell people you helped :p I kind of like the feeling of waiting for an answer, I got bright red and hot, luckily I haven't been turned down...YET.

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I don't do daring things. Although I broke into my old college during half term with my best mate and trashed a history room. Payback for 7 years of tedium.


Ah yes! Trespassing! Old abondoned warehouses with "KEEP OUT! Unstable foundations" and "Collapsing roof" signs all over them. Nursing homes, allotments and secret gardens/other people's gardens. And! Fenced-off parks to play on the new climbing frames at midnight before anyone else.


2005 was teh best year of my life, goddammit.

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i have about done any thing on 2 wheels, incl stunts on a BMX (gave me a blund head trauma and neck injury) I still drive anything that has 2 wheels and dangle from rooftops etc etc so i should say.. yeah i guess i still am.


(last crazy thing i have done was driving 305KMph on the Deutsche autobahn with a Yamaha R1 tuned version)

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If daring includes self infliction through piercings then I'm pretty much there haha.


Other than that no I'm not, mostly because I don't really have much of an opportunity (if you saw where I lived you'd know why) and mostly I don't want to end up dead...because it's sod law that if I did something incredibly stupid it'd happen.

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If daring includes self infliction through piercings then I'm pretty much there haha.
I doesn't :heh:
I guess the most "daring" thing I did was travel all across the ocean on my own (three plane flights, even missing my last one cause of malfunctions) to meet someone I'd never seen before in real life. =P
Snap, that's what I did. Did you leave behind crying family who thought you were going to be killed by a psycho, too?
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Snap, that's what I did. Did you leave behind crying family who thought you were going to be killed by a psycho, too?


Nope, not a single tear or hug. Not even a hug when I got back safely either. =P

Guess my family are not exactly the type to show affection and the like...


Also, does petting a rhino count as daring? XP

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If doing all the rides in a theme park counts, then count me in, but I don't think it should really, since all theme park rides are really safe anyway.


Please fight Dr.Doom's FearFall immediately followed by Incredible Hulk, before going around Dueling Dragons twice, inthe space of like 45 minutes.

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Nope, not a single tear or hug. Not even a hug when I got back safely either. =P

Guess my family are not exactly the type to show affection and the like...


Also, does petting a rhino count as daring? XP

Depends on the circumstances. If you jumped of the car during a safari, ran through hordes or preditors, petted the Rhino then ran back.. YES! If it was in a cage, no =[
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