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Sonic Unleashed


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You can fly through the Sonic levels in under 40 minutes if you knew exactly which route to take and with all the upgrades. So yeah, he's right. I wish I could have run along the great wall a little longer :D.

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IGN have finally reviewed Sonic Unleashed on the 360, the verdict is just horrible, scoring lower than even Sonic 06 (Yeah, that's right, even worse then that pile of crap) 4.5/10



Also have a video review if anyone is interested


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Blech! no wonder it scored so low, Hilary Goldstein reviewed it, I've tended to disagree with a lot of her reviews in the past plus she pretty much disliked Unleashed since the preview.


Anyway it's not all bad because I have a feeling she could have easily given it a 7 or an 8 because of the awesome Sonic sections but I think the score was so low because really IGN like everyone else are actually frustrated because half of the game is amazing and the other half just isn't because of the werehog, the reasoning is probably that Sega will then look at the majority of low scores and then next time make a Sonic game that has just Sonic sections.


Sure it'll be shorter, but if I'm honest thats what I'd like, the werehog sections aren't actually that bad once you get used to them but the point is Sonic has always been about pick up and play gameplay, not pickup, think wtf am I supposed to do and then put (or throw) down the controller due to one irratating battle or several annoying jumps.


But yeah, basically the Sonic parts are near perfect, so as long as they just keep that for the next one then nothing can go wrong, or they could do what I and probably many others have wanted them to do for ages and just release a really shiny looking 2D Sonic game on XBLA with gameplay similar to Rush, Unleashed (Sonic bits) but that actually controls like the MD versions now THAT would be epic.


Anyway as far as Unleashed goes they got half of it right amazingly, but the other half? I know it's not that bad but still... *facepalm*

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None at all really Rez, just the obvious Achievements on 360 and Trophies on PS3, I went for 360 version but it's just personal choice, if you are waiting for it to drop, £20 - £25 is about the right price for it tbh but I bought it for full rrp just because I really wanted it lol.

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wow that Hillary Goldsteen (and no its not a woman) is one whiner/biatch(yea the one who gave a 10 for GTA 4).

following points are being discussed in the video review of Sonic Unleashed:


1. every decision is this game is the wrong one (WTF so even the good speedy 2.5D daytime levels?)


2. unnecessary rpg elements (lvl up), why should u pay for a faster sonic (lets not even go here this is pure bullsh*t he talks that sonic, without upgrading is a slow snail


3. jump button unresponsive (uhh WTF unresponsive? every time I press the a button sonic jumps)


4.frame rate issues (seriously I did not encounter any major hiccups in the framerate, has this guy even played the final version?)

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If SEGA would just make the original AMAZING! trilogy (yes, that's all I accept as good) as a HD remix (ala SF2 HD) I'd be more than happy.


Also, today I found out that Miles Prower LITERALLY reads 'Miles Per Hour'!!


Life will never be the same again!

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Guest Captain Falcon

One thing I can't get over in this version is that you push A to jump, but the homing attack is mapped to X.


How did they let that one through?

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wow that Hillary Goldsteen (and no its not a woman) is one whiner/biatch(yea the one who gave a 10 for GTA 4).

following points are being discussed in the video review of Sonic Unleashed:




Kinda assumed cos it kinda sounds like a womans name :blank: anyway not that it matters cos regardless of gender, he's still wrong, yes I know it's just an opinion etc etc but wtf? 4/10 >> like I said before the only good thing that will come out of these review is that Sega hopefully won't add anything like the werehog stuff to Sonic games ever again, not that those bits are bad but they aren't good either. :/


Still as far as the Sonic action goes, it's the best it's been in a long time so as long as they keep the Sonic bits like that, I'll be happy, one minor criticism though... the plane level? wtf... just pressing a sequence of buttons = fail I wanted to fly the Tornado II just like I could fly it in Sonic Adventure and the Bi-plane in Sonic 2.


Other than that, Sonic is back on form. :smile:

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TBH, I don't care about them padding out the Sonic games with other bits.


