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Indiana Jones 4


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You would be correct he was.


Shia is amazing and I refuse to hear otherwise.


Truth be told, he was the best thing about Transformers (not that it takes much to beat the rest of that film...).


That doesn't make him not an arrogant looking/sounding/acting arse.


I hate his name too.

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If he even attempts to upstage Ford in this, I will have his tiny balls on a platter.


I'll inform the already placed-GLA hit squad of this request, so if they are needed for downstaging, you'll get first call of reproductive organs...

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Hmm, I hate to be a negative nellie but I was thoroughly underwhelmed by the trailer I saw a few days ago. He's far too old, I can't begin to find it believable. I hope it won't ruin the good name of Indiana Jones. I only wish that River Pheonix would have had the chance to reprise the Young Indy role, what a shame.


Also I'm always gonna be forgiving of Shia as Even Stevens was amazing.

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Cinematical said it was a bit of a disappointment, and I tend to agree with their opinions on these things. Looking forward to reviews of Synecdoche, New York which I'm sure will garner very mixed reviews. From the clips I've seen of it, it looks to be far too whimsical although aesthetically it looks pretty nice. Whatever happens with it there'll be no reviews that say it's average, it'll either get a standing ovation or be booed even more than Southland Tales.

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Ive just got back from seeing it and it was terrible and this is coming from a huge fan of the first 3 Indy films.


The film lacks any of the charm and humor that made the first 3 great and the story is just stupid. There were 7 of us who went and 5 of us thought it was abysmal and 2 thought it was alright. Why the hell cant they just leave franchises alone? :(

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I went to see it, I rarely go to the cinema (hadn't been in a year) and I thought it was good. Though I haven't seen the old ones in ages, and I don't hold an emotional attachment to them.


So as a neutral it was a decent afternoon watch.

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I'm so disappointed by this film I think I want to cry. :(


It was an ok film and everything but it wasn't the Indy that we all know and love.

There was something missing, that spark that made the others special.

I can't quite explain it properly but I'm sure others will feel the same as me.


Please, please don't make another George and Steven! You both should retire soon too please.

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Are you guys on drugs? The film is awesome and keeps very well in tune with all the others. Do note that the movie now takes place in the 50's, so while maintaining the tone of Indiana Jones, they include some 50's B-movie stuff where the others included refferences to the 30's and 40's serials. Also, the villains are no longer the nazis (it's the 50's, remember?), so different culture, different motivations, etc.


The humour, action, music, sound effects, Harrison Ford, are ALL just like in the old days. And this is coming from a long time fan who loves movies (more than games :heh: ) and knows the trilogy inside out, basically.



And why should Spielberg, of all people retire?? War of the Worlds and Munich are fantastic films and so is this new Indiana Jones. Lucas is another matter entirely, he never had talent to begin with. But Spielberg always had it. And now he's at the top of his game again.

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Just got back from seeing it. It does have more holes and ridiculousness in it's plot than you can shake a whip at, but no more ridiculous than say...... finding the holy grail in the possession of a still living crusades knight. Three criticisms though. One, the ending was quite abrupt and slightly unsatisfying after all that had gone before in the film. Two, Ray Winstone doesn't really add much and is a bit unnecessary. And three, the bad guys just didn't feel bad to me, maybe Commies just don't have the same bad guy cred of Nazis. Other than that I'd say it was a decent rip roaring action romp.


Also Shia LaBeouf was nowhere near as irritating as I thought he'd be, which was a nice surprise.

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I'm very disappointed, what have they done??


Good points

Great action scenes

Harrison Ford has still got it as Indy


Bad points

Ridiculous plot (even for an Indy film) this totally ruins any good parts the film had. I mean, we waited 19 years for them to come up with a story they all liked and agreed to and this was it???

Weak supporting cast

The "WTF" way in which Mudd catches up to the chase in the jungle, I can see another film series being brought back

The over CG'd ending scene


They may as well have put the great Jar Jar Binks himself in there, and then gotten him to come out of the screen, shit in my mouth and then charge me £50 for it.


I'll go to see it again tomorrow, just to make sure, as I badly wanted to like this film, even as I sat there wincing.


Unlimited cinema card FTW!!

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Saw it this evening. I'm quite mixed on it. I thought it took a while for Indy to really become that which we know and love. Unfortunately not even Indy could save the damn storyline. I was pissed at Lucas fucking up the Star Wars trilogy but now he has to do it to this.


Now, I know Indy has always been about the paranormal. I've got no problems with aliens or their technology but Indy films have always been about mystery. There was no mystery with this story. It was literally, there's alien technology and we gotta get to it before the russians. I would've been happy if there was some mystery left, and we didn't see the aliens at all but just a nice hint that the technology was other worldly. But no, we had to have it full on, in your face and as for the end... what the shit! There was no need for that, AT ALL! Christ Lucas I could have come up with a better story in a day


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2 and a half stars was a little generous. It's a pretty bad movie, not only compared to other Indy movies but compared to most action and adventure films. Not even half as good as Temple of Doom, which was easily the worst of the series up until now.


A lot of wtf moments, but not in a good way. More like, 'wtf? Why am I watching this?'


I'm so dissapointed. Still, Lego Indy should be good.

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Saw it last night and i agree with you all. What a crock of shit.


Harrison Ford was fine as Indy, there were even a few funny moments and exciting action parts, even if they were OTT. But the story... Oh. My. God. How did they even pitch such a stupid and crappy storyline?!


How did that russian woman get into the temple bit at the end? Indy and the crew had to rush down that spiral staircase and she just shows up! I mean, what the fuck?! How did she get down?


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