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Rock Band


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They can't force them to add such features (such as online) when they're going for the quick cash-in.The audio was a last minute bug, it wasn't something as to "make up" for something else; if they'd know it was a in mono beforehand... they would have fixed it instead.No... we know that.


EA doesn't use Nintendo servers whatsoever, they have their own EA Nation network.


Why aren't they doing it? because they can get away with it. EA even has a deal to not need friend codes. Others of course, have to use them. But still, they can do online games as they please.



Hey Pedro, just wanted to say sorry. Think I was getitng the wrong end of the stick about what you were saying about the servers. Also I did a little digging around and found more evidence to support what you're saying.


Guess I shouldn't be surprised really. After all this is Ea doing an "EA".

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Hey Pedro, just wanted to say sorry. Think I was getitng the wrong end of the stick about what you were saying about the servers. Also I did a little digging around and found more evidence to support what you're saying.


Guess I shouldn't be surprised really. After all this is Ea doing an "EA".

no problem :)
what upsets me most is EA / Activision will think even worse about their games on Wii when they see their game not selling well on it, and im sure they wont realise its cause they didint add online
I think it's quite the opposite, they think they'll sell so good that they want to be out the soonest possible, thus going for the quick port, they already missed the boat for Christmas last year where they came out on PS3, PS2 and X360 and got beaten by Guitar Hero 3; but worst of all... GH3 sold the most in the Wii; so for them it was like "We put our money on the wrong horses" kind of thing.


Now... They want a piece of the pie, fast. think the masses that'll buy the game are idiots who don't know it lacks features and it's easier that way for them too; I bet online sales for products such as these are kinda limited too, sure give a good revenue, but it's more down to the gamer audiophile to do them than the mainstream, and thus, since this is for a console that they consider to be mainstream... they think they can sell through the roof nevertheless.


That's my read out of it; of course, I don't know how they'll read it if this flops and know how the community would react: "next time do a proper port suckers", but I still think this will sell pretty good. And that just makes it a shame that they aren't willing to go the extra mile for us.

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The reason for Rock Band taken it time to come to europe is because mircosoft has brought the rights to have it exclusive in europe.


Rock Band (only for Xbox360).

Release: 22.05.2008


Rock Band Software - 69,99 €

Rock Band Guitar Wireless - 79,99 €

Rock Band Drum - 89,99 €

Rock Band Bundle (complete) - 169,99 €

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Well, when this was first announced I remember a price of £200 floating about. I'll probably still get this at £130.


Making it 360 exclusive, I don't understand. Sucks for PS3 owners I guess - if I had a PS3 and not an Xbox I'd be going ape-shit right now.

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what upsets me most is EA / Activision will think even worse about their games on Wii when they see their game not selling well on it, and im sure they wont realise its cause they didint add online
Hm. Actually, I think this game will sell by the truckload if just one thing is right: the pricetag.


Sure, the lack of DLC/online/HD/achievements is the reason I will be buying this game for the 360. But when I think of the kind of people who might be buying this... they're nothing like me. I'm thinking of people who only own a Wii, so the 360 is not an option. I'm thinking of people who don't hang out on forums, so they don't even know what they're missing out on. I'm thinking of families and casual gamers, who see the chance to play a guitar hero for all the family, with drums! 90% of the people who've played the Wii in my flat have been people who don't own any console, and they've all loved it. People like my Sister and my Mum are interested in the Wii, above any other game on the market. They're the kind of people who will buy Rock Band for the Wii.


But like I said, only if the price tag is right.... None of the above will count for anything if they spot it in stores with a cost that mirrors that of the actual console itself.

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LOL Looks like I'm not buying it if it is that price then!


Yeah, I don't think anyone predicted that they'd do what they have done.


Pretty staggering. Just saw the individual prices too.


Guitar only - £59.99


Drums only - £69.99


(At this point Id like to remind you that these control methods are essentially 5 push buttons in a large plastic casing....you know....basically a toy....that you cannot play with, without additional money output)

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Yep its true' date=' looks like its time to import the PS3 version. Wish I hadn't bothered waiting now.[/quote']


Yeah *high fives* What I was planning all along! Plus we get the benefit of NOT being screwed over on features or price... poor show europe this time..

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Thing is, it's that price for the game and accessories, then your going to want to spend another ~£20 odd on DLC.


Edit: Holy shit just noticed it was £130 for ONLY the accessories, then another £50 for the game aswell. I assumed the game came with that £130.


£130 was pushing it as it was! They can go to hell with that price. No way am I getting it now.

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a 40gb ps3 is about that much from the US that AND I can get a large happy meal =)


Hahaha, What a Fucking Rip off! I would take rock band anyday over Sony's PS Triple and heart furring fast food.:blank:


Seriously though they are having a fucking laugh if they think ANYONE is stupid enough to pay £180 for that piece of shit.

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Well, when this was first announced I remember a price of £200 floating about. I'll probably still get this at £130.


Making it 360 exclusive, I don't understand. Sucks for PS3 owners I guess - if I had a PS3 and not an Xbox I'd be going ape-shit right now.


Why? PS3 is region free, so i'm gonna import from Video Games Plus and get it for about £110.



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