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Prince of Persia


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but the thing is that it's so easy you barely feel like you have any agency. There's no challenge here whatsoever. It's not a case of the game being stripped down and letting you get on with it, it's that there's barely any game left it's so basic.


Avoid, frankly. Unless you give it a rent and see.


Really wish I could recommend it. I just can't. I love sands of time it was almost perfect. Why do they insist on telling themselves it was a problematic game? :shakehead


It's ordered now anyway so I'll give it a go. If it's not very good then I can always stick it on ebay and get back what I paid for it.

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The game is stupidly easy, I haven't touched it till i realised i needed 540 light seeds.


This isn't Metroid, I'm not back tracking... ¬_¬

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This is currently £17.99 on Play! today ONLY though, considering picking it up but I shouldn't as I have too much to play allready. :/


Thanks for that! Cancelled my order of Gamestation (they didn't dispatch 'immediately' as it said on their website...) and ordered on Play.com for even cheaper :D


It got 9.3 on IGN which basically said to think of the game more as an experience. I like playing a game sometimes where there is no major challenge and I just get to sit back and relax and take in the game.

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Ordered Sands of time is one of my favourite games last gen; worried this will pale in comparison, but at that price I'll get to play AND make a profit!


this game is nothing to Sands of Time.




I had such hopes. This was supposed to be a return to the idealistic, art driven gaming Sands represented. It's nothing of the sort.

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Just got this today. Enjoying it so far. Weird though, I set a destination on the map thing then it showed me where to go yet the ground just wasn't there. I tried jumping but I just fell to be saved. I thought I was being retarded and just not getting it, but I quit, reloaded the save and the ground was there this time and I could just run along where I was supposed to go. :s

This happened to anyone else? I'm playing the PS3 version.

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Just bought this off of Play.com. It's still £17.99 by the way. Bargain at that price but I won't get it until the new year now.


Yeah I was surprised at that, I did what people were suggesting and bought five so I could sell some on, listed them on eBay at £24.99 and they sold in a day. :blank:


Thing is lol once Play sold out of their first batch they put it to £39.99 again briefly until they got more stocks in and priced them at £24.99 (they were this price when mine sold) so just as well they sold when they did too now that Play seem to be keeping that £17.99 price. :heh:


I won't make a huge amount on them now though cos of uber postage costs, but a good few quid on each, gotta send them Special Delivery on Monday to ensure they reach the buyers before Christmas, still was worth doing. :)


Kept a copy for myself as well so will get round to playing it eventually... >> *stares at mountain of 360 games*

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Edge gave this a lowly 5/10. I decided to give it a miss for now, as only recently started Assassins Creed and there are similarities between the two.


I'm really enjoying it so far. I love the fact that if I mess something up I can try again. Why would I want to redo a whole load of it every time I mess up? I like the combat system, that looks really good. And I really wish there were more games with this graphical style, it really is one of my favourites.


It's good so far, and the lack of major difficulty isn't bothering me in the slightest.


I found Assassins Creed to be tedious beyond belief, and everything that was crap in that game is not in this one so far.

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Just bought this game and play it for a couple of hours.


I agree it is an easy game (although for some reason I'm continously going round and round in circles, maybe I'm just tired). But I like it, there's no point in comparing it to sands of time, because not only is it a different person, it's set in a different style too!


I like how elika is with you, pretty neat to fight with her, although she can get abit annoying sometimes. Plus prince's voice is...well american!


I'll continue playing, I'd probably recommend it to somebody who hasn't touched the last three prince of persia games, like I have. It's got a nice style with it, good combat and the story well interesting enough! Shame about that bloody donkey though.

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I'm not going to buy it because I'm not a fan of the art style and if the difficulty has been toned down to a minimum then what's the point?

I don't want to be invincible when fighting bosses.


I finished The Two Thrones and it was great - but I wasn't left wanting more.

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Mine came today from Play. Was not expecting that at all. I'm enjoying it so far, like wolfy said it is quite easy. I'm hoping it'll pick up a bit but to be honest it's just fun to play and gorgeous to look at. For £17 i'm not going to complain. Also is it me or does the music have a very epic, John Williams score, about it. Great :)

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