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Adverts That Blow: Summer 2008


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I just have to say the most annoying adverts, possibly EVER, are those GODDAMN PHONE ONES!


Hey, lets play some extremely overplayed song and convince some yobs to pay ridiculous amounts of money for them!

And the ones about the phonebackgrounds... ITS JUST SOME GLITTERY WRITING... WITH SOME RANDOM CRAP... Like some cards!? Right.


-Ahem- ANYWHOooooo...

None of you had better have that background and/or music or ass-whooping is afoot.

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That's a great form of advertising - it makes it stick in your head. They used to do something similar at cinemas, they would flash an image of the Coca Cola label (or whatever) for a split-second and you would barely have time to see it but a while after yo would really want a drink of Coke. It's been banned now I believe.


Eh dunno, actually got told in my Psychology class that it -didn't- work, because it's too fast for the eye to see.

Guess it's one of those tales that people keep believing in, even though it's not true.


Hey, even Wikipedia says the thing was false and never worked (the Coca-Cola test). Wikipedia reference-linkSubliminal_message#Further_Developments


Subliminal messaging exists, but it just doesn't always work (at least not this way, where the eye doesn't have time to see the image, and thus the brain can't "get" the message).


Anyway eh, advertising, yeah... I don't watch enough tv to see enough of those I think.

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A advert that really annoys me is the Picture It ones.


A stupid man is applying for a loan and all he asks for is "how much is that a month". And he gets the loan, then theres the eejit woman who records him???


Why would you record someone making a phone call??


Its so gay.

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A advert that really annoys me is the Picture It ones.


A stupid man is applying for a loan and all he asks for is "how much is that a month". And he gets the loan, then theres the eejit woman who records him???


Why would you record someone making a phone call??


Its so gay.


I remember this one from the 2007 version :heh:


those credit companies are making it out like your debts will be all gone, so you can spend more money. Hooray

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On a debt shit note, the lovely Ocean Finance advert featuring hurdles. The camera angles are a joy to watch as you know the hurdles that they are shown jumping over are about 2 inches off the ground, because the girls can't jump for shit.


Then they rub it in for the elderly by not even having him jump a hurdle, coming last, yet still breaking the tape at the end.


Colgate Total: Some bell end comes at you with some shitty statistic that many adults will expect gum problems, as if we're meant to shrug it off. Imagine being told that you're impotent/sterile/whatever and then is said it happens to 30% [?] of all wo/men. Are you meant to shrug, say Que sera, sera and move on. Bullshit. Because his dentist has told him that healthy gums are critical to healthy teeth. No shit? There I was thinking healthy skin, heart, lungs etc wasn't that critical to healthy life.


Then mentions using Colgate Total, because his dentist obviously said the toothpaste he was using was shit [assuming the man wasn't using shit in the first place, thus causing his gum problem]. Another classic point is the bit at the end "Ask your dentist about healthy gums"... and what? I'm not sure what he's meant to say, apart from launching into a masisve lecture which will cut into many peoples' appointment time for the entire day.


[On a sise note: I've got shit gums, I've got Gingivitis and they expect me to floss? I don't see the point]

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I hate the Tesco adverts, because they hire people who have probably never shopped at Tesco in their life. Or at least, never since they acquired their wealth.



But even worse is Carol Vorderman. She is a disgusting sell-out who should not be allowed on television for appearing as some sort of 'intelligent face' for adverts that will only get people into more debt.

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Yeah, the Brooker-mon has been linked before. But it's always worth linking again because it's that damn sexy.


Some new additions:


Magnum minis: Ignoring the fact that Eva 'bitch' Longoria revelling in the fact that for whatever reason, she was right during an argument with what I presume was her boyfriend.


The main gripe comes from the noise of her biting the Magnum, which has featured in nigh on all Magnum adverts but is made ultra-annoying. Magnums would only make that noise if they had been frozen on full power for about a year, but then the ice cream inside is hard as fuck so your teeth aint going anywhere.


Dominos Pizza sponsoring Britain's Got Talent: This is a major issue I have in all pizza adverts is that they're all undercooked, no pizza if you put it in the oven at the temperature stated for the time instructed it does not end up that yellow.

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Alan Hansen Morrison adverts. Oh god, no, just no.


The one where he's talking about Bailey's is the 'best'... "Mmmm, creamy"

Phil Jupitus did a cracking pisstake of him on Never Mind The Buzzcocks. I've tried j00t00be but can't find it.

Nick Hancocks over enthusiasm over stuff being 'fresh' is cringe worthy.

That confused me slightly. He doesn't want fresh fish that are caught, taken to the store frozen then thawed. But FRESH! As if he wants it caught from the canal 10 metres away and still splashing about like a Magikarp.

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That confused me slightly. He doesn't want fresh fish that are caught, taken to the store frozen then thawed. But FRESH! As if he wants it caught from the canal 10 metres away and still splashing about like a Magikarp.


When the camera zooms in on his face and he says FRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. Coupled with gay music it's actually on par with Peep show, or The Office, on the cringeometer. Except those two examples make me laugh as well not make me puke on myself uncontrollably.

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That confused me slightly. He doesn't want fresh fish that are caught, taken to the store frozen then thawed. But FRESH! As if he wants it caught from the canal 10 metres away and still splashing about like a Magikarp.


Funnily enough that advert was on at one point while the Birdseye ones were too. The birdseye advert was saying that unless fish was instantly frozen the moment it was caught, it began to lose freshness compared to fish that weren't frozen. Then the Morrissons advert prided themselves for never freezing their fish. The tools.

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And as the delightful Suggs, after being the victim of what appears to be a Critical Hit from an Articuno's Ice Beam, says that's why Birds Eye don't use any other preservatives. Which begs the question - what are Morrisons using?


When the camera zooms in on his face and he says FRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. Coupled with gay music it's actually on par with Peep show, or The Office, on the cringeometer. Except those two examples make me laugh as well not make me puke on myself uncontrollably.

I always wondered how he got that trolley on the top of a lighthouse.

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Slim fast. Dear god.

With fantastic lyrics using the words "Funky. Monkey." she deserves a slap.


It's a lovely thing where she says her clothes fit her booty, buy some bigger ones you whale. Problem solved, then no need to waste shitloads on Slim Fast shit.


There's another advert about water retention I think, where this lass is trying to do the top button of her jeans, really giving it some zest pulling it up. Now for me that's a bit of a step backwards, because if you're pulling it up you're aiming for your stomach, which for me is more skin than my waist.

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With fantastic lyrics using the words "Funky. Monkey." she deserves a slap.


It's a lovely thing where she says her clothes fit her booty, buy some bigger ones you whale. Problem solved, then no need to waste shitloads on Slim Fast shit.


There's another advert about water retention I think, where this lass is trying to do the top button of her jeans, really giving it some zest pulling it up. Now for me that's a bit of a step backwards, because if you're pulling it up you're aiming for your stomach, which for me is more skin than my waist.


Aye. I have epic beer belly/fat.

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I absolutly fucking hate with a burning passion that new Halifax advert. Seriously, who the fuck thinks these adverts are even a good idea. They just make me want to violently shove pineapples up their rectums.


Btw, if you have no idea what advert I'm referring to, it's one with this annoying Asian **** called "Thomas" who sings in a eardrum-bursting voice about the Halifax bank.

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