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a nice cup of tea and a sit down

Guest bluey

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...dot com.

i've been reading this book on my tea-breaks at work since i got it for christmas... it's really good!

so i ask you!

how do you like your tea/coffee?

what is your biscuit of choice?

what's your favourite mug?!

do you put the milk in before the sugar? or the other way around??


me? PG tips, 2 sugars, milk, (sugar before milk, everytime O_o) my favourite mug

and a plain chocolate hob-nob. :smile:


i'm comforted to know of all the biscuit-dunking possibilities that await me in japan:

(that being said, if i can't get my hands on at least a bourbon biscuit - i'll be on the next plane home!!)




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And very lovely pikachu skin at that :P


Milk, no sugar... leave the teabag in... sometimes i just dont take it out :o


Custard creams are amazing.. or bourbon creams.... i like the chocolate for dunking :P custard creams should be savoured on their own :P

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Bluey, you gotta know that imported foods are expensive out here...


Still, I'd have to say a chocolate Rich Tea would be rather scrummy. Or one of those oaty biscuits with a toffee middle under a layer of thick chocolate.

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Any well known brand tea bag + lots a milk (I like to drink my tea fast not sip it) then 2 sugars then i throw in the water.


I prefer the Fox's viennese


I could eat those till i died of 'seriously full of fox's chocolate viennese stomache syndrome'.


I don't have a favourite mug. I do have one with a guitar as the handle which is good so i'll say that one.


There it is:


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I like my coffee black with no sugar, and my tea in sombody else's mug. My favourite mug is one of those brown ones with a green bit round the top that they sell in Spain, and say "estuve en salout" or something on them.


I'm not that much of a biscuit fan, but on occasion I can find plain digestives godly.

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why are you dressed as a pikachu?

it uhm... it just sort of happens sometimes... ^___^

what else are you supposed to wear while drinking tea?? :wtf:


Coffee. Black, no sugars and some 80% coco chocolate after dinner = win.

woah. no heart problems for YOU :smile:

i only started drinking coffee when i worked at a coffee shop... i either have coffee exactly the same way i have tea, but with brown sugar - or caramel latte :yay:

(at christmas i discovered gingerbread lattes... O__o they are made of syrup and win!!)

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No favourite cup, one sugar, sometimes no milk.


My dad after having his gallbladder and several gallstones removed (I recall the nurse saying it was like a nightsky lol), started drinking tea without milk and with a slice of lemon, I HATED it at first, but now I tend to drink that while at home.

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ooh! does honey and lemon count as tea? 'cause that's awesome :smile:

i've had a sore throat for a few days now so i've been drinking lots of that, and peppermint tea. yumyumyum..

*puts the kettle on*

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Guest Stefkov

Black coffee. No milk, 2 or 3 sugars.

Preferably the giant Starbucks mugs we've got.


Not much of a biscuit with cofee man though but chocolate digestives are goood.

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Black coffee. No milk, 2 or 3 sugars.

Preferably the giant Starbucks mugs we've got.


Not much of a biscuit with cofee man though but chocolate digestives are goood.


bleh. plain? i have a packet of plain digestives... i hate them. i shall send them to you with your books :heh: that can be your mystery surprise.


...oh crap now i've ruined it :indeed:

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...dot com.

i've been reading this book on my tea-breaks at work since i got it for christmas... it's really good!

so i ask you!

how do you like your tea/coffee?

what is your biscuit of choice?

what's your favourite mug?!

do you put the milk in before the sugar? or the other way around??


Tea please, PG Tips Pyramid bags, brewed strong.

Rich Tea, the biscuit of champions.

My favourite mug is my bigger spiderman mug I got with an easter egg last year, second to that is my slightly smaller spiderman mug I got with an easter egg from my aunt growing up(matching eggcup too), third is an even smaller spiderman mug I got with an easter egg at some other time too(from my aunt again).

No sugar in my tea! Stopped taking sugar years ago, and I always put the milk in last, apparently if you put the tea into the milk something weird happens but I forgot what. The main reason I put milk into the tea is so it isn't too milky/weak for my liking.

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My favourite brand of tea is Miles Original Blend, partly because one bag can cater for three people. I don't have any sugar, but I do have rather milky tea. Preferably the milk will be at room temperature so the tea remains steaming, and it's always added last.


I suppose Milk Chocolate HobNobs just about clinches the 'best with tea' vote, although I'm something of a biscuit fiend and will devour pretty much anything.


I used to always drink from a mug that had chickens on it, purely because rather than clucking they all sported speech bubbles with 'boom' in them. I can only assume this was something to do with it being made in China. Nowadays I tend to use one of three identical mugs adorned with fat cartoon cats arrayed in a jumbled "Everyone into crash positions!" fashion.

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I like tea with 2 teabags - otherwise its not strong enough. And a tiny bit of milk + hazelnut syrup!! (I steak it from my work)


I also stole a white mug from my work, so I think its my favourite.


Also, I like happy face biscuits, or party rings :)

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- I like my coffee with milk, and maybe a sugar, but not always


- Biscuit-wise, I love Hobnobs, but I never have a biscuit with my coffee


- Favourite mug would have to be this fuck off black mug I bought in Chicago Airport. I has 'Chicago' on the side of it and a outline of the Chicago skyline Very Nice.


- Milk in before sugar. Hell, I put the milk in before the water. Gives the coffee extra taste, I thuik

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