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Becoming aware....?

Coolness Bears

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In the middle of a conversation or just sitting down watching telly, I keep suddenly becoming aware that i have arms...


This is very akward as once this happens i'm really not sure what to do with them and i constantly move them around, changing their position not happy with were they are! :) making the person talking to me look at me stranger than before.


Also suddenly noticing that i'm breathing is odd... i don't like it at all as i feel my heart going up and down and i can't concentrate on anything else for a while!


There are other things that i can't remember at the moment but,


Does anyone have this moments where they are suddenly aware of something like that? Or is it just me? :blank:

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I don't know if it falls into the same category but has anyone ever had that sensation where they are looking at someone they know and all of a sudden you seem to look at them differently and not recognise them at all.


I don't know what it is but I can just look at friends of mine and know them obviously, but then i change my viewpoint (kinda like how those 3D illusions work which 'pop' in and out of the page) and start looking at their features rather than their whole face, and I seem them as if I'm meeting them for the first time. Then after a second it's gone.


Maybe I'm just odd.

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I don't know if it falls into the same category but has anyone ever had that sensation where they are looking at someone they know and all of a sudden you seem to look at them differently and not recognise them at all.


I don't know what it is but I can just look at friends of mine and know them obviously, but then i change my viewpoint (kinda like how those 3D illusions work which 'pop' in and out of the page) and start looking at their features rather than their whole face, and I seem them as if I'm meeting them for the first time. Then after a second it's gone.


Maybe I'm just odd.


That fits in this thread perfectly! :D I have had that to it's a very strange feeling!


I have had that happened to me recently with someone and i look at them very differently now! :)


For better or for worse I'm not sure....


I don't think this is the same thing, but when you repeat a word over and over again until it feels odd to me is another funny thing!


Does anyone else get this to?

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You know my pic wasn't just spam. It's about becoming aware that there's a smile on the car. Although I admit, I only noticed that after posting the pic. Who's awesome? I'm awesome!

I do become aware of certain things like you say, I can't exactly pinpoint anything at the moment, but yeah, I get what you're saying.

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The arms thing happened to my when I was a kid, I was walking down the street and suddenly it seemed to me that leaving my arms hanging was the most weird thing to do, so I walked down the street with my arms in the air until I got tired.



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In the middle of a conversation or just sitting down watching telly, I keep suddenly becoming aware that i have arms...


This is very akward as once this happens i'm really not sure what to do with them and i constantly move them around, changing their position not happy with were they are! :) making the person talking to me look at me stranger than before.


Also suddenly noticing that i'm breathing is odd... i don't like it at all as i feel my heart going up and down and i can't concentrate on anything else for a while!


There are other things that i can't remember at the moment but,


Does anyone have this moments where they are suddenly aware of something like that? Or is it just me? :blank:

I do it with my hands :/ Its frustrating...

Things also catch my attention like the fact my brush is the wrong way up while im typing this...and my bus pass isnt in the draw.. and one of my drawers is open a bit too much... its weird stuff like this stops me conentrating too.

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I'm feeling nothing unusual. It seems your brainwashing had no effect on me! HA!



What happens with Nintedohnut also happens with me from time to time.


But this condition mostly affects me with words. When I repeat a word too many times in a phrase, I become aware of how odd it sounds in my tongue (or how odd that word is in itself), despite using it normally all my life.




*blinks* DAMN YOU! You've *blinks* cursed me for the rest of the *blinks* day! :angry:



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I get it with breathing every so often - like you said, it's really annoying because you have to consciously do it until you forget you're thinking about it.


And similar to the word thing, I sometimes look at a word written down and I'm convinced the spelling of it is so weird it can't be right, and I don't link the spelling of the word to how it sounds at all. For example, I had it with the word 'earth' once - I knew that's how it should be spelled, but looking at it, it just didn't seem to say 'earth'.

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I had the breathing one quite often as a kid. Would always happen when I was trying to fall asleep, but then I suddenly became aware of my breathing and started to control it (not on purpose of course). Was kind of annoying/scary, cause I would actually stop breathing if I didn't tell myself to. X3

But then I would fall asleep and all was good. =P


I've often been told by the way that chickens sometimes die from forgetting to breathe. No idea if this is just a lie or a truth.

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Stupid breathing.

Stupid blinking.


I don't know if it falls into the same category but has anyone ever had that sensation where they are looking at someone they know and all of a sudden you seem to look at them differently and not recognise them at all.


I don't know what it is but I can just look at friends of mine and know them obviously, but then i change my viewpoint (kinda like how those 3D illusions work which 'pop' in and out of the page) and start looking at their features rather than their whole face, and I seem them as if I'm meeting them for the first time. Then after a second it's gone.


Maybe I'm just odd.


I've done that before. Although it's usually when I'm laid on the settee.


Sometimes I'm just sat there and then I forget which way is up. Like my balance has gone. It feels as if I'm leaning but no matter which way I move it always feels like I'm leaning.

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All these different phenomena boil down to one thing: Becoming aware of something you're not normally aware of. Be it a normal reflex motion that you suddenly begin thinking about controlling yourself, breaking a word down to bits and suddenly realise how weird words actually are, or noticing a specific feature that makes you see something in a whole new way (once did that with ears and once with noses in general - it's really annoying).


In conclusion: We're all thinking too damn much about things! :p


... But I believe it to be a good idea to think more deeply about things once in a while.

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I have very little depth perception, and the majority of the time it doesn't affect me. Sometimes, if I look at something really far away or something very big, I become aware of it...


Things look normal then suddenly everything seems really close or really far away. Very hard to explain to people with normal vision :heh:


Triggers panic attacks and all kinds of scary things, but usually doesn't last too long.


BREATHING... BLINKING >_< I hate you all :heh:

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It happens with words most. When you're using a word lots in an essay or something.


Most recently it was "hair". What a random word, I would think.


Same with "was", and other short words.


I never leave my arms hanging, as it feels wierd, like they should doing something.

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In the middle of a conversation or just sitting down watching telly, I keep suddenly becoming aware that i have arms...


This is very akward as once this happens i'm really not sure what to do with them and i constantly move them around, changing their position not happy with were they are! :) making the person talking to me look at me stranger than before.


Also suddenly noticing that i'm breathing is odd... i don't like it at all as i feel my heart going up and down and i can't concentrate on anything else for a while!


There are other things that i can't remember at the moment but,


Does anyone have this moments where they are suddenly aware of something like that? Or is it just me? :blank:


Yay! Other people get this too!


The exact same thing happens to me, but also when I'm sitting down in a group of people I sometimes suddenly become away I have lips. They then feel huge and it's really wierd. It makes me fee a little odd.

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Sometimes I suddenly become aware that I exist, and that I am a person who has memories and functions. Especially when I look at myself in a mirror, its like you dont even realise youre you until you think about it : /

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Sometimes I suddenly become aware that I exist, and that I am a person who has memories and functions. Especially when I look at myself in a mirror, its like you dont even realise youre you until you think about it : /


I'm with you on this one.

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Guest bluey

first of all i would like to say




sometimes i get really aware of there being a whole room behind every mirror.... O____O i mean, have you ever gone riiiight up to a big mirror and tried to look inside? if you look really carefully you can look around the corners and see the alternate universe world behind it.


it's true!

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