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kung hei fa choy!

Guest bluey

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kung hei fa choy! :yay:

feb 7th is chinese new year (year of the rat)!!

happy new year 4706/2008 everyone ^___^


will you be celebrating~?

is it your year~?

whats your favourite chinese food? :grin:

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If it wasn't for that damn rat it would be the year of the cat.


i....think i love you O_O

(i prefer kyou to yuki~ *puts on kyou bracelet* nyahaha stupid rat)

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"Tiger people are courageous and powerful and have an air of authority that prompts others to fall in line, which is exactly how they like it. Although they are charming and fun to be around, Tigers like to go it alone sometimes too. A Tiger's main interest is in following its ambitions - and maintaining control. They have a natural, raw appeal that's extremely attractive to other signs but they're not just about attraction, though; Tigers will fight the good fight to the bitter end if the cause is worthy. They do sometimes feel things a bit more intensely than others."



mostly bollocks



fun times, yeah?


Actually I got invited to a Chinese New Years party on Thursday and i'm gonna go to it. Sounds really fun.




Also my Zodiac sign is a snake.



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I'll be getting chinese food to celebrate.


I shit you not.


Anyway, i'm the year of the dragon (which is next year), yeah us dragons rock ass.

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I'll be getting chinese food to celebrate.


I shit you not.


Anyway, i'm the year of the dragon (which is next year), yeah us dragons rock ass.


where from?? O___o everything even remotely related to china around here is closed for the holiday... *sigh*


i'm a tiger. nyaw. :zzz:

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... I'll get it on Tues/Weds night.


I need to start eating more, i lost a STONE in weight over January. I'm now between 11 stone 13lb and 12 stone dead.


I was 13 stone 3 at the end of Dec. Worrying T_T

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I'm a Goat/Sheep. Go me.


"Those born in the year of the sheep are thought to be a contented lot, happy with their creature comforts around them, wise and compassionate, especially gifted in the arts and reputedly tasteful. Charming, elegant and artistic, sheep are often envied for their success. Those born under the sign of the sheep frequently throw themselves passionately into what they do and what they believe in."

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"Tiger people are courageous and powerful and have an air of authority that prompts others to fall in line, which is exactly how they like it. Although they are charming and fun to be around, Tigers like to go it alone sometimes too. A Tiger's main interest is in following its ambitions - and maintaining control. They have a natural, raw appeal that's extremely attractive to other signs but they're not just about attraction, though; Tigers will fight the good fight to the bitter end if the cause is worthy. They do sometimes feel things a bit more intensely than others."



Tigers FTW...Thats basically me in 100 words....<.<....>.>...I mean my username says it all.

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Born in: The year of the Dragon


One of the most powerful and lucky signs of the Chinese zodiac. Those born in the Year of the Dragon are regarded as sensitive souls who inspire confidence and trust. They are also honest, quietly energetic, excitable and generally enjoy good health. Dragon people are reluctant to borrow money and also try to avoid situations where they might be expected to make formal speeches. They tend to be soft-hearted which can be a problem because others often take advantage of this side of their nature.


What dragons need most: Balancing the quest for success with an appreciation of the little things.


Most compatible with: Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.


In the Year of the Rat: Let yourself dream and then chase those dreams. This is a year full of goodwill and opportunity so enjoy it while always taking care of those most important to you.


not too bad i guess...

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