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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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i was really confused with the hiro & ando bit...

i think i just missed the two important bits of the story.. like the point where hiro and ando decided to go to parkman's house... and the bit where matt's wife ACTUALLY left. i forgot she existed, and apparently so did matt O_o


it's pretty common in the states to name the first boy after the dad, isnt it? all that junior/senior stuff.... case-in-point: indiana jones :grin:

hiro will probably think he's regained his powers tho... ^_^


also... why is the kid such a problem... powers?




and yeah.. it's all getting a bit "LOST" *insert creepy title music* ... i've started watching dead like me & battlestar galactica instead ^_^ (although admittedly BSG is kinda.... challenging for me! haha.) so now i'm watching 3 shows that can be shortened to three letter acronyms;




HoUsE :grin:

Edited by bluey
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Rebel told them to go there to 'save' Matt a few episodes ago, aka the baby. Also I don't think Matt would really care about Janice now if he moved on. She cheated on him, got preggers with another man apparently and he got himself a new girlfriend. Not much reason to look back on bad times.


Also i'm fairly sure the baby has powers, why else would a trained baby sitter totally freak out and want to leave.


I hope I understood your points the right way :heh:


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Rebel told them to go there to 'save' Matt a few episodes ago, aka the baby. Also I don't think Matt would really care about Janice now if he moved on. She cheated on him, got preggers with another man apparently and he got himself a new girlfriend. Not much reason to look back on bad times.


Also i'm fairly sure the baby has powers, why else would a trained baby sitter totally freak out and want to leave.


I hope I understood your points the right way :heh:


must've been his then, no?? :confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched the latest episode. Thought it was fantastic, was really well done. Hiro was great, humour around him was great


Hiro got his powers partially restored by baby Matt Jr. with his activation/deactivation ability. When they hid in the closet among the toys and their grins, funny. Then getting a wheelbarrow and putting Ando in it.


And Daphne died :( Was a really great end for her though. Loved her and her ability.


And Micah was rebel afterall. I was growing to think it was him, but it seemed like he knew some things where about to happen and things people wouldn't know. Guess he can use his ability really well. Like Matt did when facing folks, made them 'invisible'.


And I actually liked Tracy in this episode. She used her power quite well and wtfpwned everyone, only to get frozen herself and shattered when shot. Though she's still alive by the looks of things


Also things aren't looking good for Peter...


He's one of the heavy suspects for being killed off the show. He said in an interview for a Heroes magazine that Peter would die this season, then we have the duel with Peter and Sylar later which make us 'not like how it ends'. Then Sylar is to have a talk with Claire about living forever, Peter didn't get mentioned.


Then there's been characters confirmed to be back next Season, Peter isn't one of them though. Though next Season is too focus on the Petrelli's, again he hasn't been mentioned.


And there's too be 2 deaths and one fake. Not sure if Daphne would count for a real one or if they meant folk being killed off from the finale.



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Just watched the latest episode. Thought it was fantastic, was really well done. Hiro was great, humour around him was great


Hiro got his powers partially restored by baby Matt Jr. with his activation/deactivation ability. When they hid in the closet among the toys and their grins, funny. Then getting a wheelbarrow and putting Ando in it.


And Daphne died :( Was a really great end for her though. Loved her and her ability.


And Micah was rebel afterall. I was growing to think it was him, but it seemed like he knew some things where about to happen and things people wouldn't know. Guess he can use his ability really well. Like Matt did when facing folks, made them 'invisible'.


And I actually liked Tracy in this episode. She used her power quite well and wtfpwned everyone, only to get frozen herself and shattered when shot. Though she's still alive by the looks of things


Also things aren't looking good for Peter...


He's one of the heavy suspects for being killed off the show. He said in an interview for a Heroes magazine that Peter would die this season, then we have the duel with Peter and Sylar later which make us 'not like how it ends'. Then Sylar is to have a talk with Claire about living forever, Peter didn't get mentioned.


Then there's been characters confirmed to be back next Season, Peter isn't one of them though. Though next Season is too focus on the Petrelli's, again he hasn't been mentioned.


And there's too be 2 deaths and one fake. Not sure if Daphne would count for a real one or if they meant folk being killed off from the finale.



It's a shame if Daphne is really dead (which it seems so). She was a more interesting character, and reminded me a bit Lelu from the Fifth Element in terms of funkiness.


I thought that the wink from the shattered eye was bloody ridiculous, lol. It's as if she knew a camera was on her and winked at it to say "Ah well, fun times."


