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Things that go bump in the night


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I had a lot of sleepwalking problems when I was younger, now I'm more controlled. I sometimes talk in my sleep, but I sleepwalk anymore, at least not often. There were plenty of hilarious sleepwalking stories when Crewtata went to Switzerland, but dont feel like writing them now :P

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when i was in secondary school, i would grind my teeth in my sleep and wake up with my jaw locked due to stress :indeed: silly me...

i still have small problems with my jaw... it clicks and locks sometimes (u__u)

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I think i do talk in my sleep every now and then. I remember when i was younger i used to wake up with tears in my eyes, sleep crying maybe?


I also like to wake up in the night and for some reason my head lurches forward and i headbut the wall, that wakes me up pretty quick.

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I don't think I make many strange noises in my sleep, maybe mumble once or twice. I'm a really poor sleeper, takes me ages unless I'm drunk. One thing I do is often wake up and take about 10 minutes to realise things that I dreamt about aren't real, but I think that's fairly common.

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I have woken up before saying some odd things like:


"Nooo! the image got deleted" and "Why do i have to copy and paste before breakfast?"


This was while i had coursework i was doing :)


The best example is my friend when i woke him up and he said:


"Did Mum and I just visit the Pope!" It made me laugh. :D


I have fallen asleep in my Bed before and woken up to find myself on the floor that is always confusing! :wtf:

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I do the whole 'waking up and thinking the dream was real life' thing all the time. But weirdly I very very rarely remember dreams at all, now and again I remember one that I had the night before later in the day, when I see something that reminds me, sort of like deja vu.


Also, I regularly wake myself up when I'm dreaming about something and say out loud what I meant to say in the dream. I hear the voice, jerk awake, and then I'm really pissed off that I have just gotten out of the dream, cause usually it's a good one when that happens.

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I think i do talk in my sleep every now and then. I remember when i was younger i used to wake up with tears in my eyes, sleep crying maybe?


I also like to wake up in the night and for some reason my head lurches forward and i headbut the wall, that wakes me up pretty quick.

Sleep crying is coomon, but it comes under sleep talking.

I talk occasionally in my sleep - I woke up one time saying 'hello, hellooo, hello.'

In my dream I was tyring to say hello but I couldn't pronounce it properly!

Another time I woke up crying :s


Most sleep talkers cry, and its weird because people think its the dream that did it. But its just a random occurence lol.


Me and a few friends went to a friends house, when we were there we tried to get someone called sarah to move over, but she was asleep. and when we tried waking her she said "5 more minutes, ill go into college late".

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Guest Stefkov

I used to walk around the house turning all the lights on. My eyes were wide open and I would communicate with people.

What's worse is that at that time I was in a bed/desk combo thing so I had to climb down ladders.

Grown out of it now, at least I hope so.

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I scared the shit out of my landlady once when I woke up the house roaring "EULAAAAAALIAAAAAAAAAAA!" in my sleep. I was fighting :D


Also I talk in my sleep and am able to have entirely lucid phone conversations with people, just totally unable to remember them.

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I have experiences a lot of different things in my sleep. Some of the things I've been told later by my parents.


I've talked a lot in my sleep when I was younger. I also once sleepwalked into my own room (I was sleeping in our common bedroom at the time), and just sat down. My parents got me into bed again.


I had a period where I was constantly being run over by a car, hurled through the air slamming into a bookshelf and stuff like that in my dreams, but I knew I was dreaming, so I didn't feel any pain.


I've often woken up from a dream, sometimes twitching like mad because I was dreaming about spiders (I have arachnophobia - fear of spiders), sometimes with a jerk for some unexplained reason.


I sometimes wake up after dreaming something that I really want to be true, only to get really depressed after finding out it was just a dream. The other night I dreamt that the girl I've been in love with for the past 3 years finally said yes to be my girlfriend (we're good friends, but nothing more). Imagine my mood when I woke up.


I also once had a lucid dream (sort of). It started out as the classic nightmare where I was being chased by some evil guy. Then I realized the setting was so weird that I had to be dreaming, so I tried to change the dream. After that, the dream changed into something I don't remember, then I woke up I think.


The weirdest thing I've experinced was when I had a precognition dream. My dad and I always share the grasscutting, we each have our specific areas, and we normally cut the grass on Sundays. One night between a Saturday and a Sunday, I dreamt that I had to do my dad's areas, too, for some unexplained reason. The next day when we were about to cut the grass, some of my parents' relatives comes by for a visit, and so I have to cut all the grass, including my dad's areas.

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I swear my little brother goes out of his way in his sleep to creep everyone out. If you walk past his room when he's sleeping you will hear sound effects like that from The Grudge and The Ring. He's a strange child.


I woke up screaming once, and apparently I fidget like mad.

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When I was about 9 years old, I once woke up during the night in panic yelling "Where's my rock?! Where's my rock?!", then my parents came and told me we'd look for my rock tomorrow. I said "okay" and then I went back to sleep.


Why I'd care about some imaginary rock is beyond me, sleep walk/talk/whatever is weird stuff.

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I'm always so tired by the time I finally get to sleep I don't think it's possible for me to do anything else when in bed. I hate not being able to get to sleep.


Also, on the subject of weird things in your sleep, my flatmates sister can't get to sleep unless she wacks her head of her pillow about 20 times before trying.... Weee-erd.

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