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Far sooner than I ever expected....


As people will know just over a week and a half ago I decided to take time out from the forums...The last week or so has been odd...Thinks still feel strangely surreal as if it truly hasn't happened to us and that my sister isn't really gone even though I had seen her...But things are slowly go back to normal, moved house on thursday and the house is a shit hole that needs work doing to it so that has kept me busy to some extent...my new TV setup for example (I hate it!)


I stupidly went back to work just 2 days after it happened and was soon told that I had been granted 2 weeks compassionate leave and that I should not been there. I had been taken out of all my sessions with the students so I came round to realise that I had been very naive in going back so soon...


Despite all this one thing has come to my rescue and prevailed over everything...you got it right GAMING. At first I could not concerntrate on anything and didn't enjoy it...but my copies of Uncharted and The Darkness (bargain £41 for both) turned up and thought right I need to get through some of the games I have already and I got straight back into Half Life 2 and bombed through it and have now completed it and looking forward to Episodes 1 and 2. Also in the first few days Professor Layton really was a great distraction as I found the puzzles left me scratching my head and fussing over how to do them. I will in time write up all my views on everything I have been playing in the appropriate threads (such as how awesome is everyday shooter?!!!!)


This has all lead me feeling however that without this community my gaming experiences feel somewhat shallow and lonely so thats why I feel that N-Europe needs to become part of my life again to make things feel right...


So whilst I'm by no means saying I'm on tip top form and have moved on, I mean the funeral still hasn't happened (its on Tuesday) as we couldn't fit it in before Good Friday because there were no free slots (seems horrible saying slots but thats how the funeral directors describe it) I am back and whilst I may not post as much as I have in the past owing to having the days of apathy I am at least still back to some degree...

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Yeah, welcome back Flamezy. Good to see you haven't ditched us for too long!


Not so sure about those games you're playing though... :heh:


Hope the funeral and stuff goes as well as possible, lad.


Hey whats wrong with them?!


Anyway cheers for all the support guys, I have just gone back and read the thread I started about this and all the messages were really heartwarming to read. I think if I was back at work and busy I wouldn't have given this a second thought but with me being home all this time etc... and nows it half term so I'm off I think I need a bit of forum banter never did anyone any harm...kinda good that gamings has been there had nothing better to do really so has been good.

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