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Games that make you want to break your controller/swear.

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Tell us of the games that have driven you to insantiy and of any experiences you have had when you get really angry with a game.


Super Monkey Ball on the Wii was very frustrating and made me want to throw my Wii remote at the wall many times. I did shout some double-dutch at my 7 year old cousin when I lost once, which I kinda regret...


While playing Mario Strikers I would always shout out "F*cker", when someone gained an advantage in an online match.


When I was around 8 years of age, I could not beat Wendy O'Koopa in Super Mario Bros 3, so I decided to let my rage loose on my glass of orange juice, which resulted in a sticky carpet and an early bedtime for me.


Super Mario Sunshine was a bloody frustrating game, especially when they took FLUDD away from you. Never did get all the shines.


Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. I don't think it's a very hard game, but I couldn't finish one of the levels once, and I had been banging and clapping for a lifetime, so I got really annoyed and just punched my pillow for a while (possibly thinking it was Donkey Kong or the game creator lol).


There are many SNES games that frustrated me, but I can't remember them at the moment.

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Ghosts n' Goblins, Ghouls n' Ghosts, they're very hard and frustrating games, but I didn't play them enough to be angry.


Now for personal experiences where I actually got quite angry:


-Super Mario Sunshine: The...friggin...Blue Coins. They killed my Shine search.


-Super Smash Bros. Melee: The Very Hard All-Star Mode. The CPUs possess perfect execution and perfect double-teams. Very irritating.


-Fire Emblem: I'm almost beating a hard chapter, when one enemy gains a Critical Hit. Or when an axeman kills a swordsman with a 3% hit chance...


-Pokémon Stadium 1/2: That filthy CPU cheats. My Thunders miss when I most need them. Their Thunders are Critical Hits most of the time. Such underhanded tactics made me almost rip the pillows around me in half.


Those are the ones I remember right now.

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Cod 4 - whenever I play Amubush I get camped right back into my base. Which is when the airstrikes and grenades begin to rain down, and I can't last 2 seconds before dying. Argh!. Also on the same game, when everyone throws arbitary grenades on the same level, halfway across the map that kill me randomly.

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Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. I don't think it's a very hard game, but I couldn't finish one of the levels once, and I had been banging and clapping for a lifetime, so I got really annoyed and just punched my pillow for a while (possibly thinking it was Donkey Kong or the game creator lol).



Events that spring to mind are:


1. Unlocking the Master levels (Master Level 3 - argh) in the original Super Monkey Ball for GC.

2. Every other moment in every other Super Monkey Ball game.


Let's all spare a thought for those poor souls who persevered long enough to get the fabled 9999 Play Points - achieved by finishing Expert, Expert Extra and Master levels (70 rock hard levels) in one go without losing a single life.

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Almost every game makes me mad at some point.


Anything with bad programing really makes me mad though. For instance if you land on the edge of a platform but the game thinks you just missed it.


Also the older castlevania games when an enemy hits you and you fall into a pit.


Oh and when I die in kid icarus.

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most games from the old days before passwords/saves or better yet ones with stupidly long passwords of assortments of capitals,lower case numbers and symobls ! no matter how carefully you copied it down , was all a lie and wouldnt work anyway

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F-Zero GX. When I finally won the finally GP on the hardest difficult, I very nearly came. The Arcade story mode meanwhile, remain some kind of perverse monstrosity that only drugged super-freaks can complete on hard or higher.


Holy crap, I forgot F-Zero GX.


Story Mode Mission 7 on Very Hard:



-70% of the track are stage hazards;


-20% of the track is extremely thin and/or doesn't have ledges;


-Only one short recovery point;


-Plenty of hard curves;


-The other racers are out for YOUR blood;


-Blackshadow is unbeatable. If you don't kill him early, you'll never catch up with him.



I still don't know how I beat it, but I recall that day where I felt happier than ever.


Mission 5 is also hard, but not nearly as frustrating.

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F-Zero GX is a bitch. Me and my brother just haven't beat mission 7 and the one where you race against Deathborn on very hard.


I spend countless time on mission 5 on very hard. That damned final door was frustrating as hell. Just when I thought I beat it, I crashed on it.


Having all endings also consume me much time and can be quite frustrating.

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Command and Conquer's, online games in general :D

Yeah....the C&Cs end up being annoying because people are too quick, or have too much of an advantage with certain things etc.

The Araura (?sp?) on C&C Generals is cheap as fuck!!!



Mario Bros 3. - Hard, Hard, Hard.

New Super Mario Bros. - You get past a hard bit, then lose before a save point.

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