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Reggie Teases, "Big Holiday Game to Be Revealed At E3"


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I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that they're announcing a new Donkey Kong title. A few years ago some of the first concrete information from Miyamoto on games was that he was working on a new DK platformer. So my money is certainly on that. Of course Animal Crossing will be certainly be shown, last I heard it was penned in for a late '08 release in Japan.

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Didn't Reggie say they'll be announcing multiple casual games and one big gamer game?


Couldn't Nintendo be saying that some franchises are "casual" for advertising purposes? Games like 1080, Wave Race, Animal Crossing, Pilotwings. 1080 and Wave Race could have easy controls plus an extra "very easy" difficulty setting so it'll appeal to the causal audience, same with Pilotwings.


NST haven't announced that they've been working on since HAMMER was canned, so they'll probably announce Wave Race (1080 will probably come out at a later time) and market that as a "casual" game. Perhaps the easier difficulty setting won't have the buoys.


Retro Studio's are working on a new game. This could be the big gamer title. Perhaps a new franchise (like Raven Blade) or something like Kid Icarus. Although their game will probably be out in 2009.


Factor 5 seem to be hinting that they actually are making a 1st party game with a big casual influence. But they've making an "impressive" game engine to go with it. So it could be Pilotwings and advertised as a casual game.


Kirby has been in development for a while now. And Donkey Kong has apparently been in the works for a good amount of time.


Animal Crossing will probably be shown, but as a casual title. Wii Motor Sports and Wii Music will be shown off more.


To be honest, the interview is even vaguer than it initially appears to be.


Edit: Also, Reggie doesn't say that there won't be any big gamer games out in Autumn.

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I didn't read the opening post bit from Kotaku, but I watched this yesterday on GT. Reggie said that they would reveal the whole line-up of what is to come in the second half of the year which would include the big holiday game. I don't think we should be getting too worked up over the fact that it is only one game because there should be plenty of other stuff out in Q3 + Q4 to keep things sweet.


So, the big game to appeal to casuals and hardcore gamers? Pilotwings!


Big holiday game? Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Believe.


If Brawl is Europes big Christmas release then its set to be a bleak one. :blank:

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Fils-Aime said that Nintendo's post-E3 releases will be "maximizing all of our key franchises," teasing something the hardcore userbase will be frothing over.


Oh thank God! I was worried they might do something drastic and release a new IP.

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We're also still to see Factor 5's project. I'm looking forward to that.


Factor 5 are busy making a kid movie tie-in game.


I think it will be Pikmin 3 or Animal Crossing Wii but i would like it to be F-Zero WX made by Sega's AV again.

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I don't really care about animal crossing so i hope it's not that. I'd love them to show some real big show stopping games for a change.


Slightly off topic but how many more years do you give each console before they have a successor?

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Wii Sports 2 (with some added online matches) would truly push wii through the stratosphere. Good business sense means we won't see that bad boy until it is needed. More so than traditional Nintendo titles, Wii Sports could be a massive console mover that becomes a standard title alongside Mario, Zelda et al. If so does this mean Nintendo's next console could also be called Wii?

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Wii HD will be the name of their next console. I think Wii is the name for the future now, similar to ipod.


There's a lot of casual games out and 3r parties have the casual game developing bug. Nintendo don't need to concentrate on them because others are doing it for them; they need to push the AAA game more; and I think they will.


Does anyone know when Rock Band is getting released?

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For all the casual gamers out there.


God yes.


If Nintendo doesn't release/ publish/ authorise a Perfect Dark-like, online-enabled, üb3r-1337 FPS by the end of this year, I'll shoot myself in the head, and hope the bullet strikes Reggie and Iwata as well.

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I don't really care about animal crossing so i hope it's not that. I'd love them to show some real big show stopping games for a change.


Slightly off topic but how many more years do you give each console before they have a successor?


Usually about 5 years.

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I'm fed up with Nintendo pulling shit like this, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not believing a single thing until I see it.

He should have done something productive with his time like give the EU a Brawl date.


Maybe that´s the big announcement

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