I loved Hiro and Ando this series. It's good that Matt's ex was captured, the ho. If she hadn't cheated on Matt then maybe Matt would be running around saving her rather than vice versa! Silly girl. Hiro's return of some power is great...time travel caused these sweaty comic book guy nerds to emerge with their arguments over plotholes, so I'm grateful for the nerfing. Stopping time still produces some of the best-looking scenes in the series anyway, so hoo-rah.



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It's a shame if Daphne is really dead (which it seems so). She was a more interesting character, and reminded me a bit Lelu from the Fifth Element in terms of funkiness.


I thought that the wink from the shattered eye was bloody ridiculous, lol. It's as if she knew a camera was on her and winked at it to say "Ah well, fun times."


I loved Hiro and Ando this series. It's good that Matt's ex was captured, the ho. If she hadn't cheated on Matt then maybe Matt would be running around saving her rather than vice versa! Silly girl. Hiro's return of some power is great...time travel caused these sweaty comic book guy nerds to emerge with their arguments over plotholes, so I'm grateful for the nerfing. Stopping time still produces some of the best-looking scenes in the series anyway, so hoo-rah.



Yeah I thought that wink was stupid aswell. Just seemed so bad.


I'm glad about the lack of time-travel though. It just cauesed a lot of problems. The time stopping is cool though and I still love watching Hiro do it, glad he got that back atleast, though I hope he's able to teleport aswell at somepoint so he can do everything aside from time travel.


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Hahaha... back when Rebel first sent a text to Claire, I said right away, I bet it's Micha... everyone said no way, he only met Claire briefly and being a "rebel" wouldn't be in his character.... well he likely "hacked" into the operations files and found out everything he needed to know from there. And he's growing up (and voice is deeper too) and what generally happens as people enter their teens... they rebel, haha.


This is prolly the first time I ever "predicted" something in a TV show when others thought I was wrong that it actually happened, so i'm just boasting at this point, haha.


Anyway, rest of the episode was great too. Matt Jr., Hiro and Ando was awesome, good to see Hiro get some power back... but I got a feeling he'll only have it while in contact with the baby... but we shall see.


I liked seeing Matts ex-Wife come back too, because I think she's bloody HOT, oh YEAH.


Angela trying to get away was scary most other people that situation their power can get them out of it, but she seemed fracked. I figured she'd go to the roof and Nathan or Peter would fly in, when the elevator started going down I thought that was it.


Tracey dying, a bit of a shame, but damn what an awesome way to go.... I always wondered would she become like Iceman in X-Men and be able to protectively freeze herself.... guess not.... but the wink thing was so bloody cheesy... WHY?

SO that's 2 of the triplets down, one more to go... what was her name again?


And Daphne, on god WHY? NNNOOOOO

Damn, I thought she was fine. The bit in Paris once Matt started flying I figured it wasn't real... But I thought it might have been a normal dream of hers and she'd wake up on that rooftop in Paris and realise she loves Matt and go back to him.

Her dying... total shock.


I have a feeling now that they've reintroduced Matts ex-Wife, they might try get them back together, seeing as it's pretty certain the child is his.


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Why didn't Peter lose the flight ability when he touched Angela? I'm guessing it must be direct skin contact, then, although I could have sworn he got flight at some points without touching directly.


Edited by Mokong
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Why didn't Peter lose the flight ability when he touched Angela? I'm guessing it must be direct skin contact, then, although I could have sworn he got flight at some points without touching directly.


I was thinking the same, haha, be funny if he came in, doors opened, Peter wave "bye", looks up but nothing happens, haha.


Though I guess maybe he can control when he obtains an ability now, rather than it being forced on him?



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See how you guys can accept this, claire dying rather pointlessly, i think mthey both could have got away, daphananane dying was very unexpected, maybe she wanted to prove matts dreams wrong...and peter can fly? lack of explanation! and baby touch and go is lol

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Episode 20 was really good and a welcome change of writers as everything seemed to make more sense and the episode as a whole was less of a guessing game. Hopefully Fuller will continue this welcome new trend of good episodes! :grin:


Just to clarify as most people think Tracy was winking, both on here and other forums, it was actually a tear and a blink, showing she may still come back to life. I remember reading somewhere when she was shot there was no blood, haven't re-watched yet but I'm pretty sure that was the case.


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Why didn't Peter lose the flight ability when he touched Angela? I'm guessing it must be direct skin contact, then, although I could have sworn he got flight at some points without touching directly.


Peter can control his ability now. He touched Matt at the hotel while looking for information on Daphne but could still fly.


See how you guys can accept this, claire dying rather pointlessly, i think mthey both could have got away, daphananane dying was very unexpected, maybe she wanted to prove matts dreams wrong...and peter can fly? lack of explanation! and baby touch and go is lol


Were you drunk?

