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They're all in New York this week, new one next week.


Okay, either the description didn't say it yesterday or I didn't see it when I checked it.


I thought it looked familiar. But still.. what the fuck at the end?


I think this is the third time he has made a short clip at the end of his videos.

I found this one not as good.

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Metal Gear is mostly like it or loathe, always has been really, I thought the review was funny though I don't take them seriously :heh: often he's right though but mostly his reviews are just entertaining. :smile:


I'm still gonna continue playing through all the Metal Gear games but it has to be said, MGS4 is a game primarilly for those who have played the rest of the Metal Gear Solid saga, theres loads of fan service in there and despite slight gameplay niggles which have always been there in previous games anyway it's still a fantastic game.


Oh and as for the tranquiliser gun, you don't have to use it, theres a myriad of weapons available so you can be as "all out action" or as stealthy as you like so it's hardly a flaw, just an option. :heh:

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I agree with this guy almost every time he reviews a game. MGS is so fundamentally flawed but people seem to just go about ignoring it for the cutscenes or something. Conveniently ignoring the terrible writing there, too because it's 'like a movie'

only it's not. Movies are written with skill, and editors.

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I think he played it on very easy since tranqs don't knock people out instantly in one shot on any other difficulty. And the game isn't that great on very easy.


The controls are easy tbh. The AI isn't retarded when you play it on a decent difficulty. Halo 3 being a perfect example of a game that is dire on one difficulty and awesome on another.


A few of his criticisms still stand, but what was he expecting?


I thought he might have given it a bit more leeway since the game isn't like every other one out.

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I hate MGS in general, and i'm not ashamed to say it. Anyone who has studied or knows anything about game design knows that it is really quite poor.


Nevertheless, Snake is iconic to alot of people so what the heck, if they enjoy it then thats good for them. Still wouldnt give it anything more than a 7though personally.

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The stealth sections I've always sort of enjoyed, but the shooting and action mechanics were always clumsy. Very quickly you're just tranquillising guards in the head, waiting for them to fall over and then moving on. Why even give the player that tool? Also the writing really is horrific. The first game just about held together in an insane manga-esque kind of way if you skipped the endless conversations about radioactive waste dumping, but by the time you've got possessed arms and vampires running around you should probably just stop.

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I never played MGS (except for this strange PS1 game where you were given several objectives, like a challenge mode. That was fun.), so i can't say wether he's right or wrong.


Except I've seen the MGS 4 cutscenes at a store, and they really drag on. I have to agree on that.


But what really matters was that the review was pretty funny. Remember, Yahtzee should not be taken seriously in any occasion.

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