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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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3 short Fugitives clips:


- Your Mum and your Brother

- Everybody's Under the Radar

- Did they come?




Well from those it seems to have managed to have get its Season 1 'style' back somehow!...

The music theme underlaying conversations, more scenes taking place on the streets of N.Y., a calmer sense about everyone...


Well the first two clips anyway!... just watched the third and it wasn't as good. I think Claire just ruins it now! and Matt seems to be picking up more powers, which I don't lke the idea of!

Oh and Matt/Mohinder... decorate your fucking dive of an appartment!


IGN Season 4 Episode 1: Review




US, January 29, 2009 - Advance Review: A clean slate. That's what I'm giving Heroes. I'm going to forget about the ridiculous stories told in Volume Three and give Volume Four a chance to reel me in. I'm approaching "Fugitives" with an open mind and a necessary general knowledge of the basics of the characters. I know who's related to whom, and who has what power and which character is dealing with what issues. That's it. That's all I'll need. I'm giving the show a chance to redeem itself. I can't tell you the series has earned it, but I'm doing it anyway. I feel it's the only method I can use that might actually give me a shot at enjoying the rest of the season. So it's a clean slate for Heroes. A fresh start. And it's off to a so-so beginning.


It is months later in the series' timeline and everybody is trying to get back to a normal life. Normal, but guarded. As we saw in the finale of "Villains," Nathan Petrelli is putting a plan in motion to round up what he now considers a threat to America and the world: people with powers. There's little subtlety involved in the series as it compares the detention of the super-powered to similar events in history, from containment camps to Guantanamo Bay. But the series isn't exactly known for its subtlety, so the clunky dialogue talking about human rights and whatnot fit the status quo. Not that I'm complaining. Clean slate, remember.


Though the containment idea isn't exactly fresh, the execution of the plot in this volume opener was well done. More than once I found myself tensing up as the characters were being pulled from their lives. Thankfully, the episode doesn't waste too much time on reestablishing where everybody is. Peter is back as a paramedic, trying to save people. Claire is looking at colleges, but wishing she could be out saving people. Hiro is still powerless, but he's devised a plan that will help him continue to try to save people. Parkman and Daphne are together, and neither one of them wants to save anybody. There are other reveals that were a bit more interesting, but I don't want to ruin the surprises.


Most of the character developments revealed in this episode make a lot of sense. With the whole "clean slate" idea in mind, I actually like what the series is doing with Hiro and Ando. It isn't the same old thing, but it still stays true to our basic understanding of the pair. Peter, Claire, Nathan and a few of the other big names have also made straightforward choices since last we saw them and that's a huge accomplishment compared to the first half of the season. I hope it keeps up. Unfortunately, not all the characters are given proper treatment. The writers clearly aren't sure what to do with Matt Parkman, and I'm very disappointed with what they've cooked up for the character. The series continues to rely too heavily on old tricks. [if you've watched the third video clip I posted ^, you'll know what they mean; and I agree.]


The real reward of the episode, however, is the intensity of the hero round up and the potential it brings to this new Volume. Emmy-winner Zeljko Ivanek (Damages) joins the cast and his presence, even in his limited scenes, is truly powerful. The episode unfolds at a great pace and some of the visuals and action sequences really connect. This was an aspect sorely missing from Volume Three. As I watched, there were more than a few moments where I actually found myself excited to be watching Heroes again.




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Wow I forgot it was out so soon :D Tomorrow eh, looking forward to this, although I'm not sure I'm particularly interested in the direction they seem to be going in - I really thought the show picked up a little towards the end of the last chapter, they seemed to tighten things up a bit and bring it all together nicely.


But... Villains? Fugitives? When is Heroes actually going to be about yknow... heroes? I'd like to see people using their powers to go out and save people. They saved the world in the first season, but only from themselves, and more or less by accident. I'd also love to see someone who starts wearing a costume and trying to be a comic book style superhero, but looks silly doing it :heh: maybe a character we haven't met yet.


(tidied up the title a little, hope you don't mind)

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Season 2 was rubbish but I agree with Supergrunch, I think it picked up just before it stopped. They stopped dancing around everything and people became very direct, went after what they wanted, people were killed, people told the truth behind their actions etc etc, what we've been left with is a lot simpler and gives a good opportunity to reboot the series.

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Season 3 'Villains' was basically that - sending some of the heroes down the dark side and the reverse was also true. What I'd prefer is fewer Fable-like blunt 'good or bad' characters with easily identifiable turning points in favour of more morally grey characters who aren't necessarily bad or evil. But going by the fact it's based upon stereotypical comic books I can't see that happening (although there are a few characters that fit this description).

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I watched this this morning at 5 as I knew that would be one of the only oppertunities I'd get!


Anyway, I entered in with some trepidation and hope! As I felt Season 3 picked up after the diaster that was the Eclipse.


I enjoyed it. The pace has calmed down some what which I like! :) There are still things I'm unsure about though.




I'm unsure about Matt... they have no idea what to do with him and so have given him the power to see into the future for some reason which I don't think they should have now!


A thing I did like was it looks as if Peters been (can't think of the word) Which is great. Now it seems he can only have one power at a time and if he touches their hand which makes it much better and not overpowered!


Also I lol'ed when Claire took out the driver!





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I enjoyed it :D I like the direction they're going in with their new start, although I'm a bit disappointed some of them didn't put up more of a fight....

A thing I did like was it looks as if Peters been (can't think of the word)
"Nerfed", that's what they'd call it if Heroes was an RPG :heh: I didn't pick up on that being the case but I guess that would explain why he didn't fly at the end. Has it supposed to have changed, or have they just retcon'd him to make it less of a plot breaker?
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