I don't think reviews realise that Sega have quite a difficult job with console-based Sonic games.


The main dilemma is that people expect games to be a certain length, and Sonic games don't really suit being long. So they have to pad it out with other bits or loads of missions. Their only other option is slowing down Sonic considerably and making it much more like Mario - I'd rather Sonic had his own style filled with extra bits.


With the exception of the 2006 game, I've always loved Sonic's parts of the 3D games. They always felt like a good reward for playing the non-Sonic bits.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Jordan posting:


Thats actually a fantastic idea mapping homing attack to X. It means you can keep your finger on boost and go straight into attacking an enemy if you have to.


Well I don't see why they couldn't have put homing attack on A and boost on X thus giving me a choice of what move to pull off in the air.


It's not really an issue, but I just thought it a very strange choice - especially given pressing A in the air doesn't serve any other function (unless I'm yet to unlock it).

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There's a demo up on the XBLM. It's just the first act of the first level (and day only, no Warehog bits).


The game is already under the Christmas tree (thanks to GameStation), but I decided to give the demo a go anyway. After the first run through the controls feel amazingly precise (sure, I missed a load of rings, but it felt that it was more my doing than rubbish controls). I was also shocked at how smooth it went from 3D to 2D gameplay.


Anyway, I'm off to play the demo again.


Edit: Although I really, really miss the bad rock music.

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There's a demo up on the XBLM. It's just the first act of the first level (and day only, no Warehog bits).


The game is already under the Christmas tree (thanks to GameStation), but I decided to give the demo a go anyway. After the first run through the controls feel amazingly precise (sure, I missed a load of rings, but it felt that it was more my doing than rubbish controls). I was also shocked at how smooth it went from 3D to 2D gameplay.


Anyway, I'm off to play the demo again.


Edit: Although I really, really miss the bad rock music.


I also miss them! Used to like some of the songs that appeared on sonic games.

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Can you feeeeeeeel life, moving through your mind?

Ohhhhhhhhh looks like it came back for morrrrrrre yeaaaaaah!

Can you feeeeeeeel time, slipping down your spine?

Ohhhhhhhhh you try-to try-to ignorrrrrrrre yeaaaaaah!

But you can hardly swaaaallow, your fears and paaaaain

And you can't help but follllllooow,

It puts you right back where you caaaaaaammmmmme!


Live And Learn!

Hanging on the edge of tomorrrrrrow!

On the words of yesterdaaaayyy!

Live And Learn!

If you beg or if you folllllowwwww

You may never find your waaaaaaaayyyy

*nyeow nyeow nyeoweow nyeow nyeow dun dun dm dm dm dm dm*

Live And Learn!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah!

Live And Learn!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah!

*dn dunun dn dn dunun nyeow nyeow nyeow ny-nyeow ny-nyeeeeeeeeeow!*


I think it went a little like that although I can't be sure... :blank:

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City Escape is just awesome!


Can you feeeeeeeel life, moving through your mind?

Ohhhhhhhhh looks like it came back for morrrrrrre yeaaaaaah!

Can you feeeeeeeel time, slipping down your spine?

Ohhhhhhhhh you try-to try-to ignorrrrrrrre yeaaaaaah!

But you can hardly swaaaallow, your fears and paaaaain

And you can't help but follllllooow,

It puts you right back where you caaaaaaammmmmme!


Live And Learn!

Hanging on the edge of tomorrrrrrow!

On the words of yesterdaaaayyy!

Live And Learn!

If you beg or if you folllllowwwww

You may never find your waaaaaaaayyyy

*nyeow nyeow nyeoweow nyeow nyeow dun dun dm dm dm dm dm*

Live And Learn!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah!

Live And Learn!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah!

*dn dunun dn dn dunun nyeow nyeow nyeow ny-nyeow ny-nyeeeeeeeeeow!*


I think it went a little like that although I can't be sure... :blank:

Very good!! :bowdown:


Live and Learn:



City Escape: [Frickin' AWESOME man!!]



Also like Sonic Adventure 1's intro, good memories!


Open Your Heart:


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