Episode 20 was really good and a welcome change of writers as everything seemed to make more sense and the episode as a whole was less of a guessing game. Hopefully Fuller will continue this welcome new trend of good episodes! :grin:


Just to clarify as most people think Tracy was winking, both on here and other forums, it was actually a tear and a blink, showing she may still come back to life. I remember reading somewhere when she was shot there was no blood, haven't re-watched yet but I'm pretty sure that was the case.


Yeah, I just took as a sign she was still alive and will come back later.


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Personally I hope Fuller makes his own show soon. Yeah going back to Heroes is a wise choice, but Heroes is like a playground whereas Fuller's work is like Disneyland. A magical place indeed.


That being said.


Not enough Swoosie Kurtz. I'd heard she was being bought in for Angela's backstory so unless its the next episode I presumed we'd learn more about her past.

The Daphne/Matt ending was nice, very fairytale Fuller.

Everything else...meh. As soon as I say Noah Cabey Grey (or whatever the name is) at the start I knew he was Rebel. I like the character (and his new deep voice). Hope he sticks around.

But yeah, don't really give a frak about anything else including Hiro and Ando.


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I have to admit I am really losing enthusiasm for Heroes right now. I'm watching it with BBC 2 viewings, so a few episodes behind some people. I'm just sick of so many things about it, don't care about Sylar looking for daddy, think the pyro kid rip off is a tw@t, Claire is a whiny bitch who just wants to rebel and finally I am sick of the Petrelli brothers constant encounters playing the loving brother roles and then getting back to their own agendas... The hunting as been nowhere near as exciting as I thought and now characters I once cared about are just one dimensional snooze fests.


I dunno its hard I feel quite invested in Heroes and desperately hope it will improve now Fuller is back but can he alone revive for me what is a flagging show.

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small fannish aside; it annoys me how everyone is "yay Fuller". Well why didn't you (wider collective you, Neilson box owning American 'you' in this case) watch Pushing Daisies! That way he could have carried on working on a superior show.


Glad I got that off my chest.

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small fannish aside; it annoys me how everyone is "yay Fuller". Well why didn't you (wider collective you, Neilson box owning American 'you' in this case) watch Pushing Daisies! That way he could have carried on working on a superior show.


Glad I got that off my chest.

Because it was boring filler TV at best; the kind I'd put on in the background but wouldn't even think of buying a DVD of. Many will disagree, but IMO it was just incredibly cheesy.

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I have to admit I am really losing enthusiasm for Heroes right now. I'm watching it with BBC 2 viewings, so a few episodes behind some people. I'm just sick of so many things about it, don't care about Sylar looking for daddy, think the pyro kid rip off is a tw@t, Claire is a whiny bitch who just wants to rebel and finally I am sick of the Petrelli brothers constant encounters playing the loving brother roles and then getting back to their own agendas... The hunting as been nowhere near as exciting as I thought and now characters I once cared about are just one dimensional snooze fests.


I dunno its hard I feel quite invested in Heroes and desperately hope it will improve now Fuller is back but can he alone revive for me what is a flagging show.

I agree with all said, especially the bolded part. And an earlier post says next season will focus more on the Petrelli family, which I truly hope is false intelligence. They're boring one-dimensional characters. I can only assume they descended from a wooden plank to explain their acting.


Knowing the Sylar Daddy story, he'll find someone, he'll point to another person, then another and it'll probably end up that Suresh is his Daddy.

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I agree with all said, especially the bolded part. And an earlier post says next season will focus more on the Petrelli family, which I truly hope is false intelligence. They're boring one-dimensional characters. I can only assume they descended from a wooden plank to explain their acting.


Knowing the Sylar Daddy story, he'll find someone, he'll point to another person, then another and it'll probably end up that Suresh is his Daddy.


Oh god no...they have been done to buggery...we've already had enough of them with Daddy's return from the dead, Angela's arc...I don't want more... Peter the angst emo ridden kid and Nathan the chameleon who just changes what he believes on a whim. There are so many more interesting slants and characters that have been hinted at in the past that could have been explored further, rather than this tiresome family tiff.... I for one am looking back and slightly gutted that Linderman and Adam were both killed off relatively early in terms of developing plot...they could have had more potential with their ideologies of how to clean up the world...


As for Suresh being Sylar's dad, yep I'll go for that it'll be more believable than some of the twists and "out of character" stuff that has happened.


And please do away with the predictive painting lark...matt needs to die now seem as everyone else who has painted the future has...but then if they kill him off its only a matter of time before someone else uncovers this mysterious power...hell I think I've got it, I'm painting now...just painted a picture where Heroes dies a slow and painful death before finally being put out of its misery.

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