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The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz


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Ok, kiddies, here's my questions:


Round 15

1. Find me the area under the curve 1/x (1 + sqrtx)^2 (2 points) After a lack of definition on my part, Supergrunch gets it.

2. What is the only country who's single-word name has all the orthographic vowels in? Eddage knows his country names.

3. Why was the time on the line of longitude passing through Greenwich chosen as the time from which other's are measured? Raining_again times it well...

4. What is odd about the point 39 12 13.58 S 179 39 50.39 E? Moogleviper seems to be the only person caperble of working out the Earth is round...

5. What flavour are the soothers that are still on my chest of drawers in my bedroom? Nintendohnut knows his drugs!

6. Why couldn't Haggis sleep on the night of 28th-29th October last year? The Villan only knows this because he is Mr Pennyworth...

7. What happened on 12 April 1961? Ground control to Major Sanchez...

8. In what country were same-sex unions first recognised in modern history? Killthenet got this 'un

9. Find a post by Supergrunch, and look at his signature. What has the speaker missed? Jayseven found the sun! Evolution works!

10. The makers sells it, the buyer doesn't use it, and the user never sees it. What is it? EEVILMURRY is a coffin expert, it would seem.


Good luck, kiddies.

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3. Greenwich was chosen is, that as a consequence, the international date line runs through the Pacific. This is convenient since there do not happen to live many people.


It's actually because it allows the date line to be almost perfectly straight, with the least required alterations for islands, but now I'm being a pedant...


10. A coffin.


Trust you to go straight for the melancholic one, what with your birthday cartoon and all...

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7. First trip into space, Vostok 1

8. (guess) Sweden


I was looking for first man in space, but I'll give you that.

Oh, and ignore the fact you can only answer one until they're opened up, and tell you that that's wrong.

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