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Have you ever been wedged between a barrier?

Coolness Bears

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This has happened to me 4 times now! :o


On the Underground i've swiped my card gone through the barrier only to have it close on me as i'm half way through and wedge me in between the two little doors!


I'm starting to develop a fear of getting stuck in the middle again as it holds people up and gets them angry and me for my clumsyness! I now quickly dash through before it has time to shut on me. :D


Another place is the Emirates Stadium i tried giong through the barriers there (with a ticket :heh:) and it almost had my arm off as i got confused what to do! :wtf:


So has anyone else had problems getting through barriers? Or is it just me? :/

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Once when I was skiing, I got into a bubble (its a sort of lift which remotely looks like a bubble, where you have to take your skiis off and place them outside and sit inside). I was about 7 and got in on my own only to find my poles were stuck on the side because I wasn't holding them properly. Then noone else could get on. So I started screaming and probably crying =/ but luckily a family friend got the poles and got in just in time to comfort me.


That stopped me getting on bubble lifts for about 3-4 years because I was scared it was going to happen again. Seems silly, but getting trapped can be scary.


I know this isn't that similar to a barrier but still =]

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(derailing my own thread :heh:)


Ooh not really a barrier incident but:


When i was about 5 or 6 i went Skiing and i was going up on the drag/sit lift thing when a skiier came bombing down the mountain and crashed into me knovking off the sit and sending me flying. :)


Probably one of the reasons i'm not keen on Skiing!


To get back on topic i have also almost got wedged between Bus Doors but only my coat got a it stuck. :D

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I never understand how people manage to get trapped in the tube barriers. They stay open long enough for anyone capable of walking to get through easily. Theres always the larger gates they can open for you if its a problem I suppose.

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Not quite a barrier, but I once trapped my hand in a car door without realising.


Ouch! that has happened to me before as well and it's Painful! :o


I never understand how people manage to get trapped in the tube barriers. They stay open long enough for anyone capable of walking to get through easily. Theres always the larger gates they can open for you if its a problem I suppose.


I know! it's really stupid....before it happened to me i didn't think it was possible! :)


I guess i'm just naturally slow! i do tend to amble. :heh:


I had minus 40p on my Oyster Card today which i found odd as well (but that's a seperate issue :smile:)

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Another place is the Emirates Stadium i tried giong through the barriers there (with a ticket :heh:) and it almost had my arm off as i got confused what to do! :wtf:


LOL! I saw a man get full on stuck in the turnstiles at the very first game at the stadium, one leg in the other out job. My friend also got stuck with one arm left in.


I tend to just swipe and go through no hassle, but I know people who shit their pants going through.

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LOL! I saw a man get full on stuck in the turnstiles at the very first game at the stadium, one leg in the other out job. My friend also got stuck with one arm left in.


I tend to just swipe and go through no hassle, but I know people who shit their pants going through.


Yeh I'm not suprised that turnstile is a Gigantic Killing Machine :heh:


Yeh i had half my ody through and half my body outside as well! :)


It didn't help that i forgot to take the Ticket out after i had swiped it! :p

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I was in Dumfries looking for some public toilets. I eventually found some. The problem was there were two automatic barriers in my way. The first time i tried ot get through i got through the first one but i wasn't fast enough and got stuck in the middle of them so i had to roll under the second one. Now when i use them i just run past them as fast as i can.

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I never understand how people manage to get trapped in the tube barriers. They stay open long enough for anyone capable of walking to get through easily. Theres always the larger gates they can open for you if its a problem I suppose.


It actually should be impossible, the way they work they don't close until after something has passed through the sensor on the other side of the gates. Used to cover the sensor with my hand sometimes to allow friends without tickets through, works a charm, the sensors are easy to spot too.

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I use the tube every Saturday for my Chinese course and never get stuck. My card wasnt working one day and I got through 2 of them just by walking directly behind a couple of people who were going through. You just have to get the timing right and people wont even notice.: peace:

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Once skiing me, my brother and his girlfriend were on the chair lift and as we were about to get off my brother's idiot girlfriend decides that she is going to push off using me. She pushes me back on and I then have to jump of and drop about 10 feet.


Another time I was on the T-bar lift on my own and at the top I went to ski off and it got caught in my coat and dragged me through the fence and into a huge pile of snow. 'twas very embarrassing.

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Never been trapped between the barriers at stations/tubes before, but i do know of a few people who got trapped between them. I was with my mate who got trapped, had to get station staff to release him, he was embarrassed and i laughed at him getting trapped.

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Never been trapped between the barriers at stations/tubes before, but i do know of a few people who got trapped between them. I was with my mate who got trapped, had to get station staff to release him, he was embarrassed and i laughed at him getting trapped.


Haha! :)


Mine didn't go that far Just sort of breathed in and eased myself out! :D


if it's not happened to you it must look pretty funny :awesome:

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i havent... but once a ...chubby.... kid tried to sneak through WITH me as i went through a barrier in the underground and he got stuck :grin:

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i havent... but once a ...chubby.... kid tried to sneak through WITH me as i went through a barrier in the underground and he got stuck :grin:


Haha! :laughing: that is great! :grin: The visual that went through my head as i read that cracked me up! :D


Nope, Coolness is just an idiot.


The Emirates stadium turnstile however is lethal.


It's true i am... :blank:


But It's a known fact the Emirates ones were installed to kill you! true facts i read it on the internet! :heh:

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Has happened to me too. It happened in Paris when I was in a rush to get to the

Eiffel Tower. I put my ticket it, and it shut on me. My mate had to go round and use his ticket to get me out. I had so many random french people cursing at me! Damn the french.

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Once skiing me, my brother and his girlfriend were on the chair lift and as we were about to get off my brother's idiot girlfriend decides that she is going to push off using me. She pushes me back on and I then have to jump of and drop about 10 feet.


Another time I was on the T-bar lift on my own and at the top I went to ski off and it got caught in my coat and dragged me through the fence and into a huge pile of snow. 'twas very embarrassing.


I've seen the first story happen to someone and they got hurt pretty badly because they fell awkwardly, but they were too scared to get off not because someone pushed them back on.


And the second I have seen my sister do when we shared a T-bar once, she went straight into a wall of snow, but luckily not too hard, was funny as it fell on top of her :p Those T-bars are so annoying.


You go skiing often? ^_^

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In all my years, I've never managed to get stuck in tube or rail barriers, I thought they don't shut until you've pass through, or shortly after you pull your ticket out, it's impossible to get stuck! I agree with will's post too, you only require the ability of walking to succesfully not be an idiot.

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