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Sonic Unleashed


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Guest Captain Falcon
Looks cool and all, but I don't see how a fast on-rails game can offer deep gameplay and replayability.




I think SatSR is about as deep as a traditional style Sonic game can be, what with the experience points and the skills that can't all be selected but are required for certain objectives or shortcuts.


That said, the game doesn't have to be complex to offer depth and likewise, deep gameplay isn't necessarily good gameplay - it really depends on the game. The original Sonic is really quite simple (by today's standards) and yet it wouldn't be criticized for being shallow or lacking replay value.


It may be on rails, but there are still splits in the path where you choose which route to take. These present you with the task of finding the route through the level with the most rings, the highest score, or quickest time.


Thats where the replay value comes from for some, but for me, it's the just the sheer fun I get from playing that keeps me coming back.

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This is actually looking much better than previous games. The controls look a lot tighter than before without any of that flying off the screen when move the stick slightly to the left, and the cameras looking better. Even the Werehog stuff doesn't look that ridiculous.

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Maybe it's not my style of game Capt. because I like longevity and variety (not saying this is totally lacking but you'll probably understand) that you find in action and racing genres. I used to love the old 2D sonic but I need something more now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I've just seen the preview on IGN...




looks like it could be another "7" Sonic game possibly due to the Werhog bits, the daytime levels look fucking immense and the hub serves to break things up a bit but the night-time levels... the don't look too bad but they may have just ruined the game by having Were-Sonic in it. :/


Also, in the video in that preview... WTF they have replaced the "ring loss" sound effect with the "ring get" sound effect? is that an error or just Sega being completely and utterly fucking incompetent? :(


Shit if they just tightened up the Were-hog levels a bit more or removed them and changed the ring sound effect back to the perfect and unchanged sound it always has been (idiots it was always the one thing that was right about all Sonic game ><) then this could have been epic... I mean it still will be if you ignore the nighttime levels (which may or may not be that bad) but the ring sound effect... that would just annoy me too much. :/

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Also, in the video in that preview... WTF they have replaced the "ring loss" sound effect with the "ring get" sound effect? is that an error or just Sega being completely and utterly fucking incompetent? :(
Not sure on that one.


In the IGN preview it does sound like the 'ring loss' sound effect when Sonic is collecting rings,

however, in the video of 'level 1' above, the sound effects are correct.


Cheeky Star Wars reference at the start of the game intro!

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They haven't its obviously an edited PR video rather than using the in game sounds. If you watch actual footage from people playing it, it has the correct sounds.

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I seem to have the inverse view here...Were-hog bits may be fun, but the Sonic bits just seem to be a glorified slightly interactive screensaver


I thought that about Sonic rush to be frank *prepares for flame*. Seemed like you just ran really fast and didn't do much else, the odd jump here and there. Compared to the early Sonics which were actual platform games.

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Empire City trailer



Higher quality version, direct download (courtesy of the Sonic Show)... http://ss.sonicstadium.org/download/extras/empirecity3.mp4


This. Stage. Looks. Awesome!! It's like, SA2's City Escape x10.


Oh, and as for the game playing itself; it probably just looks that way on trailers, being as it's so fast. In reality, there's probably more control.

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